Raven the Forgotten's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Awesome, I will definitely look into those. Thanks so much for the really helpful advice!

Thanks! Good advice. Everyone we play with, including my husband and I, are complete newbs. The only thing is with those modules you listed our characters will already be level 5 when we're done with the Beginner Box. Would those still work even if we're higher level? Or do most people start new Characters once they are out of the beginner box?


My husband's birthday is coming up soon and we are also almost done with the beginners box. Any advice on what I could buy him so we can continue our pathfinder experiences?

Right now we have:
Beginners Box
Game Mastery Guide
Core Rulebook

ETA: Oh, it might also be helpful to know he is our GM.