
Rav Raider's page

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Asuet wrote:

I don't think ancestries need a fix. Getting ancestry feats over the course of the character's career adds an aspect of characterprogression and a even a chance for giving a character more depth.

So many possibilities. I'm really getting annoyed by all the people who want everything from the start. I assume because they are used to it from other systems and older editions. I think the way it is handled in this edition is refreshing and very appealing to me.

But a lot of these things aren't exciting to progress into, or might not make a lot of sense for it to be something you suddenly acquire. How did my dwarf suddenly gain stonecunning at 5th level without a teacher? Oh it's because dwarves are just naturally good at that? Well then why couldn't he do that at level 1? Oh because he resists poison, ok. I can see how being resistant to poison would prevent you from having common ancestral knowledge passed on by all the dwarves you knew growing up.

Oh nobody in the party died, so sorry elf, you really shouldn't take forlorn, because it doesn't make sense. Oh you're 300 years old and lots of people have died in your past? Why didn't you have it before? Oh you didn't have it before because you were too busy making sure you could hear things well or you'd never be able to do that in the future, since it's a heritage feat.

Having these things built in to the ancestry may take away from the progression, sure, but that's not the end of the world. There's lots of other things your character can progress in (that are likely to make more sense, like the class features you're learning as you practice them, rather than ancestral knowledge that's suddenly sprung into your head).