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Liberty's Edge

Ok so as I understand it making a +2 belt of strength to a belt of physical might +2 strength and constitution. You would need the feat: craft wondrous item, bulls strength and bears endurance spells. The DC for spellcraft would be 17. Ok with that said, I am a bard with out the spells but have access to a Wizard follower who can cast them. Is the Spellcraft DC still 17 or is it 27 (because I am not casting them)? Other question can I use scrolls in place of Wizard? If so the question is do you only need the spells once(hence using a scroll) or every day the spells have to be cast? If can use scroll does DC stay 17?

Liberty's Edge

I have a level 6 Wizard with craft wand feat. I want to craft a Cure Serious Wounds wand. I do not have it on my spell list so can I enlist the aid of a fellow party member (a 8th level bard or 5th level cleric) to cast the spell? If so the spellcraft DC would be 5+5(caster level of spell)+5(not having spell on my list)=15? Time to make 12 days and cost 1/2 of 11250 (5625gp). If the bard helped it would still be CL5 but time to make would be 16 days and 15750gp(7875gp), right? If all of this is correct I can add +5 to DC to finish it in 1/2 the time and DC of Spellcraft check would now be a DC 20? Again, if everything above is correct then can I have them Aid Another with a DC 10 for a +2 (+4 for both of them helping)?

Liberty's Edge

It is not exactly stated in the rules that more than 1 person can make use a Meta-magic rod in a 24 hour period. Simply stated, if character A uses a Lesser Extend MM rod with his Bears Endurance, then hands it off to Character B, who then uses its 2nd use to extend a Heat metal spell, then it still has 1 more use and anyone can use it. As long as it is not used more than 3x/day it should be able to be used in this way. Is this wrong?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Looking for a couple more players in an ongoing, every other Friday night, Rise of the Runelords game. They are set to start the third chapter. If interested please contact me here or at my email address.

Liberty's Edge

I believe I am correct in my calculations of crafting this magic armor but need a definite answer. Let us say I have a 7th level wizard with craft arms and armor. I want to make a +1 mithral breastplate with spell resistance 13. The cost to make would be 8700gp (have to buy mithral breastplate outright as I cannot craft it) and the DC to craft the magic armor would be Dc:30 (DC base 5+15(CL level of adding SR:13 is 15)+5(not having the spell:Spell resistance)+5(as I am level 7 and need to be level 9 caster to make a +3 item) for a total of DC:30). Is this correct or am I missing anything?

Liberty's Edge

Hi my name is Marc and i am looking to run or play in a game(Pathfinder,4th edition,1st edition...etc.) on Friday night or Saturday. I have a lot of expereince running and playing so dont mind doing either. Please contact me here or email marcmit@yahoo.com.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I ran as a player through this adventure and decided to take the Acrimony veil presented as items attainable in loot. The question i have is on the 3-4 Tier it has it as 13,500gp or 6750gp plus 18pp. On the 6-7 it says 6750gp but no pp cost. We ran the 6-7 tier so my question is: I can spend 6750gp and have it or do i still need to spend 13,500gp or 6750gp and 18pp, as well on this tier?

Liberty's Edge

Can you in society have empowered gravity bow? So if you can and I have a heavy repeating crossbow(with the exoctic weapon feat, of course) i would do 2d8 damage and 50% more of that correct?

Liberty's Edge

A question came up that a synthesis summoner can cast mage armor on him/herself while fused with eidolon and the eidolion get the mage armo bonus. I thought he doesnt unless the spell is cast ON the Eidolon in which it gets armor bonus but summoner doesnt recieve it. meaning if Eidolon dies and is sent back the summoner must recast it on him/herself.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I was under the impression that if I run a Tier 1-7 adventure, and the group i run does the sub-tier 1-2, and I want to give the credit to my 6th level character I have to use the tier 1-2 rewards. Is this correct as this is what we all(at our gameshop)assumed? I was reading over the GtPSOP and it says(under gamemaster awards) "The character recieves, +1(1/2)xp, 100% max. gold for the sub tier most appopriate to gm's character for that character advancement track, and max avaialable PAs. So i could get the 6-7 tier gold even though the others got tier 1-2. Does that mean i can purchase items from the tier 6-7 list as well. I know i cannot do day jobs but I can buy and purchase at the end of the scenerio as well.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I looked at the FAQ cocerning gaining more spells for your spellbook and wanted to get a clarification.

If during a adventure i come across a spell on a scroll i can copy into my book, i can (time permitting and DM consent) copy the spell into my spellbook. This removes the spell from the scroll and i have to pay the cost and make the spellcraft roll. I can also afterwards buy a scroll of a spell and do the same. Is this all correct?

Also, what if i come across a spellbook with spells in it? Can I do the same and spend the money and make the spellcraft roll? If it isnt on the chronicle sheet i cant copy it after the adventure can I? Once you go to next adventure for sure you cannot do it.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I just moved to Columbus Mississippi and looking for a group or start a group. I am experienced player/DM and want to play Pathfinder(society), 4E, 3.5, 1E DND or maybe Deadlands(or whatever else is going on). If you are interested please email me ay marcmit@yahoo.com. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

I have not seen anywhere that you can change a Cleric domain once chosen. It would be interesting to be able to change a domain or add an extra domain, lets say through a feat. I think in 3.5 rules there was a feat or prestige class that allowed an extra domain.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

I noticed in the updated PFSguidelines that 2 traits that were not allowed in the previous version, Sacred Touch and Focused Mind are now available? Is this true or a misprint? I know the 2.2 version is due out very soon so will check that out as well when it comes out.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

We were playing last night and a question came up regarding a Liberation domain ability.

I have a cleric of Desna with the liberation domain and I am 8th level. First off is using the domain granted powers of Liberation they are (Su) abilities. The question is what action to use them are they? According to rules on pg. 186 "Supernatural abilities (Su) is usually a standard action(unless defined otherwise by the abilities description). It is pretty clear but looking at other domain granted powers, some say standard action in the text. It just seems that there is an arguement they can be swift or free actions to use.

The other question is using the granted power at 8th level Freedom's Call. The situation is that 3 party members are grappled by Dire Bears. On my turn i use my granted power from the Liberation domain "Freedom's Call". It states I emit a 30' aura of freedom. In that aura allies are not affected by the confused, grappled, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, pinned or shaken conditions. It suppresses them for 8 rounds (if i choose to go that long). Alright, with that said, on the players next turn are they still grappled and have to make a roll to break it or can they do normal actions? Meaning move away from the grapple (and since they do there is no grappled condition anymore so are not grappled), use full attack actions, cast spells normally, etc.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

During a scenario(for PFS) this weekend on my gameday I had a interesting dilemma occur in my round(game). The party had just defeated an enemy during one of the encounters who was dropped to negative HPs but not dead. They needed some information from her about a cult they are persuing so they stripped her of weapons and tied her up. Then healed her to 1 hp and asked her some questions. She was not forthcoming so the Inquisitor of Desna (Alignment CG) used intimidate and succeeded and got the information they needed, then coup de graced her and killed her! She was tied up and helpless and gave them the information, but grudgingly. The Inquisitor said he was well within the guidelines of the character class as the enemy was evil and thier cult was opposed to her own faith. I said it was an evil act but he did not see it that way. Was it an evil act(I say it was)? What are the guidelines for the Inquisitor to serve judgement and impose there own rulings as they see fit. Also what are the guidelines that the other players and as a DM during a scenario when someone does a evil act be(as if a another player decided it was an evil act and an arguement ensued and they both fought then they both would be ejected from the round)? Is it within my right as the DM to say you just murdered a helpless opponent that could have been brought to the proper authorities and you must face the authorities? If another player insists it was an evil act and the DM agrees should they be brought to justice? This is a point in PFS that I think needs to be discussed. Some help and discussion on this would be very helpful in the future. I would like to here what should be done if someone commits an evil act and if they think it isnt should it be up to the DM to make a determination.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

First, if I run (eat) a season 0 round that only awards 1 PA(instead of 2 in season 1) do I still get the 1XP, +50% of gold given and 1 PA still? I think it was The mists of Mywlgi or something like that.

Second, this came up in one of the rounds i ran. One of the players lost 4 points of Intelligence from a yellow musk creeper. After the session he wanted to use 1 of his PA points to get a Lesser Restoration from the society. He did but got 3 back and used 1PA more to regain full INT again. The question is can he spend 2 points to get the 2 spells or just once per round and does he have to pay for the spellcasting services or just spend the 1PA only?

Liberty's Edge

I know this(Tome of secrets) is sold at Pazio and at my gameshop but it is from Adamant Entertainment. I cannotfind any errata for the book and the sections i am talking about is unclear. How would you all go by about ruling the DCs and making(creating) magic items?

Liberty's Edge

I am checking to make sure about the rule on cleaving.

When you want to cleave or great cleave as a standard action you must say you are doing it. So if i want to as a full round action say attack 3 times on 1 enemy and on the first attack can i use cleave (great cleave) to attack other surrounding enemies or i have to say I am using 1 attack to Cleave/Great cleave?

We have been doing it as part of your normal attack as until now it had not mattered as most everyone had 1 attack. With that said does it apply to trip, bull rush (well that is different i guess) and so on?

Liberty's Edge 2/5

Ok we had this come up at the end of a round. A player has 9 PAs points and can afford up to 1500 gp in buying a item. He buys a Mithral chain shirt (1100gp), no big deal. Now it states you can at anytime buy a item of +1(since mithral items are considered MW quality already he doesnt have to pay the 150gp) so can he just spend the 1000gp to make it +1? It would really be 2100gp total which is over the 1500gp limit. We decided he cannot do it as the most he can spend is 1500gp on any and all items bought. Is that correct you have a limit of how many things you can buy totalling to 1500gp limit? Can he at the next game round actually just pay 1000gp and make it +1 mithral chain shirt? Trying to see what the correct usage for buying items (non-magic and magic).

Liberty's Edge 2/5

This came up in our gameday event and looking at the rules guide was wondering something. In the guide it has a list of PAs awards and the amount of an item you can buy. So at 9 PAs you can buy any item(magic or otherwise) in the corebook (or legal for play) that costs less than 1500gp or if you have 27 PAs anything under 11,750gp. If this is true do you expend PAs points? So if i have 28/28 and buy a Belt of Giant strength +2 (4000gp)(18PA to buy) do i end up with 10/28 points?

Liberty's Edge

The question i have in the new Pathfinder game is can a rogue use sneak attack on undead, constructs,etc. and same for critical strikes? In 3.5 you didnt get them so do you now?