Ratfolk Sage

Ratty GM's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Any chance we could get a sneak peek at what's included in the box?

Alright, so I think there is enough interest for me to post the recruitment thread. I'll get on that tonight or tomorrow and will link it here once it's up.

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Thaumascourge wrote:

Sounds interesting. Always wanted to mess around in Irrisen. However, you say that only Player and GM Core options are allowed. That does limit the classes available significantly - could you consider allowing some of the old CRB classes like barbarian, champion, monk and sorcerer at least?

Also, this is probably a no since you are learning the system, but are you considering using any variant rules/house rules during this campaign?

Consider me tentatively interested.

Having considered it more, I've decided I will allow any official PF2e content (so long as it makes sense with the setting), with the understanding that I might need to look things up from time to time. I realize now just how vast the character creation options are, and I think it makes more sense to not limit players.

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Reign of Winter is by far my favorite AP. I've successfully run it twice IRL (once PF1e once a 5e conversion), and I wanted to try it out in a play-by-post setting. This desire happens to coincide with my interest in learning PF2e. It is important to note, the Player and GM Core books are my introduction to 2e, and I'd like to stick to the content available in those books to start. If there's enough of an interest, I will make the recruitment post.

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It would absolutely take place on Golarion.

Since it seems there's enough interest, I'll put together a recruitment thread tomorrow!

Exactly what it says in the subject. I am trying to gauge the interest level for a 5e Kingmaker game, using the newly-reprinted AP and accompanying supplements. Let me know if there's interest, and I will post a proper recruitment thread!