Warden Rogard Hammerfell

Raskel Graniteheart's page

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HP 67 | AC 21 | F +11 R +9 W +10 | Perc +10 | Stealth +1 | 25ft |


Reactions: attack of opportunity, call on ancient blood, reactive shield, shield block + aggressive block


NG (male) dwarf (ancient-blooded) fighter 4 |

About Raskel Graniteheart

Raskel Graniteheart
Ethnicity: ergaksen
Nationality: Five Kings Mountains
Birthplace: the region formerly known as Lastwall
Age: 50
Gender & Pronouns: male he/him
Physical Appearance: reddish blonde hair; beard tied in a single thick braid that reaches his belt buckle; hair tied in to five thick braids that run down his back to his elbows; a heavy brow that overhangs dark eyes and a broad, pointed nose.

dwarf (ancient-blooded)
lost and alone
fighter; Level: 4; Experience: 0
medium medium, humanoid, dwarf
Follower of Torag

Hero points: 2

Perception: +10 (2 (wis) +8 (prof) + (item)) [E]
Special Senses: darkvision

HP 67/67 (5 temporary HP from Stalwart's Ring)
AC: 21 (10 +1 (dex) +6 (prof) +4 (item)) [T]
Shield: +2 Hardness 5 Max HP 20 / BT 10 Current HP 20/20

Unarmored: [T], Light: [T], Medium: [T], Heavy: [T]

Fortitude: +11 (3 (con) +8 (prof) + (item)) [T]
Reflex: +9 (1 (dex) +8 (prof) + (item)) [E]
Will: +10 (2 (wis) +8 (prof) + (item)) [T]
Bravery: When you roll a success at a Will save against a fear effect, you get a critical success instead. In addition, anytime you gain the frightened condition, reduce its value by 1.

Call on Ancient Blood <R>
Trigger You attempt a saving throw against a magical effect, but you haven't rolled yet.
Effect Your ancestors’ innate resistance to magic surges, before slowly ebbing down. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering saving throw.


Class DC: 20 (10 +4 (key stat) +6 (prof) + (item)) [T]

Speed: 25

Melee Strikes
[1d20+13 warhammer (potency rune)][2d8+4 bludgeoning, magic]

[1d20+13-2 shield spike, double slice][2d6+4 piercing]

[1d20+12 clan dagger, agile, parry][1d4+4 bludgeoning/piercing]

Ranged Strikes
[Dice=javelin, dex, expert]1d20 +1 +8[/dice]
[Dice={P} thrown]1d6+4[/dice]

Weapon Proficiencies
Simple: [E], Martial: [E], Other (weapon): [T]


Acrobatics: +1 = 1 (dex) + (prof) + (item) -0 (armor) []
Arcana: +0 = 0 (int) + (prof) + (item) []
Athletics: +12 = 4 (str) +8 (prof) + (item) -0 (armor) [E] fighter + Lastwall Sentry
Crafting: +6 = 0 (int) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] dwarven lore ancestry feat
Deception: -1 = -1 (cha) + (prof) + (item) []
Diplomacy: -1 = -1 (cha) + (prof) + (item) []
Intimidation: +7 = -1 (cha) +8 (prof) + (item) [E] background
Lore (dwarven): +6 = 0 (int) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] dwarven lore ancestry feat
Lore (undead): +6 = 0 (int) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] Lastwall Sentry dedication feat
Lore (warfare): +6 = 0 (int) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] background
Medicine: +8 = 2 (wis) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] fighter
Nature: +8 = 2 (wis) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] fighter
Occultism: +0 = 0 (int) + (prof) + (item) []
Performance: -1 = -1 (cha) + (prof) + (item) []
Religion: +8 = 2 (wis) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] dwarven lore ancestry feat
Society: +0 = 0 (int) + (prof) + (item) []
Stealth: +1 = 1 (dex) + (prof) + (item) -0 (armor) []
Survival: +8 = 2 (wis) +6 (prof) + (item) [T] fighter
Thievery: +1 = 1 (dex) + (prof) + (item) -0 (armor) []

STR 18
DEX 12
CON 16
INT 10
WIS 14

Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Special 1st: darkvision
Heritage 1st: call on ancient blood
1st: dwarven lore

Skill Feats
Background: intimidating glare
2: assurance (intimidation)
4: titan wrestler

General Feats
3: Fleet

Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: attack of opportunity
Feature 1st: shield block
1st: double slice
2nd: Lastwall Sentry
Bonus: reactive shield (Lastwall Sentry bonus)
Feature 3rd: bravery
4th: aggressive block

Bonus Feats
shield block

Combat Gear:
80s breastplate (2 bulk)
20s steel shield (1 bulk)
20s clan dagger (L)
10s warhammer (1 bulk)
05s shield spikes (--)
05s 5x javelin (5L)

Magic Items:
LOOT (350sp) +1 potency rune (applied to warhammer)
LOOT (650sp) +1 striking rune (applied to warhammer)
500sp doubling rings
GIFT (1600sp) Stalwart's Ring

Other Gear:
07s adventurer's pack: backpack (containing the other goods), bedroll, two belt pouches, 10 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, 50 feet of rope, 2 weeks’ rations, soap, 5 torches, and a waterskin (2)
01s grappling hook (L)
00.1s sheath for clan dagger (--)

Bulk: 6 (Encumbered at: 9 = 5 +4 (str); Maximum at: 14 = 10 +4 (str))

Coins: 9 copper 1 silver 0 gold 0 platinum