Rareness's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

So like the title says I am trying to make a new Inquisitor..

I would like to have the Fire Domain, Enforcer Feat at lvl1 and Blade of Mercy trait. I would like to be melee focused.

I would like to know from you guys what the Ideal starting stats would be and help me to outline from 1-10 what additional trait, feats, ability score bonuses, spells to take, skills to focus on etc

In combat what skills, combat maneuvers and actions best serve this class? [basically a quick rundown and inspiration on how best to play this class from those of you that have experience with the Inquisitor]

I am semi new to pathfinder and really looking to get into it with this character. Previously I played a paladin and I really loved the politics and dealings with the church, and I am looking forward to the moral flexibility of the Inquisitor..

Thanks for your time and help guys :D