Our DM is allowing us to Gestalt any combination of Pathfinder class or PRC with any combination of class in 3.5E.
The setting is our group is going to descend into a dungeon that leads them through 4 levels of hell. The difficulty is going to be very high and almost everything is randomly rolled. So it is a mix of premade and roguelike in design. The party members will have no access to stores, but will have the opportunity to craft, enchant, etc. They just require the wits and ingenuity to find those materials and use them properly. We may be allowed to take LA+1 maybe 2 characters with point buy off at level 1. We are rolling our stats and can reroll anything 10 or lower.
So I open this up to the community here. For something of the intended level of difficulty, what do you recommend as the best/most powerful class combinations.
As of now I know of one player in the group who is wanting to be a Synthesist Summoner/Magus. Other than that, no idea. Cheese is welcome and encouraged for this as long as it is legal RAW.
Appreciate the help.