
Raolf Ironknuckle's page

9 posts. Alias of Hack Anslash.


Male Dwarf | HP 21 / 21 | AC 17 | T 10 | FF 17 | F +5| R +0 | W +5 | Darkvision 60' | Int +4 | Perc +3 | CMB +3 | CMD 13 | (MW) Silver Warhammer: +5 Hit/+2 Damage, d8, x3

About Raolf Ironknuckle

Dwarf, Cleric of Torag 2

HP 21 (8 + Con +7 + Con + Favored Class (+2))
Fort +5 / Reflex +0 / Will +5
Initiative +4, Senses: Darkvision

AC 17 (10 + 5 (Scalemail) + 2 (Shield)] 17 Flat Footed / 10 Touch
BAB +1, CMD: 13 , CMB: +3

53 yrs old, 5’1” / 162 lbs.
Reddish-Brown / Green Eyes

Str 14 (+2) Dex 10 (+0) Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Wis 15 (+2) Chr 12 (+1)

MW Silver Warhammer: +5 Hit/+2 Damage, d8, x3

Crossbow: +1 Hit, d8, 19/20 x2, 80’


Racial Bonus: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Chr

Slow and Steady: Movement base 20’ regardless of encumberment

Defensive Training: +4 AC Dodge bonus vs Giant subtype

Hardy: +2 racial bonus vs Poison, Spells, and Spell-like abilities

Iron Citizen: +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive. Replaces Stability.

Greed: +2 racial bonus to Appraise gems and precious metals.

Stone Cunning +2 Perception on Traps or Doors hidden in stonework.

Darkvision See 60’ in the dark

Hatred: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls vs Orcs and Goblins

Weapon Familiarity: Battle Axes, Heavy Picks, and Warhammers, and any “Dwarf” weapon.



Saves: Fort +3 / Reflex +0 / Will +3 (At 2nd level)

Aura: Good

Channel Energy 1d6: (DC 12) 4/day, 30’ radius

Domains: Archon, Defense

Spontaneous Casting: The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name.

Favored Class Bonus: Add +1 Skill point, +1 HP, and + ½ level use of Domain Power per day, every time character levels in Favored class (Cleric).


Ranks per level: 3 / Skill points spent: 6

Adventuring Skills:

+3 Diplomacy
+6 Heal
+0 Knowledge: Arcana
+4 Knowledge: Religion
+3 Perception
+8 Sense Motive
+6 Spellcraft

Background Skills:

+5 Profession: Soldier, +5 Linguistics: Draconic

Proficiency: Simple Weapons, Dwarven Weapons, Light & Medium Armor
Language: Common, Dwarven, Draconic



Improved Initiative: You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.


Ancestral Weapon (Silver Warhammer):
You begin play with a masterwork melee weapon made of the material of your choice. You must be proficient with this weapon, and its combined cost cannot exceed 500 gp. You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls with weapons made of the selected material.

Battlefield Caster (Torag):
You receive a +1 trait bonus on concentration checks to cast defensively and a +1 trait bonus to AC against attacks provoked by or readied against spellcasting.



Archon (Good):
Touch of Good: You can touch a creature as a standard action, granting a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half your cleric level (minimum 1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (5 + 1

Spells: 1st - Divine Favor, 2nd - Align Weapon (Good), 3rd - Prayer

Defense (Protection):

Deflection Aura: Once* each day, you can emit a 20- foot aura for a number of rounds equal to your cleric level. Allies within the aura gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC and combat maneuver defense. (*May use twice/day, Favored Class Bonus)

Spells: 1st - Shield, 2nd - Barkskin, 3rd - Protection from Energy


Orisons: 4 / Domain: 1 / 1st: 3*
*High Wis Bonus

Spells Prepared:
(4) Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic, Stabilize

Domain: Shield

1st: (3) Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Favor


Equipment: (140 gp starting funds)

Scalemail Armor: AC +5, 50 gp, 30 lbs, -4 Penalty
Hvy. Wooden Shield: AC +2, 7 gp, 10 lbs., -2 Penalty
MW Silver Warhammer: d8, FREE, x3, 5 lbs
Dagger: d4, 4 gp, 19/20 x2, 10’, 2lb
Lt. Crossbow: d8, 35 gp, 19/20 x2, 80’, 4 lb
Bolts (20), 1 gp, 3 lbs

Cleric's Kit::
Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Candles (10), Holy Text, Flint & Steel, Mess Kit, 10' Rope, Soap, Spell Component Pouch, Torches(10), Trail Rations (5), Waterskin, Wooden Holy Symbol
16 gp, 32 lbs.

Traveler’s Outfit: 1 gp, 5 lbs

Total Weight Carried:
91 lbs

Total Cost:
36 gp / 0 sp / 0 cp



To be fair, I weren’t always a priest o’ Torag. Not even a little bit. For quite awhile there, I were travelin’ about as a mercenary soldier. Not a very good one, mind you. But it’s what it was. Our company got paid ta’ fight over in Taldo, and we fought. Didn’t really ask any questions or take sides. Wasn’t a lot of honor in it, despite all the high and mighty talk them nobles were tossin’ around.

Then came the day we got ambushed by them orcs a few days West of Maheto…only me an’ the elven scout survived, and then, it were mostly luck. He was off scoutin’, and I were just too stubborn ta’ die, apparently. Wounded, I were, layin’ bleeding and unconscious…likely to move on ta’ the next life, when a couple of priests o’ Torag came across us in their wagon, on the way to Maheto.

Saved me, they did. Hauled me up into their wagon, and took me on with them, all the time singing and tellin’ bawdy jokes and in between, fittin’ in the gospel o’ Torag, such as it is.

Ain’t much to tell after that. Once settled, I asked to stay on with the priests at their temple, at first out of a sense of obligation…to sort o’ pay them back. But after that? We’ll, they won me over. Torag did.

And after a proper amount o’ time and trainin’...what’s a few years ta’ a dwarf, eh? Well, here I am.