Rankle's page

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It wasn't a point buy haha. 4d6 drop the lowest and they all rolled pretty high. It's too late to start at level 1 and I wouldn't want to considering the campaign I wrote anyway. The ACs range from 11 to 20 haha. Someone is going to die, which I'm fine with, but I just don't want it to become a regular occurance.

Specifics: 2 fighters, 1 rogue, 1 monk, 1 cleric, 1 paladin, 1 bard, 1 sorcerer.

Their melee is going to be super buffed/powerful. If I focus on that the casters will be in trouble though.

If someone is willing, just write up a mock encounter you may run against this.

Hello, new DM about to start a campaign for the first time with 8(!)players. I just have a question on how people would handle creating encounters. What should be the main focus to make a huge party sweat? 1. Huge damage? 2. Hard to kill enemies? 3. Enviornmental hazards? 4. Attacking their weaknesses? They're all starting at level 7.

My problem is: option 1-people will die. 2-take forever and some characters will feel useless, people will die. 3-I guess I see no problem with this except tactical fights are very long(but i love them) 4- people will die/possible party wipe.

I know a good mix of everything will do just fine, but it's very hard for me to judge how most fights are going to go with that many people. Maybe someone has some experience with big parties and how to keep it interesting without just murdering people? I would love to hear your take and maybe any formulas that can help me create the rest of my battles.

I get what you're saying with Vital Strike. It just might be too good considering that in the few practice fights I've run with them they were destroying weapons in 2 attacks anyway. I'm ok with them expending a little energy on completely changing the battle. Don't really want them one shotting everything or for myself to be altering battles drastically to punish them for sundering. So I guess the way I'd rule VS sundering would be that it works for weapons that specifically sunder. Like the swordbreaker could VS weapons and the meteor hammer could VS armor only. Something like that.

Oh and thanks for clearing up the AoO thing. I figured that's how it was.

Thanks for the input guys. So basically It will work anytime time with any attack, simple enough. I guess the only combo I will rule against is Vital Strike. Although I'm not sure if that's even a big deal. Thanks for clearing my head on the matter and for breaking it down for me Bob.

Hello, first post and I'm about to run my first campaign. "Attack action" is killing me on this. In what instances can you sunder? Charge? Vital Strike? Whirlwind attack? every attack on your full attack? The more I think about it the more undecided I become and it's going to become vital in the campaign.