About Raneshi GlyphRaneshi Glyph
Items (10th: 1, 9th: 2, 8th: 1, 7th: 2 500 gp; 3,200 gp)
Melee (E)
Divine Prepared Spells (T) DC 27, +17; Cantrips (6th) needle darts, sigil Divine Focus Spells (T) DC 27, +17: charged javelin (6d6, 6 persistent) Runic Repertoire (E) DC 30
ATRYL, RUNE OF FIRE RUNE 1 FIRE PRIMAL RUNE RUNESMITH Usage drawn on a creature or object This rune is often placed on a stone in a hearth to ensure a fire does not go out in the night, its power enabling even stone to burn. The bearer’s fire resistance, if any, is reduced by 6. Its immunities are unaffected. Invocation The bearer takes 2d6 fire damage, with a basic Fortitude save; on a critical failure, they are dazzled for 1 round. Level (+2) The reduction in fire resistance increases by 1, and the damage of the invocation increases by 2d6. (11, 12d6) ESVADIR, RUNE OF WHETSTONES RUNE 1
ZOHK, RUNE OF HOMECOMING RUNE 1 ARCANE RUNE RUNESMITH Usage drawn on a creature This circular mark is meant to allow travelers to always find their way home. The target gains a +15-foot status bonus to their Speeds, but only when their movement would end closer to you than they started their turn. Invocation (teleportation) You call the rune-bearer to your side. You teleport the target to any unoccupied square ICHELSU, RUNE OF OBSERVATION RUNE 9 OCCULT RUNE RUNESMITH Usage drawn on a creature A ring of dotted circles, this rune allows a creature marked with it to see all. The target is affected by see the unseen and gains all-around vision, which prevents it from being flanked.
JURROZ, RUNE OF DRAGON FURY RUNE 9 DRAGON MAGICAL RUNE RUNESMITH Usage etched onto a creature or armor This angular rune channels the fury of dragon kind.
KOJASTRI, RUNE OF INSULATION RUNE 9 ARCANE RUNE RUNESMITH Usage drawn on armor This rune insulates from harmful energy of all kinds. The creature wearing the armor gains resistance 5 to your choice of cold, electricity, or fire, and any creature that touches them or damages them with an unarmed attack or non-reach melee weapon takes 2d6 damage. The rune has the trait of the energy type chosen and deals damage of that type.
INVOKE RUNE [one-action] INVOCATION MAGICAL RUNESMITH You utter the name of one or more of your runes within 30 feet. The rune blazes with power, applying the effect in its Invocation entry. The rune then fades away, its task completed. You can invoke any number of runes with a single Invoke Rune action, but creatures that would be affected by multiple copies of the same specific rune are affected only once, as normal for duplicate effects. TRACE RUNE [one-action] OR [two-actions] CONCENTRATE MAGICAL MANIPULATE RUNESMITH Requirements You have a hand free or are holding an artisan’s toolkit. Your fingers dance, glowing light leaving behind the image of a rune. You apply one rune to an adjacent target matching the rune’s Usage description. The rune remains until the end of your next turn. If you spend 2 actions to Trace a Rune, you draw the rune in the air and it appears on a target within 30 feet. You can have any number of runes applied in this way. RESTORATIVE TELEPORTATION [reaction] HEALING Frequency once per minute Trigger You arrive at a location via a teleportation effect Effect When you reappear after the teleportation, your body takes advantage of the teleportation to put itself back together in a healthier state, and you restore a number of Hit Points equal to 1d6 plus your level plus your Intelligence modifier Crafting Formulas
Ancestry Feats
Class Feats
Archetype Feats
General Feats
Skill Feats
Skill Increases
ENGRAVING STRIKE [one-action] FEAT 1 RUNESMITH Frequency once per round Requirements You are wielding a melee weapon. You draw a rune onto the surface of your weapon in reverse, the mark branding or bruising itself into your target in the moment of impact. Make a melee strike with the weapon. On a success, you Trace a Rune onto the target of the Strike FORTIFYING KNOCK [one-action] FEAT 2 RUNESMITH Frequency once per round Requirements You are wielding a shield. Your shield is a natural canvas for your art. In one motion, you Raise a Shield and Trace a Rune on your shield. BACKUP RUNIC ENHANCEMENT FEAT 1 RUNESMITH While you are not a spellcaster, you have a working knowledge of the most fundamental of runic magic. You can cast the sigil cantrip as an innate spell at will. Once per day, you can cast your choice of either runic body or runic weapon as an innate spell. The rank of these spells is equal to half your level, rounded up, and the tradition can be any tradition for which you are at least trained in the related skill. GHOSTLY RESONANCE FEAT 4
RUNIC REPRISAL FEAT 6 INVOCATION RUNESMITH Prerequisites Fortifying Knock When you raise your shield, you bury a runic trap into it, to be set off by the clash of an enemy weapon. When you use Fortifying Knock, you can trace a damaging rune on your shield, even if it could not normally be applied to a shield. The traced rune doesn’t have its normal effect, instead fading into your shield. If you Shield Block with the shield against an adjacent target, you can Invoke the Rune as part of the reaction, causing the rune to detonate outwards and apply its invocation effect to the attacking creature. TRACING TRANCE [free-action] FEAT 6 RUNESMITH Trigger Your turn begins. Your hands flow unbidden, tracing runes as if by purest instinct. You become quickened until the end of your turn and can use the extra action only to Trace Runes, including to supply 1 action if using the 2-action version of Trace Rune. Absorbed in the act of creation, you can’t use any invocation actions this turn. OATH OF THE DEFENDER FEAT 2
Other Specials:
Assured Runic Crafter 9th You’re so used to tracing and etching runes in the field that when given the peace and quiet of a proper workshop, it’s hard for things to go astray. When you roll a check to Craft a magic item in downtime (Player Core 236) and that item is a permanent rune, you get the outcome one degree of success better than the result of your Crafting check Background:
PORTAL SCHOLAR BACKGROUND Candlaron’s legacy is one of the strongest elven legacies on Golarion and beyond, for it was he who first created the aiudara—the network of magical portals that link Kyonin to Castrovel and so many other locations across Golarion. Most of these portals are located in the Inner Sea region, where Candlaron spent the majority of his time. Now that he’s long gone, the particulars of how to create new aiudara has eluded discovery, causing some elven scholars to believe that there was something unique to Candlaron’s mind or soul that allowed for his ability to craft and enchant so many portals throughout different regions and worlds. Even Treerazer himself hasn’t cracked that magical code, although not for lack of trying. At least one aiudara, the remote archway known now as Tanglegate, lies deep in his territory. As one of countless scholars of these portals, you’ve spent much of your time studying Candlaron’s techniques, as well as the complex fundamentals of a wide range of teleportation magics and effects. Whether you seek to find a way to build portals of your own, hope to bolster the aiudara network from further tampering from Treerazer, or are simply enthralled by the supernatural rush of vanishing from reality only to reappear in the same instant somewhere else, portals have long fascinated you. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost. You’re trained in the Arcana skill and the Architecture Lore skill. You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat, and also gain the following reaction RESTORATIVE TELEPORTATION [reaction] HEALING Frequency once per minute Trigger You arrive at a location via a teleportation effect Effect When you reappear after the teleportation, your body takes advantage of the teleportation to put itself back together in a healthier state, and you restore a number of Hit Points equal to 1d6 plus your level plus your Intelligence modifier |