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When Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas, a group of mentally challenged children were having an easter egg hunt on the Governor's mansion lawn. The children were having a hard time finding the eggs. Hillary became impatient and was overheard asking "When are they going to get those F****** retards out of here"?

Hillary called sweet, innocent children 'F****** retards'. The mentally challenged have a hard time in life and bullies like Hillary don't help. I went to school with some mentally challenged kids. One of them couldn't even talk. He could only communicate by making sounds. Hillary is a bully and nobody likes a bully.

Many people like to complain about Donald Trump being racist but they may not be aware that Hillary Clinton is racist as well. Hillary was a Goldwater Girl. The Goldwater Girl organization opposed the 1964 Civil Rights act. Hillary was a member of an organization that opposed equal rights for black Americans, And she had the gall to say that she is proud to have been a Goldwater Girl.

Also, Margaret Sanger said these following words: "Colored people are like human weeds and need to be exterminated". Hillary said these following words about Sanger: "I admire Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision". Hillary admires a woman who said that black people should be destroyed. That is disgusting.