
Random Brown's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Liberty's Edge

I'm looking for an adventure path to run for my gaming group, consisting of my four kids aged 9-15.

So far most of the APs I've looked at have much content I couldn't cleanse away without making it pointless (even the backstory in Burnt Offerings is too much).

Legacy of Fire seems a likely candidate from other threads in this vein, with clear good = good, bad = bad, but I like the idea of the winter theme more.

I don't mind combat and scary monsters for the kids (Carrion Crown is TOO scary).

Can anyone with experience of this AP comment?

Thanks in advance, and thanks for not directing me to play 'Toon' instead...

Liberty's Edge

In reading various online resources for newer DMs, I find I'm running across a consistent opinion that v3.5 gets really complicated at higher levels. For example, one poster at PenandPaperPortal mentioned, "As a DM, it brought back the simplicity that 3.5 lost (at higher levels in 3.5, monsters and characters have so many abilities and scores to track that combat bogs the game down to a crawl)."

Has anyone tested out higher-level play using the PF beta? As I mentioned in another thread, I'm enjoying the simplicity and balance of 4e, but I would really rather use Paizo's adventure paths, iconics, and the Golarion setting.

Just curious if anyone has an opinion or ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Hi All,

I'm an old-guard (38 is old for a gamer, right?) 1st-edition AD&D player who left the RPG world when D&D 3rd was released (I couldn't get past the pronoun-swapping, it just sounds WRONG).

Well I decided it's time to get back into the games, and while I love the simplicity and easy-to-DM nature of 4th edition, it doesn't feel like D&D to me. Fun, surely, but not what I was looking for.

I read through the Pathfinder Beta rules, and while I like what I see (except the pronoun switching is still there, darn tree-hugging hippy crap), it feels somewhat incomplete--are there any resources for new DMs wanting to start a PF game around?
