
Random Brown's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Liberty's Edge

No worries, these suggestions will eventually come in handy, I'm sure!

Liberty's Edge

captain yesterday wrote:

i'm running Reign of Winter for my wife and 9 year old daughter, how i will handle the soul bound doll, is it will not be Nadya's daughter, but some nameless peasant, i will give them a chance to rescue Nadya's daughter from the Pale Tower, beyond that its mostly good, there is a wicked old witch in book 2 that has a room full of kids she is going to feed to some trolls, but those are also easily rescued and the sexual themes are all easily down played or eliminated all together and aren't integral to the overall story.

overall Reign of Winter, with only a few tweaks here or there is surprisingly kid friendly, especially with its fairy tale elements.

Kingmaker is also a great choice, but can be very hard to find in book format.

I just download the pdf for RoW #1, and It's exactly what I'm looking for in an adventure path.

I hope the Paizo folks realize what an excellent marketing tool these boards are!!

Liberty's Edge

As long as I can make the 'non-standard' sexual themes go away without breaking the plot, I'm comfortable with a bit of 'grim in my Grimm's', as it were.

We read the original Little Mermaid to the young ones, so scary fairy tale level content is no problem.

Based on these responses, I think I'll take the plunge.

These boards are the best, thanks for the help!

Liberty's Edge

Mikaze wrote:

On the move at the moment, but child endangerment is kind of a thing in this AP.

It can be toned down if you need, but you'll have to put some work into it. Thankfully, these boards are a good resource for AP prep and adjustment. :)

(Kingmaker is another strong contender for a kid-friendly AP, depending on how the NPCs are played)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look at KM.

Actually child endangerment might serve as a good role playing fit for my daughter, who wants to play an Inquisitor of Caylen Cailean with the 'freedom fighter' trait!

Unless it's hopeless child endangerment?

Liberty's Edge

I'm looking for an adventure path to run for my gaming group, consisting of my four kids aged 9-15.

So far most of the APs I've looked at have much content I couldn't cleanse away without making it pointless (even the backstory in Burnt Offerings is too much).

Legacy of Fire seems a likely candidate from other threads in this vein, with clear good = good, bad = bad, but I like the idea of the winter theme more.

I don't mind combat and scary monsters for the kids (Carrion Crown is TOO scary).

Can anyone with experience of this AP comment?

Thanks in advance, and thanks for not directing me to play 'Toon' instead...

Liberty's Edge

Anyone remember this great spell from Kobolds Ate My Baby!:


Power Word: Buffet

With the single utterance of one magic word, the caster summons a feast from thin air -- including 1d6 pounds of sesame chicken, 3d4 pieces of slimy sushi, 1d8 spareribs, 2d12 pork dumplings and a gallon of vanilla soft-serve. This food is actually an illusion which will cause all kobolds to stop what they are doing and dig in.

Any kobold that eats this illusionary banquet immediately gets illusionary trichinosis, phantasmal food poisoning, and dewomer diarrhea.

Liberty's Edge

FenrysStar wrote:
I go to a furry con in CT in Oct...


Liberty's Edge

Piety Godfury wrote:
Never create a series of items named "Foeskin."

You owe me a new keyboard

Liberty's Edge

I'm using Golarion for the game I'm running for my kids and their neighborhood friends.

So far we're partway through D0 and they love it.

Golarion is great because it stays true to the classic feel of Tolkein and Gygax, while providing creative variations on the basic cultures/kingdoms.

Oh and it's not nearly as "angst-ey" as the FR.

Liberty's Edge

That's a beautiful book!

I pre-ordered mine from my FLGS last week. I'm going to have to keep it with me at work for the first few days so my kids won't swipe it before I can read it!

Liberty's Edge

I was reviewing the the "thief_thug" pdf, and saw something in the Combat stat block for the Riddleport Thug that confused me.

Can anyone clarify what the superscript "at will" or "S" tags next to the various attacks mean?

I thought those were 4e monikers...

Liberty's Edge

In reading various online resources for newer DMs, I find I'm running across a consistent opinion that v3.5 gets really complicated at higher levels. For example, one poster at PenandPaperPortal mentioned, "As a DM, it brought back the simplicity that 3.5 lost (at higher levels in 3.5, monsters and characters have so many abilities and scores to track that combat bogs the game down to a crawl)."

Has anyone tested out higher-level play using the PF beta? As I mentioned in another thread, I'm enjoying the simplicity and balance of 4e, but I would really rather use Paizo's adventure paths, iconics, and the Golarion setting.

Just curious if anyone has an opinion or ideas.

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:

[shameless plug]

Save this website in your bookmarks. It's in the process of some redesign and rework, but you'll be able to generate encounters, treasure, towns, NPC ideas, and access over 1300 stat blocks for easy use in your game.
[/shameless plug]
** spoiler omitted **
Oh, and WELCOME to the boards! Have some cookies! *hands out the virtual cookies*

Great resource, thanks!

*hmmm cookie*

Liberty's Edge

Turin the Mad wrote:

You're coming back on the very cusp of the release of the "final" publication of the Pathfinder Core Rules book at about 13th August. Might I suggest either acquiring the $10 PDF or the hardcover, or even getting the subscription pronto to get both of these for the book price alone ?

There are also web enhancements for the Beta rules, as well as various posts in the pertinent play-test threads incorporating revisions to the Beta rules. Versions, variations or mutations of all of these exact items (between the web enhancements and threads) in addition to the revisions you are getting 'sneak previews' of in the Paizo Blog are all being integrated into the finished product.

You could also try out HackMaster Basic (by Kenzerco) - which harkens back to much more "old skewl" in that the first book has levels 1 - 5 inclusively. Other alternative game systems abound based off of the d20 OGL as well.

Good luck! And welcome to the boards!

I downloaded the beta and I ordered the core book at my FLGS, so I'm ready to go as soon as August 13th comes. My players (currently my 11 and 10 year old kids and a few of their school friends) like the 4e adventure I'm running (KOS), but when my son saw and read the introduction to Rise of the Runelords, he asked me to run that instead!

My thought when I read the beta rules was that it targeted someone who already knew the 3.5 system--will the full book have more introductory material for the new (or newly-returning) DM?

Thanks again!

Liberty's Edge

Hi All,

I'm an old-guard (38 is old for a gamer, right?) 1st-edition AD&D player who left the RPG world when D&D 3rd was released (I couldn't get past the pronoun-swapping, it just sounds WRONG).

Well I decided it's time to get back into the games, and while I love the simplicity and easy-to-DM nature of 4th edition, it doesn't feel like D&D to me. Fun, surely, but not what I was looking for.

I read through the Pathfinder Beta rules, and while I like what I see (except the pronoun switching is still there, darn tree-hugging hippy crap), it feels somewhat incomplete--are there any resources for new DMs wanting to start a PF game around?
