
Raliscar Stoutaxe's page

428 posts. Alias of John Hathaway.



About Raliscar Stoutaxe


Raliscar Stoutaxe
NG Dwarf Ranger (Guide) 6
Favored Classes: Ranger (skill point)
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Max HP: 64 (10[HD]+3[Con])+12+8+12+11+8

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Con: 16 (+3)
Int: 11 (+0)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 11 (+0)

Stat Generation (20 point buy):

Str 12 (2 points)
Dex 15 (7 points) +1 @ lvl 4
Con 14 (5 points) +2 racial
Int 11 (1 points)
Wis 12 (2 points) +2 racial
Cha 13 (3 points) -2 racial

AC: 20 // Tch 13 // FF 17 (7 armor + 3 dex)
Fortitude: +9 (5 base + 3 Con + 1 Enhancement)
Reflex: +10 (5 base + 3 Dex +1 Trait + 1 Enhancement)
Will: +5 (2 base + 2 Wis + 1 Enhancement)

BAB: +6
CMB: +7 (BAB + Str Mod)
CMD: 20 (10 + CMB + Dex Mod)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft

Deft Dodger (combat): +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves
Seeker (social): +1 trait bonus on Perception checks

Lvl 1: Weapon Focus (Heavy Crossbow)
Rngr 2: Precise Shot
Lvl 3: Deadly Aim (-2/+4)
Rngr 3: Endurance
Lvl 5: Rapid Reload (heavy crossbow)
Lvl 6: Crossbow Mastery

Detailed Feats:

Weapon Focus: Prereqs: BAB +1, proficiency with weapon
You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon.

Precise Shot: Prereqs: waived
You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll.

Deadly Aim: Prereqs: Dex 13, BAB +1
You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all ranged attack rolls to gain a +2 bonus on all ranged damage rolls. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every +4 thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.

Endurace: Prereqs: n/a
You gain a +4 bonus on the following checks and saves: Swim checks made to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion; Constitution checks made to continue running; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from a forced march; Constitution checks made to hold your breath; Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation or thirst; Fortitude saves made to avoid nonlethal damage from hot or cold environments; and Fortitude saves made to resist damage from suffocation.
You may sleep in light or medium armor without becoming fatigued.

Rapid Reload (heavy crossbow): Prereqs: proficiency w/ crossbow
Benefit: The time required for you to reload your chosen type of crossbow is reduced to a free action (for a hand or light crossbow) or a move action (for a heavy crossbow). Reloading a crossbow still provokes an attack of opportunity.
If you have selected this feat for hand crossbow or light crossbow, you may fire that weapon as many times in a full-attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow.

Crossbow Mastery: Prereqs: waived
The time required for you to reload any type of crossbow is reduced to a free action, regardless of the type of crossbow used. You can fire a crossbow as many times in a full attack action as you could attack if you were using a bow. Reloading a crossbow for the type of crossbow you chose when you took Rapid Reload no longer provokes attacks of opportunity.

Detailed Skills:

Skill Points/level: 7 = 6(class) + 0(int) +1(fav class)
class skill // Armor Check Penalty = 3 // Total Ranks: 35

Acrobatics: +0 = +0(ranks) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Appraise: +0/2 = +0(ranks) +0(int) +2(racial)
Bluff: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)
Climb: -2 = +0(ranks) +1(str) -3(ACP)
Craft: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Diplomacy: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)
Disable Device: +0 = +0(ranks) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Disguise: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)
Escape Artist: +0 = +0(ranks) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Fly: +0 = +0(ranks) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Handle Animal: +10 = +5(ranks) +3(trained) +2(wis)
Heal: +10 = +5(ranks) +3(trained) +2(wis)
Intimidate: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)
Knowledge (Arcana): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering): +4 = +1(ranks) +3(trained) +0(int)
Knowledge (Engineering): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Geography): +9 = +6(ranks) +3(trained) +0(int)
Knowledge (History): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Local): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Nature): +9 = +6(ranks) +3(trained) +0(int)
Knowledge (Nobility): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Planes): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Knowledge (Religion): +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Linguistics: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(int)
Perception: +12/14 = +6(ranks) +3(trained) +2(wis) +1(trait) +2(racial)
Perform: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)
Profession: +2 = +0(ranks) +2(wis)
Ride: +5 = +2(ranks) +3(trained) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Sense Motive: +2 = +0(ranks) +2(wis)
Spellcraft: +5 = +2(ranks) +3(trained) +0(int)
Stealth: +9 = +6(ranks) +3(trained) +3(dex) -3(ACP)
Survival: +11/14 = +6(ranks) +3(trained) +2(wis) +3(class)
Swim: +4 = +3(ranks) +3(trained) +1(str) -3(ACP)
Use Magic Device: +0 = +0(ranks) +0(cha)

Ranger Class Abilities:

Ranger's Focus (Ex):At 1st level, once per day, the guide can focus on a single enemy within line of sight as a swift action. That creature remains the ranger's focus until it is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or surrenders, or until the ranger designates a new focus, whichever occurs first. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target of his focus. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2.
At 4th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the ranger can use this ability one additional time per day. This ability replaces favored enemy.

Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.

Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Combat Style (Crossbow) (Ex): If the ranger selects crossbow style, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat: Deadly Aim, Focused Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Reload. At 6th level, he adds Crossbow Mastery and Improved Precise Shot to the list. At 10th level, he adds Pinpoint Targeting and Shot on the Run to the list.

Endurance: A ranger gains Endurance as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

Favored Terrain (Underground) (Ex): At 3rd level, a ranger may select a type of terrain from the Favored Terrains table. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A ranger traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).
At 8th level and every five levels thereafter, the ranger may select an additional favored terrain. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired), increases by +2.
If a specific terrain falls into more than one category of favored terrain, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.

Spells: Beginning at 4th level, a ranger gains the ability to cast a small number of divine spells, which are drawn from the ranger spell list presented in Spell Lists. A ranger must choose and prepare his spells in advance.
To prepare or cast a spell, a ranger must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a ranger's spell is 10 + the spell level + the ranger's Wisdom modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a ranger can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: Ranger. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells). When Table: Ranger indicates that the ranger gets 0 spells per day of a given spell level, he gains only the bonus spells he would be entitled to based on his Wisdom score for that spell level.
A ranger must spend 1 hour per day in quiet meditation to regain his daily allotment of spells. A ranger may prepare and cast any spell on the ranger spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation.
Through 3rd level, a ranger has no caster level. At 4th level and higher, his caster level is equal to his ranger level – 3.

Terrain Bond (Ex): At 4th level, the guide forms a bond with the land itself, enabling him to direct others in such terrain. When in his favored terrain, the ranger grants all allies within line of sight and that can hear him a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. Also, as long as they travel with him, the ranger's allies leave no trail and can't be tracked. The ranger can choose for the group to leave a trail, or even specific members of the group to leave a trail if he so desires. This ability replaces hunter's bond.

Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 7th level, a ranger may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment.
Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him.

Swift Tracker (Ex): Beginning at 8th level, a ranger can move at his normal speed while using Survival to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. He takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Ranger's Luck (Ex): Upon reaching 9th level, once per day the guide can either reroll one of his attack rolls or force an enemy who just hit him with an attack to reroll the attack roll. The ranger must take the result of the second roll even if it is worse. A ranger can use this ability once per day at 9th level, plus one additional time per day at 14th and 19th levels. This ability replaces evasion.

Inspired Moment (Ex): At 11th level, the guide can have an inspired moment once per day as a free action. The ranger gains the following benefits until the end of his next turn. His speed increases by 10 feet. He can take an extra move or swift action on his turn. He gains a +4 bonus to AC and on attack rolls, skill checks, or ability checks. Finally, he automatically confirms any critical threat he scores. He can use this ability one additional time per day at 19th level. This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.

Racial Traits:

Stats: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Size: medium
Darkvision: 60ft
Slow and Steady: base speed of 20 feet, but speed never modified by armor or encumbrance
Defensive Training: +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype
Greed: +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine price of nonmagical goods containing precious metals or gemstones
Hatred: +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes
Hardy: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Stability: +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground
Stonecunning: +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors
Weapon Familiarity: proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word "dwarven" in its name as a martial weapon
Languages: Common & Dwarven

Coins: 1,236gp 6sp 4cp
+1 Heavy Crossbow
Crossbow bolts x50
Bastard sword, masterwork
+1 Breastplate
+1 Cloak of Resistance
Backpack, masterwork
Climber's Kit
Coffee Pot
Flint & Steel
Footprint Book
Grappling Bolt
Healer's Kit
Lantern, Bullseye
Lantern, Oil (5)
Mirror, small steel
Pot, iron
Pouch, belt (4)
Rope, silk (100ft)
Sunrod (3)
Waterskin (2)
Whetstone (3)
Traveler's Outfit
Heavy Horse, combat trained
Bit & bridle
Feed (20)
Saddle, pack
Wagon, light
Scroll of Resist Energy (4)
Scroll of Endure Elements (4)
Scroll of Entangle (2)
Scroll of Speak with Animals (2)
Scroll of Aspect of the Falcon (1)
Potion of Cat's Grace (2)
Potion of Barkskin (1)
Necklace of Fireballs (Type II)

starting gear:

Starting Gold: 10,500gp

+1 Heavy Crossbow (2,350gp)
Crossbow bolts x50 (5gp)
Bastard sword, masterwork (335gp)

+1 Breastplate (1,350gp)
+1 Cloak of Resistance (1,000gp)

Backpack, masterwork (50gp)
Bandolier (5sp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Climber's Kit (80gp)
Coffee Pot (3gp)
Compass (10gp)
Crowbar (2gp)
Flint & Steel (1gp)
Footprint Book (50gp)
Grappling Bolt (1gp)
Healer's Kit (50gp)
Lantern, Bullseye (12gp)
Lantern, Oil (5) (5sp)
Mirror, small steel (10gp)
Pot, iron (8sp)
Pouch, belt (4) (4gp)
Potion, barkskin (300gp)
Potion (enlarge person) (50gp)
Rope, silk (100ft) (10gp)
Sunrod (3) (6gp)
Waterskin (2) (2gp)
Whetstone (3) (6cp)
Traveler's Outfit (1) (free)

Heavy Horse, combat trained (300gp)
Bit & bridle (2gp)
Feed x20 (1gp)
Saddle, pack (5gp)
Wagon, light (50gp)

Scroll of Resist Energy x4 (100gp)
Scroll of Endure Elements x4 (100gp)
Scroll of Entangle x2 (50gp)
Scroll of Speak with Animals x2 (50gp)
Scroll of Aspect of the Falcon x2 (50gp)
Potion of Cat's Grace x2 (600gp)
Potion of Barkskin x2 (600gp)

Necklace of Fireballs (Type II) (2,700gp)

In recent years, Raliscar has served as a freelance scout and escort for travellers, most of whom are making the journey from one large city, typically Korvosa where he is based, to another. He leads his clients along from a simple and unassuming wagon, hoping the plainness of it might dissuade bandits from targeting them. If that doesn't work however, his considerable skill with his massive crossbow normally chases the overly greedy bandits off.

Prior to that, he was a hunter of some note and repute back when the conflicts in the Holds of Belkzen were more frequent and explosive. As the region settled down over the years, Raliscar bid his kin farewell and struck out for lands less filled with the vicious orcs he'd come to hate. In his travels, he laid aside further thoughts of adventuresome livelihoods after meeting a sassy young dwarven barmaid in Korvosa. Her smile and mischievous grin convinced Raliscar to put down roots in the city, and a year later the two were wed. Their life was quiet but happy for a good long while, but Raliscar sadly lost her to an otherwise mild outbreak of plague. A widower for some years now with no children of his own, Raliscar can feel the old adventure-lust beginning to rise up in him again.




HP: 64/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [ ] [ ]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [ ] [ ]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [ ] // 4d6 [X] [ ] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members

[dice=+1 Crossbow]1d20+11[/dice][dice=for]1d10+1[/dice]
[dice=+1 Crossbow (deadly aim)]1d20+9[/dice][dice=for]1d10+5[/dice]
[dice=+1 Crossbow (deadly aim, focus)]1d20+13[/dice][dice=for]1d10+9[/dice]
[dice=Bastard sword]1d20+8[/dice][dice=for]1d10+2[/dice]