
Raliscar Stoutaxe's page

428 posts. Alias of John Hathaway.


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The doctor needs to be delivered to Kroft for questioning/imprisonment, but I had thought that got taken care of while Raslicar was waiting for Rutter and the driver at the cart. Other than that (and warning Kroft about the thing we left in the vat), I believe we're ready to leave the hospice behind.


Raliscar frowns at the wagon as it departs, his weariness and exhaustion getting the better of him and leaving his emotions raw and on the surface. He knew, inwardly, that it was wrong of him, but he cared more about the risk to his wagon and horse than he did the driver Rutter had dug up. Sniffling briefly, he roughly brushes the back of his hand across his nose and growls, "Alright. That's tha' then. Let's get ready fer our reunion with that pale nutter tomorrow."

With that, the dwarf turns and begins dourly stalking back to their abode.


Brilliant! Make it so, Numbah One!


Understood, Aard. And Vysh, I don't think we know where Rutter went exactly. That guy's got some seedy friends =P

Int Check: 1d20 ⇒ 17


Well, part of the rub is we don't know how long Rutter's going to be off fetching a driver. =)

Raliscar wouldn't bother with the Abadarian's, not after all the mess with the plague in the harbor and the fever and all. The whole experience left him with a very poor view of those particular priests and he knows they'd ask for an exorbitant amount of coin for their help.

The Pharasmins seems like the best bet if we mean to try and rally some faithful types to help us in some capacity. Doubly so given Neva's relationship with them and their abhorrence of undead.

Kroft might be able to loan us some equipment rather than man power. Happy to drop the trussed up doctor we captured in her lap and ask.


Either way, I think Raliscar needs to stay put and play at preparing the wagon in case the vampire pops up topside to check on us or in case Rutter gets back first. Maybe Neva can hurry to the Pharasmins while Feldivar and Vyshael take the doc to Kroft and see if she can't equip us for taking on a nosferatu.


You've the right of it, Aard. I'm suggesting we doublecross the vampire and bring as many allies as we can muster to do so =)


We had been in something of a standoff with the nosferatu but now he's shooed us off so he can prepare for his upcoming journey. We don't have the juice left to take him down ourselves, but since we're not trapped in the room with him any longer, Raliscar doesn't feel obligated to hold to the deal. And this seems like an opportunity to get others involved who might be more well equipped to deal with the vampire.

One person could stay behind with the cart, probably Raliscar, to work at preparing it - both in case the vampire checks in and to wait for Rutter so he doesn't just walk down there with whomever he found to be a driver.

As for temples, if there's a temple of Pharasma or Sarenrae, we'd probably get the fastest buy-in from them, but I'm not sure off hand what temples are here or prominent apart from the Abadarians.


Once the whole group is clear of the vampire and up by the cart with the still bound and unconscious doctor, Raliscar grumbles, "Alright, I'm thinkin' we should let th' pale tart keep whatever bodies he's got, while we rouse Kroft an' any temple bigwigs we can while he waits fer Rutter."


"Bah, I didn't want ta hear none o' tha' anyway. You get ta readyin' yer things an' I'll get the wagon prepped. Vysh, give a dwarf a hand, won't ye?" Without waiting to be excused, Raliscar turns and makes for the door, gesturing for all of the party to follow him.

Waiting to see if we're all able to head up to the wagon or if anyone stays behind.


Raliscar frowns deeply, nearly missing Rutter's suggestion entirely as he makes a consideration he inwardly regrets almost immediately. Huffing under his beard and grimacing, he leans in and whispers to the halfling, "What about tha' mud-suckin' louse we got trussed up like a pig?"


quick math to calculate travel cost

Wagon can go 24 miles/day, Ardis is 530ish miles from Korvosa. That'll take about 3 weeks, but I rounded up to a full month in the calculations. CRB cites hired help as being 3sp/day, I bumped that to 4 for kicks.

Penny pinching, he could swing it for less than 100 gp, but it bumps up to 150ish gp if he takes a nice room every night at an inn and they go slowly.


"I'm not drivin' yer bony arse all th' way to Ustalav! Ye can have th' horse an' wagon an' then hire a driver. Shouldn't be too hard, 'specially with all the recent happenings that yer roommates down here 'ave caused of late. Plenty o' capable folk would be lookin' for coin an' a way ta get out o' Korvosa until things settle." The dwarf's frown deepens as he taps a finger against his lips, considering the distance from Korvosa to Ustalav.

"Ardis is a bit more than 500 miles from here. That's about 3 weeks travel by wagon. If I were just drivin' someone else's wagon, I'd ask fer 5 silver a day an' all me food an' lodging to be covered. Probably would only get 4 silver a day, though. Add in feed fer the horse, an' say ye pick up two drivers instead o' just th' one and ye could afford that fer less than a hundred gold."

He pauses for a moment, silently considering his math, then nods, satisfied with his arithmetic. "Ye could get drivers cheaper'n me, and ye could put yer drivers up in common rooms while takin' more expensive private ones fer yerself. Presumin' ye found an inn every night between here an' Ardis an' ye went at a slow pace, ye'd be home in a month."

The dwarf then turns an inquisitive glance to the pale man, his eyebrow arched as the vampire considers the numbers himself.


Raliscar waves his hand at Feldivarxon's question, a frown darkening his face. "No, no. I don't think tha's necessary." The dwarf sighs, shooting the other members of his group a pained look before wiping his free hand down his face in frustration. Shifting his gaze back to the pale man, he continues. "Ye're wanting out o' the city? Well it jus' so happens that I've got me wagon and horse tucked in upstairs waitin' fer us. Ye need a means ta move where ye wish without strayin' inta th' sun? Then tha's yer ticket an' there's no waitin' ta be done. It don't look all fancy on th' outside, but it's well kept and'll get ye where ye like."


Raliscar's pre-adventuring business was providing transport from Korvosa to other neighboring towns and cities with an enclosed wagon. I could offer his livelihood perhaps. The horse and wagon are actually right upstairs in the loading bay as it turns out. Presuming he doesn't care to be seen, he'd just need to secure a driver.


Raliscar balks at the price offered. "It's plain ye take us for fools, but do ye take us fer obscenely wealthy ones at that? Who in their right mind brings that kind o' coin along for a fight against a troop's worth o' mud-suckin' cultists?"


Alarmed at the pale man's resilience, and then flabbergasted at Feldivar's chattiness, Raliscar turns slowly around to regard the group with wide, incredulous eyes. "Now, I know you weren't there, Feldy, but if Rutter's right about who that is lyin' on that slab there, then-" His sentence drops abruptly as a realization dawns on him and the dwarf slowly turns back to regard the pale man before them. "Yer Rolth then, aren't ye?"


I agree that I feel we're utterly outclassed and out of gas for this encounter. I scraped my brain for any reason at all Raliscar would have left this vamp alone, but couldn't come up with anything.

If we want to retreat, which I agree that we should, and presuming we're all able to, Aard will have done an excellent job setting up an ongoing nemesis for Raliscar to utterly hate and loathe. =)


"Bother? Bother this, ye pale tart!" Raliscar punctuates his retort with a quick shot from his crossbow.
+1 Crossbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9


HP: 61/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4


Raliscar frowns as he brings his crossbow up level. "Patience an' mercy are in short supply, so get to waggin' that jaw o' yers if ye know what's good fer ye."


"Well, at least they've all some worth and value. Let's gather 'em up and check these other doors. I'm eager to have this rotted hole behind me and to see that trussed up fool in th' other room in Kroft's care."

North Door in G8


HP: 56/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4

RE: HP, I've got myself at 56/64 after all Neva's healing, Aard.


Raliscar grins at Rutter as Neva brings her goddess' grace to bear for the group. "Jus' one? After all o' that?! We better be drinkin' a right fair amount more than one!"


HP: 56/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage
Deadly Aim: -2/+4


Raliscar barks a loud "HA!" as his bolt brings the twisted horror down at last. He looks up at Vyshael, and grins through his bloodied beard, "Aye! You an' me both, lad. You an' me both!"

He exhales heavily at this, huffing for a few breaths as he works to catch his breath. He cocks one eyebrow at Feldy's comment and looses a chuckle. "Heh! What's that, Feldy? Are you tellin' me that madwoman there was the one to finally knock some sense into that brightly topped skull o' yours? Hah!" He claps the gnome on the back and winks. "Lad, no one in their right mind ever wants a fight like that. And don't ye doubt for a second that it would've been th' same outcome without yer help. It'd've been right different without ye."


HP: 34/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage
Deadly Aim: -2/+4

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The only proper response.


Raliscar exhales heavily, a small spray of spit and blood staining his moustache and beard with the sound. "All right then, ye freakshow bone-hand lunatic. Those're my friends yer cuttin' up! Ye'll be leavin' 'em alone if ye know what's best!" His movements quickened by Feldy, the dwarf takes a single step backward before letting a trio of bolts fly.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (7) + 14 = 21for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
+1 Crossbow (2nd): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
+1 Crossbow (haste): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12


HP: 34/64
AC: 21 (14 T / 17 FF) (includes +1 from haste)
CMD: 21 (includes +1 from haste)
F/R/W: +9/+11/+5 (includes +1 from haste)
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Haste (1/6): +1 to hit, +1 AC, +1 Ref, +30ft move


Good grief this lady hits like a champ!


Harrow reroll 1!: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15

Harrow reroll 2!: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

Harrow reroll 3!: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

Huff huff wheeze Good grief!

Updated Status:

HP: 21/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage
Deadly Aim: -2/+4

Thanks for the reminder, Aard. Dang. Last use of a Harrow Point was way back in 2014!


Fort Save (DC 20): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

"Holy- what th-!" The rest of Raliscar's shout is cut off in a straggled cry of pain as the repugnant woman's scythe-hand rips through him. Staggering back a few steps, he clutches the wound and nearly collapses, but the dwarf keeps his balance and brings his crossbow up despite his dizziness. "Oh, ye liked that, did ye? Have some more, ye twisted lunatic!"

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14


HP: 11/54 (Max and Current reduced by 10 due to Con damage)
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Con Damage: 4

Ugggh. Baaaaad time for the dicebot to forsake me. Baaaaaaaaaad time.


All of us get to go before the newly more-gross-than-before urgathoa-lady. So, it's Aard's turn now, but he's been silent everywhere since he announced his travels a week and a half ago.


Ahhhh. Nevermind then! =P


Does Feldivar have another grease spell he can cast? That could work too.


Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
"Holy sh- Rutter! This doesn't count for the bet between you and th' gnome!" Then, driven by the crisis of the woman's pustulating body springing back to some twisted semblance of life, the dwarf too springs to his feet and lets a bolt fly.

"Huh. Guess I jus' needed the proper motivation."

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


"What?! Are ye sayin' that mud-sucker's corpse is bubblin' like one o' her nasty plagues?" The dwarf rolls around, hindered by his backpack, to look up and over at Neva. "She told us she'd plant that filth inside o' us just a minute ago - I'm bettin' she'd done the very same to herself and now that she's dead Urgathoa's lettin' it all loose within 'er. She's not much use to 'er now after all, 'cept by someone else catchin' what she's got."

He struggles to rise, but remains held on the floor by the dead woman's spell. "Vysh? Feldy? Isn't there somethin' either o' you can do here? This blasted room doesn't smell any nicer stuck down on th' floor like this, if ye were wonderin'!" He grumbles some more and kicks in vain at the air, still unable to right himself.


"Ha! Now that the viper's dealt with, somebody help me up! Foul woman's magics haven't worn off yet an' I'm tired o' bein' on the flippin' floor!"


I'll keep my shots and shoot her!


Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

From his position on the floor, Raliscar continues to fire ineffectually up at the floating woman as he conjures an ever darkening storm of frustrated expletives and oaths.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 15 - 5 = 16for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


"Damnation! Know when to go down like the sack ye are, ye daft woman!" Raliscar grunts then barks a few colorful words as he fails to hoist himself up from the ground yet again. Growling in frustration, he fires off another pair of shots from his crossbow before shouting, "Somebody bring that lunatic down already!"

Dropping deadly aim, even with the huge dex penalty, I think her AC is still just too dang high =(
Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 15 - 5 ⇒ (15) + 15 - 5 = 25for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

"Yeah! Get her, Vysh! Ha! That's the way!" The dwarf follows up the elf's attack with a pair of bolts, but the angle's awkward now and neither one comes near the mark.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 14for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

Raliscar's mumbled oaths are lost in his beard as he remains prone on the ground. His position on the floor still doesn't deter him from firing off another pair of bolts at the fool woman floating overhead.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 13 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 13 - 5 = 12for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


Will Save (DC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14

"What? You think layin' down as if for a nap mean's I can't still shoot yer pale arse out o' the air? Ye've got another thing comin', lass! Go ahead an' throw whatever spells ye like!" As if to punctuate his challenge after dropping to the floor, the dwarf fires off a pair of bolts at the floating madwoman.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 13 - 5 ⇒ (20) + 13 - 5 = 28for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
crit?: 1d20 + 13 - 5 ⇒ (6) + 13 - 5 = 14for an additional: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


"Walkin' up in th' air like that won't help ye, ye snake! Might as well come back down an' make it quick on yerself!" The dwarf keeps his crossbow trained on the woman, waiting for the first indication that she might try to bring any kind of magics to bear.

Readied Shot: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16for: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
Ready a shot for if she starts to cast a spell!


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage

My damage roll exceeds my to hit roll! D= D= D=


For future reference, Aard, does the pool provide cover at all to people on the opposite side?


Hey, guys, my annual CabinCon trip has arrived and, come Thursday, I'll be heading up to a mountain cabin to DM a long-running D&D campaign for five old friends from college. There's no cell reception up there and no internets or phones, so I'll be entirely unavailable while I'm gone.

Heading out early Thursday morning and won't be back until Tuesday the 30th.


Raliscar hustles forward, grumbling loudly at the porcelain-looking woman. "Bah! Quit yer lip-flappin', ye lunatic! Yer wantin' someone ta kiss something? Kiss this!" He punctuates this by jerking a small bead from his necklace and tossing it over the intervening pool.

Fireball (Ref DC 14): 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 3) = 16

Swift: Ranger's Focus
Move: Move
Standard: Fireball


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [X]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [X] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4
Ranger's Focus (Evil Lady): +4 to hit, +4 damage


"Let's deal with the rest of the vipers in this nest for the time being then. Goldfish there isn't goin' anywhere. Come on then, back at it."

Let's hit the double doors by Rutter.


"I think Rutter's got the right of it, but let's give Vysh a minute. Should we take a stroll back to that lift and check on our tied up doctor while we wait? Wish we could just snap our fingers and send 'im to Kroft's doorstep. Carting that lump around is a burden an' burdens aren't helpful when you're neck deep in evil cultists."


"Alright then. How does one go about getting rid of a luke-o-demon then?" Raliscar fumbles a little with the unfamiliar word, but he rises from his seat on the stair and swings his crossbow back around into his hands, expecting violence to be the only answer.


Raliscar shakes his head in ignorance at Rutter's question. "No idea, lad, but I'm certain I'd rather it stayed in its fishbowl rather than out."

He turns then at the sound of a crossbow firing to see Neva looming and nigh unto bursting with fury. He shoulders his own weapon and steps over to her. "We'll deal with 'em, Neva. You can trust me on that count, don't ye doubt. But we don't need ta rush on like some surly boars in a wood either." With one hand placed tenderly at the back of her elbow, he gently guides her with his other hand to stow her crossbow. "Especially with you lookin' like ye do right now. Yer tremblin', lass. Here, have a seat an' catch yer breath. We'll see this den of snakes cleared, but we need ye sharp."

Raliscar plops down on a stair beside her, his beard puffing briefly as he huffs. "I never saw evil like this on the road. Bandits, sure, but them you could understand. Greed an' need are simple enough to grasp, but these lunatics?" He shakes his head and sighs in bafflement.


As the cultist pulls his cudgel back for a swing, Raliscar snaps off a pair of heavy bolts from his crossbow with a growl and a stream of oaths that call into question his target's parentage.

+1 Crossbow (1st): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
+1 Crossbow (iterative): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [ ]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [ ] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4


Ranged weapon equipped, so I don't threaten in melee = no AoO


Raliscar hustles into the room up beside Neva then fires another shot at the figure he'd tagged earlier.
+1 Crossbow: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17for: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

move then shoot urgathoan 1


HP: 55/64
AC: 20 (13 T / 17 FF)
CMD: 20
F/R/W: +9/+10/+5
Ranger's Focus (+4/+4): [X] [ ]
Level 1 spells prepared (1+1): gravity bow [X] [X]
Necklace of Fireballs: 6d6 [X] // 4d6 [X] [ ] // 2d6 [X] [ ]

-Ongoing Effects-
Favored Terrain (underground/dungeon): +2 to Initiative, Perception, Stealth, & Survival for ALL party members
Deadly Aim: -2/+4

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