Rainwhisper's page

Goblin Squad Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Goblin Squad Member

I remember in UO you could craft a chess board and carry it with you and the two of you could click it and play a game of chess. I'm perfectly OK with that kind of PvP.

The form of PvP I'm discussing is the one where you are exploring the world or harvesting materials or running quests and another player has the option of killing you. That's the kind in which I have no desire to participate.

I'm perfectly happy to spend my game time whacking virtual piñatas. I find that the challenges of facing tough mobs create plenty of conflicts for me to resolve.

I'm taking a wait-and-see approach to PFO. If it's possible to have a robust, fulfilling game experience without ever killing another player or being killed by one, I'll come play it. If not, I'll pass.

Goblin Squad Member

Dorje Sylas wrote:
...provided you were willing to step outside the save "non-conflict" shell of a typical carebare play style.

I think, ultimately, I am not.

(I'm also concerned, based on past experiences, that players are not capable of creating engaging content that would draw me into a persistent world.)

Goblin Squad Member

I was just about to back the Kickstarter, then I saw the open-world PvP...lost all interest at that moment.

Goblin Squad Member

The PvP emphasis is what kept me away from Darkfall. I haven't seen any indication that Pathfinder Online will share that emphasis. Is there any dev discussion to that effect (one way or another)?

Also, clearly our discussion boards are much more articulate. ;-)