Raiden225005's page

7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Fardragon wrote:
I don't really understand what is wrong with Pathfinder for the OP's purposes? If someone, for whatever reason, doesn't like the Pathfinder rules, it seems unlikely that they would like the Starfinder rules; and if they prefer straight fantasy to science fantasy, then Pathfinder would appear to be the better option.

I have no problem with the pathfinder rules. I merely stated that it felt hard getting into it so late because of all the content and rule expansion books. Starfinder appeals to me because of the theme but also because its nice to start at the beginning of a new game. It puts me on equal footing with with everybody else. I dont have to worry about not knowing certain rules that are spread over hundreds of books.

Now for the second part, its not that i prefer more fantasy than science fiction. I just think a theme of science fantasy should have equal parts of both. I have played ffg star wars and magic was held back so much that it took the fun out of playing a jedi. I just dont want the fantasy part of this game to be pushed too far aside.

Rysky wrote:
Looking at the posts on the individual product pages I think it's safe to say they weren't missed :3

I guess the forum itself just isnt active? I saw no announcement blog and nobody talking about this stuff here. Im so excited about this new game i just figured people would be discussing any news that comes up. I honestly didnt even scroll down on the pages so i had no clue there was a comment section. My bad.

Dont know if most people missed it but they added a bunch of new products to the star finder pages. 2nd AP, turn tracker, status deck, cantina map, and a new big box pawn set. This is awesome stuff.

Dave2 wrote:
On the 560 to 528 decrease the price went up to 59.99 so what are we getting quality wise for the price increase of 59.99 at 528 versus Pathfinder 49.99 576. Thicker pages? Better binding ect.

This is a good question. I'm thinking maybe pathfinder has been out long enough that the price makes sense to them just like a video game eventually drops to a lower price. With starfinder it probably cost them a lot to develop the new book and they feel that's where the price needs to be to justify their cost involved.

That being said, there is definitely part of me that wishes they wouldn't have decreased the page count. At the same time there is part of me excited to see how they managed to pack more content than pathfinder (star ship battles) into a smaller book. I have hopes that the game play is very streamlined.

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:

It kinda depends on what you mean by "is everything just attaching a magic rune to a regular piece of equipment."

For example, a magic sword is just a regular sword that has a magic effect added to it. Most magic weapons in Pathfinder are created by selecting a base (mundane) weapon and then selecting what magic qualities to give it. The story-related reasons that happened might be mythological, but the game rules, including determining the time and cost for a player character to do it themselves, are pretty prosaic.

Now in w world with flamethrowers, there's less call for a wand of burning hands, or even a burning hands spell. But certainly there's still lots of need (and thus drive to create) a holy flamethrower.

So magic weapons are very much a thing in Starfinder, as are spells, spellcsters, and many other forms of magic.

Similarly while ubiquitous ranged weapons change the dynamic of combat, there are still good reasons to make a melee-focused character, and effective ways to do so.

But obviously we hope you'll check out the balance of these things yourself when the core rulebook is released!

I probably did a bad job of explaining. At the end of the day yeah a fire sword is just a fire sword. I guess what i meant is story wise will we find fire swords that are unique or special? For example lets say my friend has a fire sword but i kill a boss and get one too. They may be the same stats but maybe mine is cooler because its a legendary item. It sounds like i have nothing to worry about. Regardless of how it turns out i already have every preordered and couldnt be more excited.

I guess i havnt seen the playtest yet, just a bunch of interviews. That definitely makes me more excited. Did they give any hints as to if there will still be legendary gear and weapons to find. I just think it will feel less special if the best gear is just some mass made thing you can buy from a vendor.

So i have sorta been in tabletop purgatory for the last couple of years trying to find the right game. I first tried the d&d 5th starter which was great. Then i saw that their books were poorly made and no pdfs were available instead. So i thought about pathfinder which looked amazing but had an overwelming amount of content to get. Then i thought how about starwars but then i realized how underpowered they made jedis. To me that made the game not have enough of the fantasy element i wanted. So now here comes starfinder with science fantasy and its new so i dont have to play catch up.

It seems perfect but after listening to every interview i can get my hands on i am starting to have concerns. Its brought up alot that magic is not as important because technology has replaced many of its uses. This makes sense but i hope they dont go too far with this. Are we still going to find magical armor or weapons? Or will every thing be like just attaching a magic ruin to a regular jacket or to a regular gun. I love the idea of mystical loot and i hope that's not going away. My other concern is will tech like laser guns make it impossible to play a melee hero. Laser guns are cool but im hoping ranged combat isnt the only viable combat.