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So for the Shadow "school" spells what do they count as. Im going to assume that things like Spell Focus still apply only for Illusion but what about resistances? Im also assuming that Shadow Enchantment wont work on undead but does the spell also count as enchantment (compulsion/mind affecting) for things like the sorcerer undead bloodlines resistances? Do Shadow Evocation spells count as their element? Does a Shadow Fireball still do fire damage? ![]()
Hey guys so I was wondering if there is a general rule to the CR of a Eidolon that is away from its summoner (possibly buffed, not sure)? Something like Eidolon CR = 3/4 Summoner level. Or maybe 1/2 level. I have the idea for a recurring villain using the eidolon and I think it may work fairly well. ![]()
So while I'm a big fan of the Alien franchise and think the Hive are a really good monster race, I think the "Swarm" will be a species more like the Bugs from the Starship Troopers or maybe like the Zerg. That way it could be like an army with regular troops, heavy troops, spies/infiltrators, aerial units, environmental specialist units and generals. Maybe even throw in a "god"-bug that is the force behind their invasions and attacks. Honestly I hope that they are a non-tech enemy that instead focuses on nature being that frikin scary. Since most the time everyone will have tech, Tech vs Nature is really appealing to me. ![]()
So what info has been released on the type of interstellar travel that Starfinder is going to use? I know that it is a gift from the AI deity but what other specifics do we know? Do each ship have a engine that punches into Hyperspace? Do only large ships (large as in the commercial sized super-haulers) have the right engine and all smaller ships have to tag along? Can it be entered only when a significant distance from gravity wells? Can ships change direction while in Hyperspace? Is there a gate network? Is that why it's a gift from the AI because its AI servitors were traveling conventionally at a fraction the speed of light till they reached the destination then they built a gate like the seeder ships in SGU? ![]()
Inventor or Tech user - now keep with me. This is a class for non-magical, similar to alchemist they make items that simulate magic. A gauntlet that shoots lighting, goggles that can zoom in or out and a stopwatch that can speed you up. The character itself has no magic instead they capture magic into items usable only by the character and simulate its effects with their items of power. Archetypes
So I have seen that we as customers can not share ideas we have about Pathfinder. Is there no way around this? If we have an idea for an archetype, spell or monster is there a way we can ask for it to be made? Anyway for us to give up whatever is making it an issue for us to come up with the idea? You guys have asked sometimes at GenCon and I was wondering if there was a place on here we can do that anytime? ![]()
So my goal is to craft a list of spells that seem to come directly from the harrow deck. I plan on playing a Harrower and want to be thematic with my spells. I made a list of spells (chosen from Sorcerer/Wizard list) that relate (with minor or cosmetic changes) either to the picture on the card or from the description that the card means when it is drawn. I only had a small amount of success so I'm asking the community to help craft this list. Only paizo product line no 3rd party please. If people want to add for a divine caster just make sure to label the spell with the spell level and class its from. The Paladin – (9S/W) Heroic Invocation
I will try and keep the list updated so people don't have to go through the whole thread. If a spell is listed assume that the improved version is included. ![]()
Why is Pharasma's alignment True Neutral? Given her job description as judge she seems very Lawful Neutral. Also how the Boneyard/River of Souls is pretty much nothing but a trip to the DMV or a super bureaucrats office with the long lines and the planar petitioners. I get the neutrality of death but Pharasma just seems very lawful to me. Especially that all things die when their time comes. Any who break this are going against the laws of the universe. This even got addressed in the novel "The Redemption Engine" in how the Aeons considered her too lawful so they had to throw a little chaos into the mix. Am I missing something? Maybe there is some balance in her midwife aspect? ![]()
Necromatic Affinity allows you to act as if you are undead when dealing with negative and positive energy. So what about spells like Chill Touch which do negative energy damage but have a special effect vs undead. All the feat says is that you are counted as undead for being healed and being harmed not for any other effects being related to being undead. What do you guys think? ![]()
Hey guys so the dwarven hardy trait gives them a +2 on saves versus poison, spells and spell like abilities. Do you extend this bonus alcohol and drugs? Given the dwarven legendary prowess in the drinking arts I would say yes. Otherwise I would think most would have drunk themselves to death. Or is it just their Con bonus that saves them? ![]()
Hey everyone I was wondering if you all would help write up the spell that is mentioned in the book Prince of Wolves? The spell is cast on a first book and then cast on a second blank book. After the first casting but before the second the original book still keeps its content. After the second casting the original text disappears and the second book is now filled with all information including notes made on the original book. If before this second casting the original book is destroyed its text is still transferred in full. I think any damage to the text or attempts to obscure it are removed during the transfer. I do not currently have my copy of Prince of Wolves so if you could help me in listing anything I forgot and any ideas for what the spell would end up looking like in game terms that would be awesome. Its probably just standard actions each time to cast and i would say that the original book only shows up as a slight transmutation aura not able to tell what the spell is because it is not completely cast. ![]()
Hey everyone I was wondering if you all would help write up the spell that is mentioned in the book Prince of Wolves? The spell is cast on a first book and then cast on a second blank book. After the first casting but before the second the original book still keeps its content. After the second casting the original text disappears and the second book is now filled with all information including notes made on the original book. If before this second casting the original book is destroyed its text is still transferred in full. I think any damage to the text or attempts to obscure it are removed during the transfer. I do not currently have my copy of Prince of Wolves so if you could help me in listing anything I forgot and any ideas for what the spell would end up looking like in game terms that would be awesome. Its probably just standard actions each time to cast and i would say that the original book only shows up as a slight transmutation aura not able to tell what the spell is because it is not completely cast. ![]()
How much does it cost to make a weapon that is larger sized than medium? All i can find is what is listed for unusual sized armor. Is this what we use for weapons as well? For example a medium sized longsword cost 15 gp and weighs 4lb. Would a huge sized longsword cost 60 gp and weigh 20 lb? And what if it is made of special material. Do you add that bonus cost before or after the multiplication for the size difference? Would the masterwork price be effected and what about magicing the weapon? I know some of the questions may seem to have obvious answers but i ask them anyways just to make sure we are all on the same page. If there are any question that you think need to be included in this line of questioning feel free to ask so we have it all on one thread. ![]()
Hi guys i have a question for the Shadow Dodge Feat from the Faiths of Corruption book. It says that you spend your movement(10ft per +1AC) to gain a dodge bonus to your AC. Do you do this by actually moving (spending a move action) or is this a free action or do you just say i spent this much move and then am able to do a full round attack? Sorry i am really bad at interpreting stuff like this. I am currently playing a zen archer and i want to get this feat (yes i do worship Norgorber and for good reason) and sacrificing his move will give me insane ac bumps. ![]()
Hi guys i just thought i would start this thread because it seemed like a cool flavor option if no one else knows the language your speaking to instead of saying it's name describe how it sounds. Specifically i was wondering what the Infernal language sounds like. ( Nails on a chalkboard, knives sharpening, screams, evil laughter) If anyone knows how languages are described as sounding please post it because it just sounds cool to me. ![]()
Hey i have a question about the Zen Archer flurry of blows ability. Since they are at range i was wondering about their FoB. Normally the monk can choose to not do damage and instead do a disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver. The Zen Archer FoB segment says that except for not using strength unless using a composite bow their FoB works like a normal Monks FoB. For me it actually makes sense how these maneuvers can be done. Disarm=shot to hand. Sunder=shot at weapon. Trip=shot at foot or snagging clothes. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe feats to allow ranged combat maneuvers. |