What's all this about metamorphosis anywho?
It's confusing me.
Did you take the aberrant line of spells to mean I was suggesting a series of transformational powers?
I just had problems thinking about aberrant flavour, I think the arcane line should be more indicative.
Level 1 Diviner's Insight Spell Slot Cost: 2 First Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 hour / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: None / -
Effect: Gain a bonus on all Knowledge Checks = Caster Level. Once per casting, you may gain intimate knowledge of 1 room within Medium Range. You must know of this room's existence before using this ability.
Level 2 Enchanter's Charm(Charm)[Mind-Affecting] Spell Slot Cost: 2 Second Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 hour / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: Will Negates / 10 + 4 + Cha Modifier
Effect: An insidious twinkle appears in your eyes. Any creature meeting your gaze must make a will save or their attitude towards you improves by 1 step. This attitude adjustment does not apply to the creature's perception of your allies. Creatures who succeed their will save do not feel as if they were just magically assaulted and gain no knowledge of your supernatural gaze.
Level 3 Evoker's Frustration Spell Slot Cost: 3 Third Level Spell Slots
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw / Save DC: Reflex Half / 10 + 7 + Cha Modifier
Spell Resistance: Yes
Effect: As Magic Missile except each missile explodes in a 10ft burst for 1d6 Force Damage / 3 caster levels (Max 5).
Level 4 Transmutor's Body Spell Slot Cost: 3 Fourth Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 hour / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: None / -
Effect: You gain 1 Transmutation Point / Caster Level. You can allocated these points freely for the effects listed below. Additionally, once per casting you may, as a swift action, reallocate all your Transmutation Points.
-Gain a +1 enhancement Bonus to any 1 Physical Ability Score (Max +10). (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain a +1 enhancement Bonus to any 1 Mental Ability Score (Max +8). (1 Transmutation Point)
Note: Increased Charisma from this spell does not result in more spells per day.
-Gain 5 temporary HP. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Grow or Shrink size categories. ( [Sizes changed]^2 Transmutation Points )
-Gain an Enhancement Bonus to your Base Land Speed (1 Transmutation Point / 5ft)
-Gain a Swim Speed (Max 30ft). (1 Transmutation Point / 10 ft)
-Gain a Flight Speed with Good Maneuverability (Max 100). (1 Transmutation Point / 20 ft)
-Gain a Burrow Speed (Max 20ft). You may leave a tunnel 5ft wide / size category above large you are.(1 Transmutation Point / 5ft)
-Gain Low-Light Vision 120ft. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain Darkvision 60ft. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain Tremorsense 30ft. (2 Transmutation Point)
-Gain Blindsense 30ft. (3 Transmutation Point)
-Gain Waterbreathing. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain size appropriate Bite Attack. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain size appropriate Claw Attack. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain size appropriate Tentacle Attack. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain longer reach (Max 20ft).(2 Transmutation Points / 5 ft).
-Gain a +1 Enhancement Bonus to Natural Armour. (1 Transmutation Point)
-Gain Damage Reduction
---1 Transmutation Point for each category (Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing)
---2 Transmutation Points per point of DR
Level 5 Abjurer's Bubble Spell Slot Cost: 3 Fifth Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 min / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: None / -
Effect: As Otiluke's Resilient Sphere centered on you with the following exception: You retain line of sight and line of effect to creatures outside the sphere.
Level 6 Conjurer's Companions Spell Slot Cost: 2 Sixth Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 round / level
Saving Throw / Save DC: None / -
Effect: You can summon any being from the Material Plane upon which you have placed an Arcane Mark.You can summon 1 such creature / 5 Caster Levels.
Level 7 Illusionist's Trickery Spell Slot Cost: 2 Seventh Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 min / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: Will Negates(Interaction) / 10 + 9 + Cha Modifier
Effect: As Greater Invisibility and Silence cast on you + a Projected Image under the effects of a perpetual Mirror Image.
Level 8 Necromancer's Aura Spell Slot Cost: 2 Eighth Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 Hour / Caster Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: Fortitude Negates / 10 + 10 + Cha Modifier
Effect: Enemies entering s 10ft radius circle centered on you must make a Saving Throw every round they remain in the affected area. Failure renders them Exhausted and Shaken as long as they remain within Close (25 ft + 5ft / 2 levels) Range of you.
Level 9 Universally Adept Spell Slot Cost: 2 Ninth Level Spell Slots
Duration: 1 Hour / Level
Saving Throw / Save DC: None / -
Effect: Spells you cast are made with a + 5 unnamed bonus to your effective caster level.
Note on DCs: I'm just randomly adding 2 to the normal DCs of spells that level per extra slot.
Bloodlines are interesting, flavourful, and fun, but don't seem to interact too much with the sorceror's casting schtick.
so I propose a pseudo spell-list to accompany them. Providing more ways to use new spell slots without adding spells. They could have variable "spell slot" costs for greater effects.
For example (and this list made me think I shouldn't have just gone alphabetically >.> )
Aberrant Bloodline
LvL 1:Aberrant Reach: By expending 2 1rst level spell slots, you cause your aberrant blood to stir. You gain a 20ft enhancement to reach for 1round/caster level. This ability stacks with Long Limbs
LvL 2:Aberrant Resilliance: By expending 2 2nd level spell slots, you trigger the survival instincts of your ancestors. You gain 3 temporary hp/caster level for a duration of 1hour/caster level
LvL 3:Third Eye: By expending 2 3rd level spell slots, you grow a third eye in the center of your forehead. This eye has Darkvision 60 feet and a continuous detect magic effect. The eye can leave it's socket and scout ahead. It flies at a speed of 40ft per round (perfect maneuverability, use Sorceror's skill points). If the eye is ever more than 1 mile from the Sorceror, the spell dissapates.
LvL 4:Acidic Exhalation: By expending 2 4th level spell slots, a sorceror may let loose a 60ft cone of acidic vapours. DMG 1d12/caster Level (max 15). Ref Save half (DC = 10 + Cha Modifier + 6)
LvL 5:Heavy Stomp: By expending 3 5th level spell slots, a sorceror can cause an upheavel of earth and stone, creating Hampered Movement (Difficult Terrain + Obstacles) and creating a cloud of dust that acts as Obscuring Mist. This dust settles in 2 rounds. Range = Medium. Area = (2 10ft squares / level)
LvL 6:Aberrant Hide: By expending 4 6th level spell slots, a sorceror can harden his skin to dramatic extremes. He gains a bonus to Natural Armour = Caster Level, Damage Reduction (Caster Level/2) / - . Duration 1 round / level
LvL 7:Alien Physique. By expending 2 7th level spell slots, a sorceror can strengthen his otherwise frail physique. He gains a +8 unnamed bonus to Strength, a +6 unnamed bonus to Dexterity, and a +4 unnamed bonus to Constitution.
LvL 8:???? LvL 9:????
Mind you these are
1) Completely Arbitrary
2) Probably wildly unbalanced
3) Just Examples
So I'm simply putting forth the idea
Prohibited should mean prohibited - not spells you can get access to if you're having one of those days when only conjuration etc will do
I play generalist wizards all the time and whilst this rule change gives specialists some really great powers I think the notion that you can access banned schools is plain wrong.
Would you consent to allowing banned schools later on?
The thought that a 12th level Conjurer can't wrap their head around Magic-Missle is a tad silly after all.
Are sorceror's defined by their lineage or their innate magic?
When you first read their fluff, what drew you to them?
Was it the chance to play someone with a 'unique' family tree or that magic flowed through this worldly, charismatic casters like blood through our veins?
I for one enjoyed the innate magic aspect more than the heritage. I think that's why a first read-through Alpha2's sorceror rubbed me the wrong way. I love the idea of lineage options, but wanted their connection to magic explored.
It could be in a wide array of methods, such-as using spellslots for a variety of effects. Their connection to magic allowing them to grab hold of ambient magical energy and flinging it at an enemy, pulling around themselves to form a protective-magic bubble, consuming it to rejuvenate themselves slightly, or enhance their next spell cast.
Mind you this is all my opinion, but I'd like to see what you all think.
Why not write up lesser versions with smaller areas?
Instead of a 20 ft radius fireball from first level mages, simply a 5 foot spread (so affecting 4 squares if centered on an intersection).
The d20 is too random-- it doesn't give the due respect to such a huge difference in ability scores.
Start rolling 2d10, adding the results.
Natural 2 has a 1/100 chance of appearing as does a natural 20.
Natural 9 and 13 are both 8/100
Natural 10 and 12 are both 9/100
Natural 11's are 10/100
So rolls from 9 to 13 account for 44/100 results
Evoker's Perogative Prerequisites: Evocation Specialist or Caster Level 6th
Benefit: Increase the damage die rolled for damage dealing Evocation Spells by one step (max d12)
Special: This feat may be taken multiple times, it's effects stack, though the maximum of d12 remains. <so yes a Magic Missile of 5d12+5 damage could happen :P)
Mind you all this is arbitrarily made, I leave it up to you people to balance it.
Plus it's late so I'm allowed to be incoherent >.>
The problem then becomes, where do you put all of the spells in all of those splatbooks that you mention.
Giving basic guidelines and letting people eyeball it should be enough, no?
Air: Spells that control wind, lightning, mist, and weather.
Animal: Spells that enhance, control, communicate with, or allow morphing into animals.
Artifice: Spells that manipulate, create, and animate objects.
Chaos: ...They have the descriptor no?
Charm: Generally spells that involve will saves and are mind-affecting.
Community: Mass versions of buff spells ?
Darkness: Spells that manipulate shadows and sight.
Death: Spells centered around fear, undeath, and those brief moments between life and death(negative hit-points, save-or-die spells).
Destruction: Spells that break stuff in generally messy ways.
Earth: Spells that control Earth, Stone, and Acid.
Evil: ...They have the descriptor no?
Fire: Really now...
Glory: I can't be bothered looking into it right now and I'm lazy >.>
Good: See Fire...
Healing: ... Spells that make you feel all tingly and good inside.
Knowledge: Spells that let you know stuff. Generally divinations.
Law: See Good...
Liberations: Spells that remove naughty effects from you.
Luck: Spells that mess with or introduce probabilities of various effects.
Madness: Spar...I mean I got nothing.
Magic: Spells from the Arcane list or that appear on both lists. Tough too.
Nobility: Spells that make people your subject. Charm with pomp.
Plant: Spells that manipulate/mimic(Barkskin) plants.
Protection: Spells that prevent others from harming you.
Repose: Don't feel like defining it... yea that's it >.>
Rune: Spells that manipulate or involve texts, or otherwise involve glyphs and Symbols.
Strength: Hulk.
Sun: Shiny fire
Travel: Movement and Teleportation.
Trickery: Wouldn't YOUUU like to know.
War: Spells which enhance, duplicate, or manipulate weapons... and flame strike.
Water: Spells that create and manipulate ice and water and make such environments more bearable (water breathing, resist energy(cold) ).
Weather: Mists, Winds, Lightning.
Currently, they do too little damage. 10d6, Reflex save for half? Meh. Compared to save-or-dies, battlefield control, and the like, damage spells take a back seat for usefulness. I'd prefer something more like 10d8+10 damage. That sounds a bit better to me.
You do realize higher level spells max out later right?
Cone of Cold for example can go up to 15d6.
Or do you believe 3rd level spells (as I'm presuming you're thinking of lightning bolt and fireball) should max out later?
Sorry for having no constructive comment yet, I would just like you to clarify your position a tad.
Move the multi-classer up on the XP Chart
So a single class character with 71k XP would be level 10 while the multiclasser would be lvl 7/7 (strongest features of both class, no cumulative BAB or saves) with a gap of 6k XP till being 8/8.
I think an interesting twist for white necromancy could be accelerated aging for immediate benifits. The aging could be figured in a proportional manner to avoid elves and dragons casting them wily nilly (in fact they would give up more for in the grand scheme of things)
By it's very nature this type of Necromancy would have a limited shelf life, but you could give 'overpowered' effects for the spell level. It could be interested to start adventuring with a spry youth and within a year of hard adventuring, have a long-bearded grognard telling you how things were better in his day... 12 months ago...
Time Heals All Wounds
Level: Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Creature touched gains Fast Healing 10.
Component: 1/10th of your life.
Mind you I think that one is too strong, but it's only a thought.
Now which holds a grudge longer?
A Dragon or a Lich?
I think that a certain insane conservatism is inhierent in deciding to become a lich. This is as far as you'll go, and you're going to be happy staking this claim right here until the moon be no more.
Liches want things to stay the same. A vampire may be wistful about the past, but she'll still embrace the modern conveniences of the world, like those new-fangled horse collars, the political reality of the Moon Elves moving into the Trackless Woods, or Abier fusing with Toril. Liches want none of that.
Dragons hold grudges because they don't forget things, and long-simmering offenses and slights incur compounding interest. But dragons are amenable to restitution and reconciliation.
Liches hold grudges because they want to hold grudges. They are by their nature implacable. Forgiveness is for the living.
Hm, let's say a king ticked off a Red Dragon and a Lich.
I think the Dragon would raze the country then stop thinking about it.
I think a Lich would engineer the downfall of the kingdom and make sure that the next 10 generations of the King's lineage would live in abject misery before finally slaying them.
Dragons are best known for their pride and ambition, possessing a sense of entitlement that has followed them through history. They tend to sneer upon savagery and respect strong authority. Quick to be offended and slow to forgive, Dragons hold grudges longer than humans.
To be fair, they also live longer
Now which holds a grudge longer?
A Dragon or a Lich?
The fighter is trained for "honest" hand-to-hand combat. He concentrates on enemies that know he's there. He looks for every small opening and goes for it. Cuts and slashes add up until the guy's getting tired, and the heavy wounds start coming by themselves. He beats down an enemie's defenses. He won't wait for vital spots.
The rogue, on the other hand, is a sneaky bastard. If he has to go one-on-one against some guy, he's not confortable. That's not this thing. He doesn't have the stamina and discipline to ignore all those small cuts a fighter can shrug away. But he knows how to exploit inattention. If someone's not in his face, trying to shorten his life expectancy, he'll take his time, aim carefully, and go for the sweet spot. He's not a great fighter, and can't do it properly unless the guy pays no attention to him.
Seems like a Lawful / Chaotic thing more than a Fighter / Rogue thing
After much debate i see that the hand of the apprentice ability has (rightfully so) gotten removed. However this ability has yet to truely leave us as the magic domain has much the same ability only in the hands for the cleric i am hoping this was mearly an oversight on the part of the developers but i supose we will have to wait and see.
I believe the bonus metamagic feat and 1/2 time item creation were removed from the Universalist, not their 1rst level at-will 'spell'
Magic Items.
Some love them, some hate them, some are impartial, and some have already left this thread... probably.
What I would like to know is the feasibility of having a side-bar with optional rules concerning the change a low Magic Item world could bring, namely changes to CR or possibly reinforcing of characters.
Perhaps even containing notes on letting characters of any class develop a signature item to even things up a tad, though I realize this may step on the toes of the Kensai too much.
I like buying my house when I make my first 10k instead of buying a... newer piece of bling-bling, so I would appreciate options that, while allowing for wizards and clerics with full spell power, step away from characters who wear what amounts to a small city's treasury on their person.