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Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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Sitting at home tonight, I was wishing for a game to play. So I decided to pull up ChatGPT (which I've only used once before) and see how well it could gm for me. I asked it to design a brief dungeon using PF2 rules, creatures, challenges, and loot, which I'll paste in below, and then asked it to gm for me in an adventure within that dungeon. I told it I wanted to play Sajan, the iconic monk.

It was an amusing experiment. Right off the bat, the AI told me I was playing Jainis, a level 1 ranger, so I found a character sheet for Harsk and just went with it. But it started me in a different first room than it described for the dungeon. It described 3 doors, one of which had whispers behind it, so I went for that door. I listened, and with a high perception check was able to hear what sounded like goblin voices, but couldn't make anything out (and Harsk doesn't speak goblin, anyway). So I stealthily opened the door, and then tried diplomacy on them ("Hello friends, can I help you sharpen your swords?") Alas, the goblins didn't speak common, lol

First, I had to remind the AI of PF2 initiative rules, after it told me it was a Dex based roll. Having conquered that, I ended up going first.

But every single turn, I had to explain both on my turn and on each goblin's turn, the 3 action system. I also had to constantly remind the AI of each goblin's distance to me. The AI also kept changing the goblins' ACs, and I had to remind it pretty much every turn. The whole thing was humorous, but also like pulling teeth.

In the end, I couldn't even finish the first combat. I asked so many clarifying questions, asked the AI to review so many PF2 rules, and reminded it of so many things, that I hit the requests per hour limit with the AI. I'll try this again in like 6 months and see how it's improved.

About the dungeon it generated for me: Although I specified a PF2 dungeon, I think it would probably be more appropriate to 5e, or more likely PF1. It looks like it got the creatures right (assuming a group of 4 or 5 PCs), But in a 5 room dungeon, it included 725gp and a gem worth 500gp. And let's not gloss over the masterwork longsword.

Also, playing as a solo level 1 character, I obviously wasn't going to make it through this dungeon - but I didn't ask the AI to design the dungeon for a solo adventure, so there's that.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has tried a similar experiment, and how it went for you.

The Dungeon:

Room 1: Entrance Hall
As you approach the entrance of the dungeon, you find a large, ornate door with intricate carvings. It's clear that this dungeon was once home to someone of great wealth and power. As you push the door open, a putrid smell hits you like a wave. Inside the room is a group of goblins feasting on the remains of what was likely once a human adventurer. The goblins attack as soon as they see you.

Enemies: 4 goblins (Level 1)
Challenges: The goblins have set up traps in the room, including a pit trap and a tripwire.
Loot: 50 gp, a small key

Room 2: The Armory
The next room you enter is a dusty armory. Weapons and armor line the walls, covered in rust and cobwebs. In the center of the room is a large, locked chest. The key you found in the previous room fits the lock.

Enemies: None
Challenges: The chest is trapped with a poison needle that triggers when opened.
Loot: Masterwork longsword, +1 chain mail, 100 gp

Room 3: The Puzzle Room
As you enter this room, you see a strange, glowing crystal floating in the center of the room. There are four pedestals in each corner of the room with symbols etched onto them. The crystal is projecting a beam of light onto the wall, which seems to be connected to the pedestals. Solving the puzzle is the only way to proceed.

Enemies: None
Challenges: The players must solve a puzzle by placing the correct symbols on the pedestals in order to deactivate the magical barrier blocking the way forward. The symbols are related to the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air.
Loot: A potion of healing, a scroll of fireball

Room 4: The Monster Lair
This room is a damp, dark cavern with strange, glowing mushrooms growing from the walls. As you step into the room, you hear a growling noise. A group of giant rats emerge from the shadows and attack.

Enemies: 6 giant rats (Level 2)
Challenges: The room is difficult terrain due to the uneven ground and the mushrooms. The rats also carry diseases that can infect the players.
Loot: 75 gp, a wand of magic missiles

Room 5: The Boss Chamber
The final room of the dungeon is a large, circular chamber with a raised platform in the center. A group of hobgoblins stands guard around a hooded figure on the platform. As soon as you enter, the hobgoblins draw their weapons and charge.

Enemies: 4 hobgoblin soldiers (Level 3), a hobgoblin captain (Level 4), and a spellcasting hooded figure (Level 5)
Challenges: The hobgoblins have set up traps in the room, including tripwires and hidden spikes. The spellcasting hooded figure is a powerful sorcerer and can cast spells that cause area-of-effect damage.
Loot: A magic wand, a bag of holding, a suit of +1 plate mail, and a valuable gem worth 500 gp.

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Just an FYI: About two months ago, I got about a refund from Roll20 for the PF2 core rulebook, by complaining about the STILL ADVERTISED charactermancer that is not done after more than 3 years. It wasn't a full refund -- I think they kept about $15, which I won't complain about because it accounts for the CRB PDF I got in conjunction with the original purchase from Roll20. So if you purchased PF2 books from ROll20 and aren't cool with the promised support that never materialized, you might try to get some money back.

LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't have helped, I just saw the option but I didn't get to create a character to see how the character sheet looked in practice.

No worries, I ended up going to the trouble of firing up GIMP and creating my own solution to this problem lol

breithauptclan wrote:
Ascalaphus wrote:
The Stamina variant that we did get I personally think isn't really a particularly attractive rule.
Agreed. Mostly because it runs on its own cost. In PF2 you don't have to make decisions on whether to keep your resolve points for recovering after a battle or for use them for your exceptional abilities during the day like you do in Starfinder.

Yeah. I didn't mention it previously because this is probably the wrong forum to go to far in depth about it... but when I considered whether to use stamina, I realized I had homebrew ideas for other ways to use resolve points. Otherwise I wouldn't be considering stamina, for the exact reason you mentioned.

LordeAlvenaharr wrote:
Well, I don't know if you have access, but I just looked in Pathbuilder, and in the character options there is this rule choice, my Android version is paid, I think it only appears in this version.

Thanks. I love Pathbuilder (and Wanderer's Guide, too), but unfortunately the majority of my players want to use paper character sheets. You gave me the idea of exporting a Pathbuilder character to pdf to just print it, but unfortunately that doesn't show stamina (just the reduced hp), even though it's all calculated and shown properly in the app. If I export the sheet as a stat block, the stamina is reflected.

Oh well, I guess we'll just have to be messy and write it in the margins or something.

I think the title says it all, and I suspect I'm out of luck, since no amount of googling has led to success. But I thought I'd post here and see if anyone knows of just a plain ol' pdf sheet that has a place to track Stamina.

A thousand thanks and the blessings of Desna to anyone who can help me out.