RLogue's page

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After a little research, I discovered that most, if not all, of the Dragon articles you listed were reprinted by Action Check eMagazine. They had finagled permission to do so some time ago and you can find them all at alternity.net.

Its really a shame that wotc decided there wasn't room enough for two seperate sci-fi rpgs in their gameworks. Alternity is a cool system, and even if you don't care much for the Star*Drive setting, it can be great for any other setting such as Serenity/Firefly or Battlestar Galactica...

But many thanks, EP! Are you simply a "Dragon" scholar, or do you also really like Alternity?


Thanks again. Where can I find these eBooks? Especially "Warships."


Thanks EP! That really helps me out a lot.

I have a further question. The articles labeled "Transmissions" that apparently discuss Dark*Matter and Star*Drive... What are those about? Are they general discussions of the system, the campaign worlds, or what?

Is there an archive somewhere for old "Dragon" articles? Specifically, I'm needing articles for the defunct Alternity system.

If I had a list of articles (and summaries) that appeared, and which "Dragons" they were in, that would be a big start. Then I could start trying to collect those old issues.

Can someone help me out here?
