
RFGumby's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


ich lebe in Aachen und habe eine Gruppe hier, mit der ich momentan PF spiele und bin noch in einer Gruppe in Köln, bei der wir demnächst Pf anfangen.

Rob McCreary wrote:

Yes, those are cave entrances from S16 into areas S12 and S15. Imagine the "alcoves" as cave mouths — unfortunately, the way they were drawn on the map is not as clear as it could be.

Thank You, then everything is clear!

It's in the description for area S2:
** spoiler omitted **

Thank you! That part I have overlooked.

But, I see no direct connection between S16 and the yeti caves, or are these two small alcoves/recesses behind the crevasse in the north of S16 openings to the caves?

I just have a short question regarding the Yetis in the Uqtaal Necropolis in this adventure.
Am I missing something or are the yetis trapped in the necropolis by the two permanent antilife shells in areas S2 and S10 a? How did they get into area s16 from the yeti caves? Better, how did the get into the caves in the first place?