
RBB's page

3 posts. Alias of Richard Blair.


What's on the flip side? Thanks!

Savage_ScreenMonkey wrote:

Its also really nice to see some of the Malhavoc forum fanboys poppin over here. Small world .

Yes. We get out. A short distance. :)

Siobharek wrote:
Title says it all, really, but Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved is completely out of print, and judging by the prices on eBay and at Noble Knight Games, there's still a demand.

Yes, and the errata have already been incorporated into the updated PDF version! My AE group and I would by several (probably 3-4) right off the bat.

I would also love to see further support, even if it was PDF only. More adventures, NPCs, item collections, etc. Siobharek himself is an ENnie-nominated author and has written cool adventures for AE like The Living Airship, Beyond Creation, and Circle of Rites. Rite Publishing seems to be the only active publisher for AE at this point, though I think Fiery Dragon is hoping to do more.