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I'm looking for any references to Nidal I can find for a character I brought into a campaign recently and was wondering if anyone knows of additional material I can read to find out more about the country as my character is from there and I like to know everything I can no reference is too small!
So I recenly came across the Elemental Trap wild talent from wilderness origins and I have some questions on how it works or how other GMs have run it. What I'm struggling with is how to resolve the trap against the primary target. The ability states "This 5-foot square detonates when triggered by a weight of 10 pounds or more, affecting all creatures within 10 feet of the trap with your simple blast (or composite blast, if you have it). Any creature other than the one that triggered the elemental trap can attempt a Reflex save for half damage." Normally a trap requires an attack roll or allows a save for the person who triggers the trap. But this ability doesnt say resolve an attack against the primary target just everyone except the one who triggered the trap gets a reflex save for half damage. With that being the case Im wondering how others would run this. It seems to imply its an auto hit against the primary target but doesnt outright say it.
Im going to be running a character soon for a campaign thats starting up and the characters uncle is a follower of Hastur. His uncles family has followed Hastur for generations they are members of the aristocracy but the one detail I have not been able to figure out is why they worship him. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I am about to run Hells Rebels for my group and one of the few things i don't like about the books is how the teams work rather then recruiting genetic teams and paying a little gold to upgrade them I am thinking of having mini quests to recruit team leaders and having them just starts at tier 3 these are the leader concepts and rough quest ideas. I would greatly appreciate feedback especially from anyone who has done something similar. I could really use help with ideas for the Spellcaster team leader and the Cabalists team leader quests Thank you! ADVISORS Agitators Team Leader
Cognoscenti Team Leader
OUTLAWS Spies Team Leader
Saboteurs Team Leader
REBELS Spellcasters Team Leader
Cabalists Team Leader
TRADERS Blackmarketers Team Leader
Trade Lords Team Leader
A friend of mine is starting a campaign soon and I finally get to play again (been GMing for the past couple years) and for her campaign the characters need to have had some sort of reason they are in jail. Its a wilderness campaign so i was thinking of doing a poacher. Not evil just down on his luck trying to make a living. The problem is which class/archetype? Ranger is the obvious choice but that was my go to back in 3.5 an I would prefer to try something new. So im hoping for some suggestions I am not set on a play style yet could be ranged could be up close.
Quick(ish) explination as to why I am working on this. I am GMing a Carrion Crown campaign and we are headed into book 3 which is a werewolf themed adventure. Our party has an inquisitor and the player came to me asking if we could have his character inflicted with lycanthropy. Now this is not a power grab attempt we have a high roleplaying group and he wants his character to have a struggle with his calling as a monster hunting inquisitor so becoming one of the beasts he has been taught to hunt works really well with this arc. The books recommend taking control of the changed character to prevent it from being a power bump but I don't want it to just become a situation where every full moon we tie him up the end. Under the description for lycanthropy it lists a DC to change shape with the implication that a PC looses control of the character but I am looking for a variant that allows the player a chance to use this unstable power but not without the chance of consequences. This is based off the control shape check from the old 3.5 rules but tweaked some. If you fail the control check you loose control of your character and the GM runs them per the books suggestion. This is for an aflicted lycanthrope not on a night of the full moon. Control shape
*Forced damage check required if you loose more than 1/2 your base hit points in a single round Try again special: You can retry attempts to change form to hybrid or animal form. Failing the attempt to return to normal form causes you to be stuck in your current form until the next sunrise. Failing the maintaining control check can be attempted again after a minute has elapsed as a swift action. |