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I agree its kind of poor form on the players points but as a GM I restrict myself from using these same save or suck/auto out abilities most of the time for the same reason. It isnt fun to sit there with nothing to do if your turned to stone and since everyone is there to have fun it can run counter to the reason everyone showed up to play. I like your idea of decreasing duration behind the scenes to help mitigate it without eliminating it entirely. Another thing I do is use abilities where they can still take actions during combat even if its not at full efficiency. Staggered and comfused still give them a reason to pay attention to whats happening. I had one of my PCs dominated by a vampire a couple sessions ago and told them who they were ordered to attack but left the actual rolls to the player so he wasnt just sitting there.

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I am about to run Hells Rebels for my group and one of the few things i don't like about the books is how the teams work rather then recruiting genetic teams and paying a little gold to upgrade them I am thinking of having mini quests to recruit team leaders and having them just starts at tier 3 these are the leader concepts and rough quest ideas. I would greatly appreciate feedback especially from anyone who has done something similar. I could really use help with ideas for the Spellcaster team leader and the Cabalists team leader quests Thank you!


Agitators Team Leader
Licisso Praecus
Male Human Bard
Upset Opera performer who now wants a location to host rebellious plays and operas PCs need to secure a venue for the troup to safely hold their performances.

Cognoscenti Team Leader
Arra Onis
Female Elf Wizard tired of thrune redactions and needs the PCs to recover some soon to be redacted books that she cashed for safe keeping.


Spies Team Leader
Kohsa Trueleaf
Female Halfling Rouge ex-slave hoping to turn kintenegro into a hub for the bellflower network needs the PCs to rescue some recaptured slaves.

Saboteurs Team Leader
Trerzutt Thudnuovro
Male Gnome alchemist slightly unhinged demolitionist looking for a chance to rebuild the skyline specifically removing the temple of Asmodeus as well as tired of restricted trade needs PCs to set up new supply routes for him


Spellcasters Team Leader
Megelo Gallus
Male Tiefling Cleric of Iomedae needs the PCs to prove they will create a just government if they succeed at overthrowing Thrune. Unsure how...

Cabalists Team Leader
Latensa Tanessen
Female Human Aristocrat unhappy with the influence of thrune in her city views the rebellion as a chance to gain political influence over rival families needs to be convinced by the PCs that the rebellion can be sucessful before she will join. Unsure how...


Blackmarketers Team Leader
Vetus Scipo
Male Human Occultist
Hopes for looser import laws in a new government after having his once reliable suply chains have been disrupted. Needs PCs to secure and retrieve his latest shipment which was confiscated upon arrival to the city.

Trade Lords Team Leader
Captain Avidia Senas
Female Human Swashbuckler upset about eighth proclomation citizen of Kintenegro who's citizenship paperwork was confiscated by the Dattori. PCs need to recover her paperwork

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I tend to roll well and as I am the GM my players get shafted by that so i have them roll 4d6 drop the lowest 7 times drop the lowest for 6 stats. If they got crap stats i give them a second try at the 7 rolls and pick which stat line they prefer.

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It sounds like the player is a team player for the most part and not a murder hobo so you could always make a custom order with similar or even the same abilities but change the fluff to make it work better for rollplay purposes. The goal is for everyone to have fun and as the GM you have the power to change things to make them work for the story.

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I usually make anything under the base value available by default if the character is looking for something really specific or over the base value i might roll percentile to see if they can find it. (for example a esoteric material or weird weapon) i just kind of make up the percentile based on how reasonable it seems to me given the city

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Slayer I was always a fan of the sneaky characters and the slayer can do almost everything i want in a combat focused sneaky character.

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Arcane threads
Arcane Casters 1 (too many these days to write them all)
School: conjuration
Casting time: standard action
Range: close 25'+5'/2 levels
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: yes
Targets: Up to 5 targets no two of which can be more than 20' apart
Duration: concentration or until used
Sematic and material components (a few strands of spiders web)

You create threads of raw magic connecting to your target (1 target +1 per 3 caster levels max of 5 at 13th) requiring a ranged touch attack. As part of the casting you may choose to attach a light one handed weapon (commonly a knife) the weapon travels along the line resolving with 1/2 your casting stat modifier added to the damage. You can choose instead to hold the lines active and as long as line of sight has not been broken before your next round you can run a spell requiring a touch attack down the line allowing you to resolve the attack as if you were in contact with the target this destroys the line used but does not effect any other lines. If you can make multiple threads you can choose to target one creature with multiple threads or multiple creatures with single threads or any combination there of.

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The Mesmerist class from occult adventures gets +1/2 level to bluff pair that with 18 cha (depending on your build points or rolls of course). Go human for 2 feats at first and pick up skill focus bluff and decitful although there are arguments if those feats stack just a heads up.

This gives a bluff at first level of +14 (+1 rank +3 class skill +4 cha +3 skill focus +2 decitful +1 from class ability)

At 10th without magic items (which there are several)your at +33 (10 ranks +3 class skill +5 cha +6 skill focus +4 decitful +5 class ability)

You could also max out linguistics to create forgeries that could back up your bluffs for potential circumstantual bonuses to specific bluff checks.