
Quominar Mortoris's page

33 posts. Alias of Benobo.

Full Name

Quominar Mortoris

About Quominar Mortoris

Backstory (Criminal):
Quominar Mortoris grew up in Bryn Shander, doing what he needed to do to survive without help. He stole, cheated, and swindled his way into a comfortable life, as comfortable as it could possibly be in the Dale. His criminal activities left their mark on his disposition, turning him into a cold hearted young man. Eventually, after he accidentally caused the death of an innocent man who got caught up in one of his schemes, Quominar had an awakening that this was not the path of a person he wanted to be. So, he devoted himself to Tyr. Quickly thereafter, however, did divine forces within himself grow. Quominar knew not which to follow, self-growth or reverence to Tyr. After much internal conflict with himself and nights of prayer, he invested into his own divine power. Though he still worshiped Tyr, he did not claim to be as devout of a follower as he once was. He has almost completely abandoned his life of crime, though having your influence widespread, it is hard to completely sever ties.

Though once a fast talker and slow dancer, Quominar has matured later in life, taking a more reserved and calm approach towards how he interacts with others. Though, his youth has definitely added a sarcastic twinge to his vocabulary and a sharp wit to go with it.