Quenevere's page

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Thanks Guys the Lizardfolk sounds like a solid plan, easy enough to move on from there.

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Tender - We were talking about the fact I had the Alan Dean Foster Spellsinger series on my book shelf. Mudge one of the main characters in the series happens to be a otter in a world where most animals are sentient.

Couple of weeks until our next session, so some time to nut it all out. Thinking Otter is similar to Badger or Wolverine , but with swim speed , not burrow or climb.
Ancestry on the other hand is animal . So maybe just physical attributes with natural weapon skills ? Low light vision.

But I'm thinking my Halfling will try and find a way back to "normal" without resorting to another Reincarnation situation.

Ok so long story short. playing an AP . We are 12th level . My Rogue dies, but the party tried a resurrection ritual ( failed but not Crit fail) .

They then decide a Reincarnation Ritual is cheaper and have access to both. So they try to bring me back. CRIT Fail resulting in me coming back as a giant otter. Ok. So then they use Awaken Animal.

So, any thoughts on how this new body should be "rolled" as in Physical stats etc ? No otter beasts have been brought to 2e as of yet.

Question does drain effects stack ? Say Player gets drained from a Wail of Banshee gets 4 drain , then hit by a polar ray for another 2. Is it 4 drain or 6 ? I'm thinking the effects stack like the old versions of negative energy, but most effects do not stack ?

Our party consisted of 2 dwarf cleric brothers
1 Goblin Rogue :(
1 Human Fighter - went melee build over archery build but carried a bow just incase.
1 Dwarf Barbarian - got the +1 great axe
1 Human Wizard- universal

The journey was done on Camels, everything was spotted - hyenas , quicksand , Gnolls. They murdered everything in keeping with the lets smash everything we can find and rest as least as possible.

Managed to find the easy way up the cliff.

Manticore was fought at range, Only landing when out of quills. This is were we found that the +10 over AC = Crit makes for a very random game. I tend not to focus, but spread damage out so rolled for each attack randomly as befitting a fly-by. Wizard every time he got a quill got critted. Party survives and they take the tail as a memento.

Cleric talks to the gnolls for a change, presenting the tail as proof of victory. They were very proud of themselves for this feat.

Trap dealt with by Rogue easy enough.

c2 - Earth/Water. AS we have 6 characters I rolled randomly if it were the Earth or the water who got the extra. Result was 2 earth 1 water. Fight was brutal as one of the clerics stripped off to check out the room, so did the entire fight with no armour. OUCH. Between the 2 clerics and a pot only rogue brought to 0 in the water. Cleric rescues straight away as water elemental was focused by the ranged. Party rests and heals and retrieves the 2 gems. Goes back to the start and turns right instead of going round.

c3. Fire / Air. This time the players wanted 2 lesser and 1 minor. Brutal decision. Clerics love the 2 action ranged cast. So kept every one topped up. Managed to get the gems using mage hand. Party rests again. So 3rd rest and Nighthawks will be here tomorrow.

With the gems the puzzle was easy.

2 clerics of Senerae and mage makes short work of fire vulnerable Mummies. all fort saves made and no one contracts mummy rot.

Free Mabar and gain his help, but not in combat.

Loot everything in the next room , the fighter claiming the scimitar, goes well with her sword build. Feeling much happier after watching the 2d12 barbarian destroy her enemies.

The party knows that the Night hawks are not long away so decide to set up an ambush. Remove the gems and take the place of the mummies. When the door opens they attack. I added 2 more scouts to this encounter so 6v6. Should have probably swapped a scout for another cleric type. Epic battle the PC's won , with none of them going to 0.

So as a group we feel it went well, pushed the characters hard in combat. Healing is definitly sufficient when a cleric is around. MAgic weapons feel like youve upgraded from a pea shooter to a solid shot shotgun.

We're not sure how to feel about the monsters who appear very random in power level.

Most improtant thing is Fun was had by all, and they definitly felt challenged this time out.

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So we played part 3. One of the monsters is a greater shadow. Can cast "darkness" at will. Darkness is listed as a 2nd level spell, with no other mention of in the monster description.

Casters by level 7, their cantrips are automatically heightened to the highest level (4th) This means that a Greater Shadows ability's are mainly nullified due to the fact that not only does darkness take 3 actions to cast BUT a cantrip beats it every time.

My fix would be that the darkness from the shadow would be as a 7th caster hence 4th slot. Or they may as well not have this ability at all ?FYI played out of book RAW and they got monstered by the PC's.

Definitely a good point for hardness. Just wonder why the potential was left out of causing damage like this. Guess only so many rules you can put into a play test. and environmental damage is probably way down there. Im still a fan of the expanding fireball form 1e DnD days though :P

Ok so we have moved to the 3rd chapter, characters are now 7th level. No spoilers. But Party clerics and mage have access to fireball.

Now the description does not mention anything about setting fire to flammable objects in the area.

I ruled it did, giving the environment a save to resist catching fire. Roll a 1. So now the PC's have a small fire to put out and the enemy to contend with. Fare or not ?

So we have played a few P2 games and came up with some ideas towards resonance, we don't think its terrible just maybe a little harsh. Our solution would be as follows.

Potions - Heal potions cost taken off the resonance cost, say due to the divine energies associated with the healing it does not require the drinker to spend points. Were good with the rest costing a point.

Wands - We think 5e's approach to wands definitely helped get rid of the CLW wand spam. Their approach is wands have 7 charges and they recharge at the rate of 1d6 per day. If ever reduced to 0 there destroyed. Would become a permanent magical item instead of a consumable. So a resonance to attune to it, but not to use every charge.

We have not used many other "use" items so cant comment on things like the bag of holding etc. But none of my players are real happy about another resource to manage , but LOVE much of whats offered in 2e so resonance is not a deal breaker for us.

Bows are expensive to start with , your not getting a str mod at low levels and even then its only 50% . But a magical bow 3 actions a round its definitely going to sting. But the look on the players face when they say oh well no AoO so I'm gold only to get a sword to the face for their troubles with the great for a while :P

Ive thought about the expert / master etc give extra dice. But when fighters start out life as experts in all simple and martial and trained in Exotic. Unless you took everyone down by one "training" you have a 1st level fighter with 2d8 (2d12 with great sword) cleaving his way through everything in sight.

If martials started life trained in some groups. and then advanced at 4th/8th/12th/16th/20th for your +5 dice. maybe adding Grand master / Supreme Master before Legendary then its less about he weapon and more about the skill. Possibly with Barbarians, Paladins and Rangers not reaching full +5 at all .

What we Like
3 actions , were with most comments its great.

Cantrips for casters do a little more damage -

Character Creation. Started clunky but once you get the hang of it, its agood way of building characters.

The Weapon abilities and critical effects.

What we dont like

Cantrips : why not add casting stat at 1st not 3rd. I mean Fighters get +4 damage to a long sword attack or +2 to a Bow but not casters ?

Initative is a little clunky.

Magic weapons dealing extra dice. 4th level barbarian +1 great axe 2d12+7 while rage. with up to 3 hits per round. DAMN Thinking the extra dice should be tied to the character not the weapon. Maybe +1 extra at 4th/8th/12th/16th/20th?

So on fire damage. Player uses burning hands. Does the +10 happen before or after the save ? For instance player rolls 10 damage. if weakness added before save then the creature will take 10 on a save. If the weakness id added after the save the creature takes 15. If the fighter were to use a flaming sword (no save) then he would get the full +10.