AC 17 or 18 parry, HP 19
Fortitude (**) +6, Reflex (*) +6, Will (**) +7
Amulet's Abeyance (↺, 15-ft) Triggering damage to ally / self reduced by level plus two (3)
Sudden Shift (↺, focus) If a foe misses a strike, Step and become concealed
Thaumaturge Class DC 15
Martial Weapons (*), Medium Armor (*)
Speed 30, Bulk 1.7 / 6.0
Root to Life (◆) Stabilize an adjacent creature
Root to Life (◆◆) As above, and roll against every persistent damage affecting creature w/ "effective assistance" DC 10
Exploit Vulnerability (◆) Esoteric Lore @ Creature DC to learn defenses (CS/S), apply Mortal Weakness or Personal Antithesis (CS/S/F); flat-footed (CF)
Implement's Empowerment (~) Using both hands, excluding esoterica and implements, +2 bonus damage w/ one-handed weapon
Mortal Weakness (~) Exploited creatures are automatically triggered at their highest weakness
Personal Antithesis (~) Exploited creatures gains a custom weakness half level plus two (2)
Breached Defenses (~) Exploited creature's resistance is simply bypassed by strikes
Ancestry: Versatile > Fleet, Natural Skill
Background: Survival, Survey Wildlife
Class: Esoterica, Esoteric Lore, Exploit Vulnerability, Mortal Weakness, Personal Antithesis; Implement > Amulet, Root to Life
Born with no innate magical ability, nor from a family of mages of any stripe, Quatar came up a simple, unskilled laborer who landed a job at the Magaambya delivering produce by cart, and has spent the last few years onlooking at the goings on of the institution proper.
Spending a lot of his free time in the woods, Quatar mastered the skill of the boomerang, and carries a few around, and envying the creatures of their freedom, attempts now and again to capture the birds that roam wild in the hinterlands - a feat he has yet to accomplish. Perhaps if he can bring one home, his mother would be happy, and his father would be proud. He does enjoy watching them however, even as he actively "hunts" them.
His Mother embodies the philosophies of Uzunjati, slowly through his life teaching him stories that were loaded with morality and purpose, serving him as a compass. His father was simply a practical man, embodying the philosophy of Rain Scribes, quick-thinking and adapting to many circumstances in which he had to move the entire family on no less than 12 occasions in the last few years...
It was Niana who first broached the idea to her husband Takulu that maybe the young lad had more potential than meets the eye (no doubt, something she had seen in him that were instilled into him by his parents...). Indeed, with his long legs, he was a natural runner, with an easy, almost feline agility, he was personable to boot. All qualities that, while not classically denoting of a wizard proper, might serve to compliment those of his classmates. And after talking to him time and again, discovered not only a deep reverence for his elders, but nary a "mean bone" in his body. And so, by way of ceremony, Quatar was presented with an invitation to study at the verysame college that he was a laborer for, shifting his duties to early mornings to make room for his flexible studies.
It was around this time that he found his "lucky" ruby...