Champion of Magic

Qualzar-EmpTyger's page

264 posts. Alias of EmpTyger.


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Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Upgrading Ally 2 Apprentice into Ally 5 Pyromaniac Mage.

Four half-elven children were sitting by the fountain in the center of Sothis. Qualzar approached. "Have you been having fun on your vacation?" They all cheered. Qualzar beamed. "Everyone has fun at the Whimsical World of Qualzar the Wondrous!"

But then the eldest child added, "Although I think our parents have been arguing a lot." Qualzar looked over to the other side of the fountain, where a human and elf were having a heated dispute with a gnome. He took a closer listen.

"175 gold for a picture?" the elf was saying. "Look here, Mr. Hoppert. That can't be right."

The gnome cleared his throat. "Ah, ahem, er, as a matter of fact, it is 175 gp *per child* pictured." He held up a piece of parchment, showing the four half-elves riding in miniature pyramids. Each pyramid bounced up and down while moving around a central pylon. "So that would be 700 gp."

"700 gp?!" The human stamped in anger. "That's ridiculous. We certainly won't be paying such an outrageous sum!"

The elf sighed. "Just pay the gnome, dear." This clearly was not the first time they had had this argument. Reluctantly, the human pulled out a small purse, counted out some coins, and handed them over. Hadden bowed and scurried off.

The human turned to the elf. "700 gp for a picture. 1400 gp for the ride. Another 1400 gp to ride Darago's Spooky Mansion. 900 gp at the Rat-a-tat Rat Arcade. 2600 gp for admission to Lini's petting zoo. 4000 gp for aura readings at E & H. 12000 for lunch reservations at Gronk's Grub. 1250 for sweets at Cogsnap's Clever Candied Concoctions, including souvenir candy dishes..."

"The price gouging is outrageous!" the elf interrupted, but then sighed. "But what can we do?"

Qualzar whispered to the children. "I know what would cheer everyone up!" He conjured a flyer. "Nemsky's All-New Pyrotechnic Fireworks Extravaganza is starting soon!" The kids all looked excited. "See, seats are still available! Go on, go tell your parents!"

The half-elves ran over and showed the advertisement. The elf read, "...Seats are still available for 400 gp, 1100 gp for front row..." The human gave a tired groan, the elf gave pained cry. But the sorcerer watched them all depart in the direct of the amphitheatre.

Qualzar laughed and laughed and laughed. "Tourist trap!" His adventuring days might be over, but some things would never change. "Classic!"

Qualzar, Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller wrote:

22 cards

1 Weapon: Giantbane Dagger +1
5 Spells: Dominate, Blizzard, Life Leech, Wall of Fire, Dimension Leap
2 Armors: Robe of Vision, Robe of Energy Resistance
4 Items: Pearl of Magic, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Mist Horn, Crown of Charisma
5 Allies: Velociraptor, Clockwork Owl, Pyromaniac Mage, Cat, Surgeon
5 Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of Abadar, 2 Blessings of Pharasma

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Weapons 1 [] 2
Spells 3 [X] 4 [X] 5
Armors 1 [X] 2
Items 2 [X] 3 [X] 4
Allies 4 [X] 5 [] 6
Blessings 4 [X] 5 [] 6

Hero points: 7

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(Correction to Qualzar’s turn)
Banishing Key of the Second Vault to recovery to banish Conflagration
Arcane 12: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Key of the Second Vault is recharged

“The best way to let people know it’s safe again will be to hang a giant banner up there.” Qualzar pointed to the top of the ruined Canny Jackal. The sorcerer opened a locked chest and took out a wrapped parcel of food, giving it to Abdallah. “A bite of this should let you do it!”
The commander looked at the food dubiously. “What is it?”
The impeller smiled. “I call it a can-flag ration.”

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Clockwork Owl, Robe of Vision, Commander Abdallah, Axe of the Imperative, Blessing of Sivanah (discard to bless/double bless if non-combat INT/CHA), Robe of Energy Resistance, Life Leech,

Deck: 4 Discard: 4 Buried: 10
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Blessing of Sivanah

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Burying Scribe, Blessing of Abadar instead of discarding a blessing for Qualzar's turn
Moving to Canny Jackal
Closing Canny Jackal.
Canny Jackal is closed. Summoning Random Ally 1: Commander Abdallah

Commander Abdallah:
Ally 3
To Acquire:
Combat 11
When you encounter this card, you may reveal a blessing that has the Abadar trait to acquire this card.
Bury this card to recharge any number of blessings that has the Abadar trait from your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d8 to any combat checks during this exploration.

Discarding Crown of Charisma as an Attack Mental Magic spell, recharging Golden Serpent Armband
Combat 11: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + (6) + 4 + (2) = 20
Commander Abdallah is acquired

Qualzar strode back into the Canny Jackal triumphantly, but the establishment was empty. "What are you doing here?" asked a tall, important-looking commander. "Everyone has been ordered to shelter in place for the duration of the crisis."
The gnome was taken aback. He craned his neck up at the human, the crown glinting on his head. "And who are you to give orders to Qualzar the Unstoppable?"
The commander was unperturbed. "I'm Commander Abdallah. And I don't care who you are. Everyone must follow these orders. This is not a negotiation."
The impeller rolled his sleeves up past the fancy golden armband, and let out a cackle. "Challenge accepted."

Ending turn
Random open location: 1d7 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Cards examined: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Examining Tooth and Hookah 1: Ulunat, Tooth and Hookah 2: Aghash, Tooth and Hookah 3: Chakram of Ruin

Villain B
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 40
OR Constitution
Wisdom 20
THEN Combat 50

Ulunat is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 18 check or be dealt 1d4+1 Combat damage.
While you act, before any character plays a spell, that character is dealt 1 Mental damage which cannot be reduced.
If undefeated, move to the location Festering Ulunat and shuffle your token into its deck.
If Ulunat would be defeated, and Festering Ulunat is not closed, instead shuffle Ulunat into a random occupied location other than Festering Ulunat.

Henchman B
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 11
OR Divine 8
When you examine this card, discard a card from the blessings deck, then shuffle the villain Sandstorm into the blessings deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Chakram of Ruin:
Weapon 6
To Acquire:
Ranged 13
For your combat check or a check against a barrier that has the Obstacle trait, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged Skill + 1d8+3; you may additionally discard this card to add 1d6+1.
During your encounter, discard this card to ignore a non-villain monster's power that happens before you act.
On your combat check, if you played another weapon, discard this card to add 1d4+3 and the Acid.

Aghash triggers. Burying Crown of Charisma, Tablet of Languages Lost instead of discarding a blessing. Shuffling Sandstorm into hourglass.
Chakram of Ruin is banished

From the direction of the Tooth and Hookah came a ruinous rumble, and another shower of sand. "Sounds like the show is about to get started!" Qualzar said excitedly.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Clockwork Owl, Key of the Second Vault (banish to recovery to banish local displayed non-villain Lock/Obstacle/Trap), Commander Abdallah, Axe of the Imperative, Blessing of Sivanah (discard to bless/double bless if non-combat INT/CHA), Robe of Energy Resistance, Life Leech,

Deck: 4 Discard: 4 Buried: 10
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Blessing of Sivanah

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

No hour discarded for Qualzar's turn.
Another Sandstorm was shuffled into hourglass.
Tooth and Hookah 3 is banished.
Random Ally 1 (Commander Abdallah) is acquired.
Canny Jackal is closed.
Qualzar is at Canny Jackal.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Burying Wall of Fire, Kafar instead of discarding a blessing for Qualzar's turn.
Moving to Festering Ulunat
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d10 ⇒ 1
Exploring Festering Ulunat 1: Living Sandstorms

Living Sandstorms:
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 18
When you examine this card, each character at this location must succeed at a Dexterity or Stealth 13 check or is dealt 1d4 Combat damage.
The Living Sandstorm is immune to the Mental, Poison, and Ranged traits.
Before you act, discard a blessing from the blessings deck, then shuffle the villain Sandstorm into the blessings deck.

Displaying Blizzard
Burying Velociraptor, Blessing of Pharasma instead of discarding a blessing. Shuffling Sandstorm into blessings deck.
Discarding Key of the Second Vault as an Attack Force Magic spell, using Blizzard
Combat 18: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (2) + 6 + (4) + 4 + (2, 3) = 21
Living Sandstorms is banished

"Well, someone's got to jump in after Darago," announced Qualzar. Khai-Utef was speechless at this act of selflessness, and was further speechless as the sorcerer explained. "You see, he jumped in first. So that makes this the crucial second vault!" The sphinx's frosty glare was overshadowed by an inexorable groan below, as a gaping hole appeared sucking torrents of sand along with them down into the monster's maw.

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d9 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Discarding Blessing of Abadar to explore Festering Ulunat 3: Skull Ripper

Skull Ripper:
Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 14
If undefeated, succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 7 check or when you are dealt damage, discard cards from the top of your deck instead of your hand; this damage may not be reduced.

Using Blizzard. Skizza discards Blessing of Alkenstar
Combat 14: 1d6 + 2d6 + 1d12 ⇒ (4) + (3, 6) + (4) = 17
Skizza instead recharges Blessing of Alkenstar. Skull Ripper is banished

As they descended through the esophagus, the monster's mindlessly grinding digestive tract pushed them tighter and tighter, giving Qualzar no chance to perform any somatic components. But the cold slowed the monster's digestive system just enough for them to shoot through like a bullet.

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d9 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Discarding Blessing of Sivanah to explore Festering Ulunat 10: Royal Naga

Royal Naga:
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 16
THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.

Banishing Life Leech to recovery, using Blizzard, vulnerable
Combat 16: 1d10 + 6 + 2d4 + 2d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (10) + 6 + (4, 1) + (5, 5) + (7) = 38
Life Leech cure: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Khelru, Blessing of Sivanah, Key of the Second Vault, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek are healed
Discarding Crown of Charisma as an Attack Mental Magic spell, using Blizzard, vulnerable
Combat 16: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 + 1d8 ⇒ (9) + 6 + (5) + 4 + (6, 6) + (3) = 39
Royal Naga is banished

Out from the darkness a hiss greeted Qualzar, and a crowned naga emerged to try to strike. "You cannot interfere with the Unholy First!"
The gnome laughed, and his form began to change, as he absorbed the naga's appearance and power, even changing his crown to match. "Who is interfering with who now?"

Displaying Khai-Utef to reset hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Tablet of Languages Lost, Khelru, Golden Serpent Armband, Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Surgeon (recharge to heal 1 local card), Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman), Robe of Energy Resistance,

Displayed: Blizzard (display to add 2d6 and Cold to combat until end of turn; 1 Cold damage to everyone except Qualzar at end of turn), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman),
Deck: 5 Discard: 2 Buried: 6

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

Using Khai-Utef to examine Festering Ulunat 6: Darago
Darago is no longer shuffled into a location

While Qualzar amused himself, the sphinx Khai-Utef sought and found the missing necromancer. "And how does a necromancer return from where only the dead belong?"

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Using Khai-Utef to explore Festering Ulunat 5: Scribe

Ally 4
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
Recharge this card to add 2d6 to your Diplomacy or Knowledge check.
Discard this card to explore your location.

CHA 9: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Scribe is acquired
Khai-Utef returned with Darago to Qualzar. The gnome explained his plan to emerge. "We'll make Ulunat laugh so hard it chokes us back up! So we'll need to write zillions of jokes."

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Discarding Blessing of Abadar to explore Festering Ulunat 4: Scarab Swarm

Scarab Swarm:
Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 6
When you examine this card, you are dealt 1 Poison damage. Then encounter this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by less than 4, and the check to defeat does not have the Fire trait, shuffle the Scarab Swarm into the deck it came from.

Discarding Golden Serpent Armband as an Attack Force Magic spell, using Blizzard
Combat 6+14=20 (24): 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (5) + 4 + (1, 4) = 21
Scarab Swarm is shuffled back into Festering Ulunat

Qualzar tested his jokes on the tiny beetles, miniature versions of Ulunat, which swarmed through the cavernous maw, breaking down everything Ulunat swallowed. But the sorcerer found it more fun to just animate a gold snake and have it snack on the vermin. "All you can eat!" The beetles were unceasing.

Khelru cure: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Discarding Khelru to heal Golden Serpent Armband
Recharging Surgeon to heal Crown of Charisma

The gnome showed no sign of concern for his own health. Despite the caustic environment, the Qualzar had plenty of potions prepared by the surgeon and cleric.

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Discarding Blessing of Achaekek to explore Festering Ulunat 9: Caravan Raider

Caravan Raider:
Monster B
To Defeat:
Stealth 7
OR Combat 9
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Caravan Raider deals no damage; instead, banish a boon.

Discarding Tablet of Languages Lost as an Attack Mental Magic spell, using Blizzard
Combat 9+7=16: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 6 + (1) + 4 + (4, 3) = 26
Caravan Raider is banished

A very opportunistic bandit was trying to loot the corpses within Ulunat. "Aha, you can test out this punchline!"
The rogue was confused. "I don't get it."
Qualzar punched him in the face.

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d7 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Discarding Scribe to explore Festering Ulunat 8: Sehela

Ally 6
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 15
Display this card. While displayed, you may add 1d6 to Craft, Disable, and Perception checks by any character at your location. When you suffer a scourge, bury this card.

Qualzar cannot make a CHA/Diplomacy 15 check. Sehela is banished
After the scribe finished, Qualzar promptly wiped her memories. "I don't want anyone saying I used a ghostwriter."

Ending turn.
Random open location: 1d9 ⇒ 6
Random open location: 1d9 ⇒ 9
Cards examined: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Shuffled Festering Ulunat: 1d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Examining Festering Ulunat 7: Guardian Thunderbirds, Festering Ulunat 2: Kafar Random Ally 1: Giant Slug

Guardian Thunderbirds:
Monster 6
To Defeat:
Combat 22
The Guardian Thunderbirds are immune to the Electricity traits. All damage dealt by the Guardian Thunderbirds is Electricity damage. If your check to defeat has the Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 3.
Before you act, a random character at your location is dealt 1d4 Electricity damage.

Giant Slug:
Ally B
To Acquire:
Survival 6
Recharge this card and discard 1 card from the blessings deck and explore your location. You may add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat check.

Giant Slug is banished
Combat damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Qualzar prevents 1 Combat damage
Acid damage: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Recharging Robe of Energy Resistance to prevent 3 Acid damage. (No cards left in hand)
Khai-Utef is discarded
Everyone takes 1 Cold damage
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Life Leech is discarded
Arcane 14: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Blizzard is recharged. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Life Leech

An ominous rumble sounded in the distance. "Aw, is Ulunat getting hungry?" Qualzar wiped the monster's sluggy goo off on his robe and drank another of the surgeon's poultices. "I could do this all day!"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Clockwork Owl, Key of the Second Vault (banish to recovery to banish local displayed non-villain Lock/Obstacle/Trap), Crown of Charisma, Axe of the Imperative, Blessing of Sivanah (discard to bless/double bless if non-combat INT/CHA), Golden Serpent Armband, Surgeon,

Deck: 5 3 Discard: 7 8 Buried: 6
Ask before using: Blessing of Sivanah
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

No hour discarded for Qualzar's turn.
Another Sandstorm was shuffled into hourglass.
Festering Ulunat 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 are banished
Festering Ulunat 5 is acquired.
Festering Ulunat: 7 (Guardian Thunderbirds) is on top, 4 (Scarab Swarm) is on bottom.
Qualzar is at Festering Ulunat.
Darago is at Festering Ulunat (no longer shuffled in)
Skizza recharged Blessing of Alkenstar.
Everyone takes 1 Cold damage.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 1: Elements o'clock
Moving to Dye Market
Displaying Wall of Fire
Recharging Surgeon to heal Lini for 1

Qualzar was by Lini's side at an instant, setting up a wall of fire around the injured druid as the surgeon tended to her. "You can't die! Who else will appreciate all my Gnomish jokes?" The sorcerer remembered. "Hm. Well, Cogsnap probably. Where did that alchemist go?"

Exploring Dye Market 1: Axe of the Imperative

Axe of the Imperative:
Weapon 5
To Acquire:
Perception 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d8. If proficient with weapons and the bane has a power that happens before or after you act, add another 1d8.

Recharging Clockwork Owl
Perception 12: 1d6 + 2 + 2d8 ⇒ (6) + 2 + (3, 4) = 15
Axe of the Imperative is acquired

Qualzar sent his mechanical bird to seek out the missing alchemist. He didn't find Cogsnap, but he did find some impressive fasces.

Discarding Blessing of Pharasma to explore Dye Market 2: Quicksand Bunyip

Quicksand Bunyip:
Monster C
To Defeat:
Combat 12
When you examine this card, you may discard a card that has the Bludgeoning or Liquid trait; if you do not, the Quicksand Bunyip deals 1d4 Electricity damage to you. Then shuffle the Quicksand Bunyip into your location.
Damage dealt by the Quicksand Bunyip may not be reduced.

Using Wall of Fire
Combat 12: 1d10 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (5, 2) = 17
Quicksand Bunyip is banished

The gnome heard a sound through the swirling debris. It was the bunyip, trying to attack Lini again, but it could not get through Qualzar's wall.

Discarding Blessing of Achaekek to explore Dye Market 3: Aghash

Henchman C
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 11
OR Divine 8
When you examine this card, discard a card from the blessings deck, then shuffle the villain Sandstorm into the blessings deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Using Wall of Fire. Skizza recharges Blessing of Tsukiyo with CHA hour
Combat 11+14=25: 2d10 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (3, 10) + 6 + (1, 2) = 22
Skizza discards Lucky Rifle +2
Combat 25: 22 + 1d4 + 1 ⇒ 22 + (2) + 1 = 25
Aghash is banished
Closing Dye Market: Recharging Axe of the Imperative, Golden Serpent Armband, Robe of Energy Resistance. Dye Market is closed

That left the aghash, who hissed at the gnomes. "Die!"
Qualzar stood up imposingly: robe-clad, bejeweled, bearing the fasces, and faced his opponent. "Qualzar the Imperious holds command here! I give the orders! And I order you..." He pointed at the aghash. "...To dye!" The aghash charged at the impeller, bracing itself as it hit the magical barrier- only to pass through surprisingly easily. The div stopped, unharmed but utterly puzzled. The glowing red wall was not made of flames, but rather... "Paint?"
Qualzar was rolling on the ground in hysterics as the aghash stood there cluelessly, a bright red target that proved impossible for Skizza to miss. "Classic!"

Ending turn.
Random open location: 1d9 ⇒ 1
Examined cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Examining Smoking Den 1: Kalnaka, Smoking Den 2: Shocking Chest. Examining and banishing Smoking Den 3: Blessing of Maat

Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 22
The Kalnaka is immune to the Cold, Mental, and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Electricity trait, add 1d8.
If undefeated, bury your discard pile.

Shocking Chest:
Barrier 4
To Defeat:
DexterityDisable 12
OR Strength 15
After you act, if the result of your check to defeat is less than 17, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Electricity damage.
If undefeated, you may banish this barrier.
If defeated, draw a weapon, a spell, and an item from the box.

Blessing of Maat:
Blessing 2
To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Constitution
Fortitude 10
Discard this card after any check is rolled to add or subtract up to 3 from the result.
Recharge this card to reduce damage dealt to you by 2.
Discard this card to exchange all dice that would be rolled on a non-combat check with d8s.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may discard any number of cards to allow a character at your location to recharge that same number of random cards from his discard pile.

Qualzar took a quick look where Darago had been. "The Smoking Den is a smoking ruin!" Through the cloud of smoke was a staggering mummy, a crackling chest, and some burnt feathers- but the monster and the necromancer were both gone.

Arcane 13: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Wall of Fire is discarded. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Life Leech, Blessing of Sivanah (discard to bless/double bless if non-combat INT/CHA), Key of the Second Vault (banish to recovery to banish local displayed non-villain Lock/Obstacle/Trap), Crown of Charisma, Blizzard (display to add 2d6 and Cold to combat until end of turn; 1 Cold damage to everyone except Qualzar at end of turn),

Deck: 7 Discard: 7 Buried: 2
Notes: Will use Key of the Second Vault if I get moved to Canny Jackal to banish the last Sandstorm.
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar; Blizzard
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration; Khai-Utef

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Hour discarded for Qualzar's turn as normal (Blessing 1).
Dye Market 1 acquired.
Dye Market 2, 3 banished.
Dye Market closed.
Smoking Den 1, 2 examined (Kalnaka, Shocking Chest)
Smoking Den 3 banished.
Smoking Den does *not* contain villain. (Villain must be at Tooth & Hookah or Canny Jackal.)
Qualzar is at Dye Market.
Lini healed for 1.
Skizza recharges Blessing of Tsukiyo and discards Lucky Rifle +2.

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Shuffled hourglass (8=Sandstorm): 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Blessing 3: Ancients o'clock
Moving to Surgery
Exploring Surgery 1: Mad Dog Marrn

Mad Dog Marrn:
Ally 1
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
If you fail to acquire this card, banish an ally that has the Animal trait from your hand or discard pile or you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage.
Recharge this card to add 1d8 to a Survival check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, if you encounter a card that has the Trigger trait, you may evade it.

CHA 9: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Mad Dog Marrn is acquired and displayed
The gnome showered the barbarian with some putrid medicine. "Hair of the dog that bit you!" But it worked.

Ending turn
Random open location: 1d7 ⇒ 7
Examined cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Examining Canny Jackal 1: Giant Slug, Canny Jackal 2: Mumia Smugglers

Giant Slug:
Ally B
To Acquire:
Survival 6
Recharge this card and discard 1 card from the blessings deck and explore your location. You may add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat checks during this exploration.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 and the Acid trait to your combat check.

Mumia Smugglers:
Ally B
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 8
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to your check against a card that has the Alchemical trait.
Bury this card to return all cards that have the Alchemical trait from your discard pile to your hand.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Giant Slug and Mumia Smugglers are banished, unless Estra discards cards to move them somewhere
Resetting hand

From Estra's direction, there was another loud rumble.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Surgeon (recharge to heal 1 local card), Wall of Fire, Clockwork Owl, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Golden Serpent Armband, Robe of Energy Resistance, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Deck: 9 Discard: 4 Buried: 2
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek; Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration; Surgeon

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Lini’s turn)
Burying Pearl of Magic
Cured spells: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Life Leech, Wall of Fire are recharged.
Revealing and discarding Khelru
Cured cards: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Blessing of Abadar is healed
Breath of Life: Crown of Charisma, Khai-Utef, Blessing of Pharasma, Surgeon are healed

Between his own magical reserves and Khelru’s and Lini’s cure spells, Qualzar was quickly back on his feet.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Golden Serpent Armband, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Deck: 14 Discard: 4 Buried: 2
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Skizza's turn)
Discarding Velociraptor from deck to reload Mad Dog Marrn into Surgery

"Time for your rabies shot!" The gnome teleported Mad Dog into the surgery.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Pearl of Magic, Golden Serpent Armband, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Deck: 7 Discard: 10 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Skizza’s turn)
Void Glyph: Qualzar cannot make a WIS 8+7=15 check
Mental damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Discarding Kafar, Crown of Charisma, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Pharasma for 4 Mental damage

Qualzar couldn’t see through the sudden sandstorm, but he followed the sound of Estra’s voice, and then the sound of Estra’s screams.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Pearl of Magic, Golden Serpent Armband, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Deck: 8 Discard: 9 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Darago’s turn)
Discarding Blessing of Pharasma on Darago’s Conflagration check

Qualzar giggled as he enlarged Darago’s spell into a gargantuan anaconda without the necromancer knowing.

(Qualzar’s turn)
Elements o’clock
Giving Dimension Leap to Darago

Dimension Leap:
Spell 3

When another character encounters a card, you may discard this card to move yourself to or from that character's location.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Moving to Canny Jackal
Exploring Canny Jackal 1: Idorii

Ally 1
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
If you fail to acquire this card, you are dealt 1d4 Combat damage.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check by a character at your location.
Discard this card to explore your location. During this exploration, add 2d4 to all combat checks.

CHA 9: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Canny Jackal: Burying Dominate to acquire Idorii. Idorii is acquired and displayed
Idorii was not amused to see the gnome again. “This is not the time for pranks!”
Qualzar cast a dominate spell. “It’s always time for pranks!” The half-elf was literally forced to agree.

Displaying Khai-Utef to reset hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Kafar, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Crown of Charisma, Velociraptor, Golden Serpent Armband, Clockwork Owl, Life Leech,

Deck: 7 Discard: 5 Buried: 1

Using Khai-Utef to examine Vizier’s Hill 1: Curse of the Netheshuun

Curse of the Netheshuun:
Barrier 6
To Defeat:
Divine 16
OR Dexterity
Disable 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Charisma or Diplomacy 10 check; otherwise, encounter this card.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d6 Cold damage then suffers a scourge.

Curse of the Netheshuun triggers.
CHA 10: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Encountering Curse of the Netheshuun
Recharging Clockwork Owl. Estra displays Hypercognition for Qualzar
WIS 16: 2d6 + 2d8 ⇒ (3, 5) + (7, 3) = 18
Curse of the Netheshuun is banished.
Using Khai-Utef to explore Canny Jackal 2: Pard

Ally C
To Acquire:
Survival 7
OR Charisma
Diplomacy 10
Recharge this card to add your Charisma skill to your combat check.
Recharge this card to add 1d4 to a combat check at another location.
Discard this card to examine the top card of another location; if it is a non-henchman, non-villain monster you may place it on top or bottom of the location deck.

Using Hypercognition
CHA 10: 2d10 + 4 ⇒ (10, 4) + 4 = 18
Pard is acquired and displayed.

As Khai-Utef joined Qualzar, the pard snarled at the sphinx in a feline tongue. “Betrayer of the Viziers! How dare you appear here!”
Qualzar quickly interrupted. “It’s all right! You can get back into their good graces with a riddle! How about: What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and 3 at evening?”
“M...” Khai-Utef started to speak, but Qualzar finished the thought. “Mutant cuckoo-clock cuckoos, exactly! You read my mind!”
Khai-Utef gave the gnome a stony look, but said nothing. The pard at least seemed satisfied.

Discarding Kafar to explore Canny Jackal 3: Mahga Threefingers

Mahga Threefingers:
Ally B
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 8
Recharge this card after rolling the dice on your check to add 3 or subtract 2 from the result.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Using Kafar, using Hypercognition
CHA 8: 2d10 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 2) + 4 + (4) = 11
Mahga Threefingers is acquired and displayed

Meanwhile, Kafar was reuniting with an old chum.

Discarding Velociraptor to explore Canny Jackal 4: Aghash

Henchman B
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 11
OR Divine 8
When you examine this card, discard a card from the blessings deck, then shuffle the villain Sandstorm into the blessings deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Banishing Life Leech to recovery, using Velociraptor, using Hypercognition.
Combat 11+14=25: 2d10 + 6 + 2d4 + 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 + (2, 2) + (6, 3) = 25
Life Leech cure: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Kafar, Velociraptor, Blizzard, Blessing of Pharasma are healed. Aghash is banished

An angry aghash flew at Qualzar, but the impeller laughed. “Die now, soarer!” he cackled, taking great pleasure at the phrase.

Ending turn. Discarding Khai-Utef.
Conflagration: Revealing Golden Serpent Armband to prevent 1 Fire damage
Random open location: 1d7 ⇒ 6
Examined cards: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Examining and banishing Dye Market 1: Horn Lamellar, Dye Market 2: Advocate’s Armor, Dye Market 3: The Viper
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Life Leech is discarded.
Estra must make a recovery check for Hypercognition
Resetting hand

The billowing conflagration didn’t seem to affect the Canny Jackal, but the wares next door in the dye market went up in smoke.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Kafar, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Crown of Charisma, Pearl of Magic, Golden Serpent Armband, Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Deck: 8 Discard: 5 Buried: 1
Ask before using: 2 Blessings of Pharasma; Blessing of Achaekek
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Dimension Leap given to Darago
Hypercognition banished to recovery by Estra
Vizier’s Hill 1 banished
Dye Market 1, Dye Market 2, Dye Market 3 banished
Canny Jackal 1, Canny Jackal 2, Canny Jackal 3 acquired and displayed
Canny Jackal 4 banished

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Lini's turn)
Discarding Surgeon from deck to reload Idorii into Canny Jackal
Discarding Wall of Fire from deck to reload Pard into Canny Jackal

"I do reckon we ought to all saddle up and get ourselves to the saloon, pard'ner," drawled the gnome as he teleported two more of the wounded out of the collapsing surgery.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Golden Serpent Armband, Dominate, Life Leech,

Deck: 12 Discard: 4 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration; Khai-Utef; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Estra's turn)
Discarding Blizzard from deck to reload Mahga Threefingers into Canny Jackal

Qualzar teleported Mahga to the Canny Jackal. "Snow day! Biology class is cancelled."

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Golden Serpent Armband, Dominate, Life Leech,

Deck: 14 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration; Khai-Utef; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Gaining Hero Point
Forfeiting upgrade
Replacing Loot Spell B Remove Curse with Spell 3 Dimension Leap
Replacing Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost with Item 1 Crown of Charisma.  Replacing Item 3 Mist Horn with Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost
Replacing Loot Item 3 Scarab of Mummy Defense with Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma.  Replacing Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma with Loot Item 4 Golden Serpent Armband
Sunburst Market: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 for Item C Key of the Second Vault
Starting at Skizza's Location

Qualzar strode imperiously through Sunburst Market as fires and panic ricocheted around Sothis. He had conjured from somewhere an oversized golden key which he claimed was the “key to the city”, and once more the sorcerer’s gaudy crown sat ridiculously atop his gnomish head. He waved to Skizza. “See how they properly greet the return of Qualzar the Civic-Minded!”

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Golden Serpent Armband, Dominate, Life Leech,

Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma; Blessing of Abadar
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Blessing for Conflagration; Khai-Utef; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2
Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.
Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 2: Poisoning o’clock
Curse of Poisoning is displayed
Mist Horn is banished to recovery
Estra banishes Channel the Gift to recovery for Qualzar to draw Blizzard

The mist cloud dissolved into a swirl of snowflakes. "Looks like we're going to be flying through a winter storm. Fasten your seatbelts, there may be some turbulence."

Exploring Oblivion’s Bridge 3: Ushering of Oblivion

Ushering of Oblivion:
Villain 6
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Before you act, roll 1d6; draw that many cards, then summon and encounter the following henchman:
1. Pairaka 3. Ghawwa 5. Usij Ghul
2. Druj-Nasu 4. Shira 6. Akvan
The summoned card may summon other cards.
If you defeat the summoned card, bury 1d4 cards, then discard 1d4 cards, then recharge your hand; if you recharged 1 or more cards, the Ushering of Oblivion is defeated. Otherwise, it is undefeated.

Henchman: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Drawing Surgeon, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Dominate, Blessing of Sivanah. Summoning Akvan
Henchman Monster 6



The Akvan is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, succeed at a Wisdom 9 check or the difficulty of checks to defeat is increased by 4 until the end of the encounter. After this check, a character summons and encounters the villain Sepid.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Divine, or Electricity trait, subtract 1 from each die.
If undefeated, you are dealt 2d4 Acid damage.
If defeated and there are other cards in the siege deck, put the Akvan on the bottom of the siege deck

Displaying Blizzard.
Recharging Clockwork Owl, using Create Mindscape.
WIS 9: 1d6 + 2d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (6, 2) + (3) = 15
Oblivion’s Bridge: -2=13
Summoning Sepid

Villain Monster 4



The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.

Evading as an Arcane Mental spell. Sepid is banished.
Discarding Dominate as an Attack Mental Magic spell, using Create Mindscape, using Blizzard, recharging Life Leech to use Ley Line, discarding Blessing of Pharasma. Darago reveals Magnetic Grimoire
Combat 35: 4d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d4 + 2d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (8, 2, 1, 7) + 6 + (2) + 4 + (1) + (2, 4) + (2) = 39
Oblivion’s Bridge: -10=29. Using a hero point to reroll
Combat 35: 4d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d4 + 2d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (9, 6, 10, 3) + 6 + (3) + 4 + (1) + (4, 2) + (4) = 52
Oblivion’s Bridge: -3=49. Akvan is banished
Buried, discarded: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
Burying Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Sivanah. Discarding Wall of Fire. Recharging Icy Prison, Surgeon, Blessing of Achaekek, Scarab of Mummy Defense. Ushering of Oblivion is banished

Ahriman's spirit made one final effort, possessing a sepid and akvan who attempted to wrest control of the sky-pyramid. "Excuse me, the captain has not turned off the fasten seatbelt sign," said Qualzar, forcing the sepid to sit passively in the corner. The sorcerer laughed and munched on some peanuts, but quickly spit it out. "And what's the deal with sky-pyramid food? Flight attendant! Bring me a nice cold drink." The possessed akvan brought the gnome an icy glass of an effervescent blue liquid. "Mmm, first class!"

Guided by clockwork wings, the sky-pyramid gracefully leveled off, touching down safely outside Sothis. "Be sure to gather all your possessions and prepare to disembark." Qualzar beckoned to the possessed divs and they obediently fell in line, with Ahriman's powerless spirit helplessly trapped. "Thank you for flying Pyramid Air!"

We win!

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Lini's turn)
Electricity damage, Safety Bubble, Mist Horn: 1d4 + 1 - 1d4 - 3 ⇒ (3) + 1 - (2) - 3 = -1
Poison damage, Safety Bubble, Mist Horn: 1d4 - 1d4 - 3 ⇒ (3) - (2) - 3 = -2
Sard: Mist Horn prevents 3 Electricity damage, Safety Bubble prevents 1 Electricity damage. Mist Horn prevents 3 Poison damage.

"Misty wants to play fetch!" Qualzar's mist-monster chased after the arboreal creature that Lini had killed, scooping up the toxic branches in its mist-jaws.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Icy Prison, Life Leech, Scarab of Mummy Defense (bury to banish all Curses a local character has), Clockwork Owl, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn),
Deck: 16 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Until the start of Qualzar's next turn, Mist Horn prevents 3 monster damage
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Scarab of Mummy Defense

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 1: Fevered Dreams' o'clock
Curse of Fevered Dreams is displayed

Curse of Fevered Dreams:
Scourge 3
Display this card. While displayed, after you reset your hand, recharge your hand, then draw 1d4+1 cards.

If you already have Curse of Fevered Dreams displayed, banish this card.

Lightning Storm: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Lightning Storm is banished
Displaying Mist Horn at Oblivion's Bridge

The lightning had stopped, but the stormclouds lingered. Qualzar activated his magic horn, pulling the clouds down into the bubble, cloaking them in a fine mist. A hazy heat settled around the gnome.

Exploring Oblivion's Bridge 2: Helpful Haversack

Helpful Haversack:
Item 1
To Acquire:
Intelligence 6
At the start of your turn, reveal this card to examine the top card of your deck. You may additionally discard this card to add the examined card to your hand; otherwise, put the examined card on the top or bottom of your deck.

Using Create Mindscape
INT 6: 1d10 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 3 + (1) = 5
Oblivion's Bridge: -2=3. Helpful Haversack is banished

Qualzar took ahold of a backpack of supplies, and spoke to it. "I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go." Before anyone could stop him, he tossed it out into the void. "You're sacked."

Discarding Velociraptor to explore Oblivion's Bridge 3: Polymorph Gas

Polymorph Gas:
Barrier 6
To Defeat:
Perception 14
If undefeated, recharge your hand, then suffer the scourge Curse of the Mummy.

Using Create Mindscape, using Ley Line by recharging Blizzard. Darago reveals Magnetic Tome. Estra reveals Neferekhu and must make a Diplomacy 8 check or display Curse of the Withered
Perception 14: 4d6 + 2 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 5) + 2 + (3) + (4) = 27
Oblivion's Bridge: -1=26. Polymorph Gas is banished

The sorcerer noticed that the mist was reacting to something. "Look Neferekhu, it's following me home! Can I keep it?" The gnome reshaped the mist into a cloudy dinosaur. "A new pet! I'll call you Misty."

Discarding Blessing of Pharasma to explore Oblivion's Bridge 4: Word of Ra

Word of Ra:
Word of Ra
Barrier 6
To Defeat:
Stealth 17
If undefeated, banish an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire; otherwise each character at your location is dealt 2d4 Fire damage.

Darago reveals Magnetic Tome. Skizza discards Blessing of Alkenstar
DEX 17: 1d6 + 1d4 + 1d12 ⇒ (4) + (1) + (7) = 12
Oblivion's Bridge: -1=11
Fire damage, Safety Bubble: 2d4 - 1d4 ⇒ (2, 1) - (2) = 1
Discarding Khai-Utef for 1 Fire damage
Everyone has to take 2d4 Fire damage
Word of Ra is shuffled back into Oblivion's Bridge (unless someone wants to avenge?)

Qualzar saw a button labeled with but a single word: "Ra." The gnome gasped. He'd heard rumors of this god-crafted trap, but to actually get to experience it? Only the steadiest hand could disarm it, a tough task under normal circumstances; and a plummeting sky-pyramid was certainly not normal. There was nothing to do but enjoy the explosion of solar energy. And Qualzar did. "That... was... awesome!"

Ending turn.
Bane type (1=Monster, 2=Barrier): 1d2 ⇒ 2
Summoning Random Barrier 1: Hungry Fog

Hungry Fog:
Barrier 3
To Defeat:
Perception 10
The Hungry Fog is immune to the Acid and Electricity traits.
Before you act, you may succeed at a Dexterity or Stealth 10 check to evade the Hungry Fog.
If undefeated, bury the top card of your deck and put the Hungry Fog on top of your location deck.

Using Create Mindscape, using Ley Line by recharging Dominate. Estra reveals Neferekhu and must make a Diplomacy 8 check or display Curse of the Withered
Perception 10: 4d6 + 2 + 1d4 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 3) + 2 + (3) = 21
Oblivion's Bridge: -2=19. Hungry Fog is banished

Qualzar noticed his new pet mist-spirit was getting a little restless. "Aw, little Misty's getting hungry! Better feed you before you devour us all!" the gnome said with cheery responsibility.

Resetting hand
Curse of Fevered Dreams: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Recharging hand and drawing 5 cards

Seemingly oblivious to the solar scorching which had just happened, Qualzar wiped his brow. "It's getting hot in here, isn't it?" He didn't realize that the droplets on his forehead weren't condensation from the mist, but rather beads of fevered sweat.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Icy Prison, Life Leech, Scarab of Mummy Defense (bury to banish all Curses a local character has), Clockwork Owl, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Curse of Fevered Dreams,
Deck: 13 Discard: 3 Buried: 0
Notes: Until the start of Qualzar's next turn, Mist Horn prevents 3 monster damage
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Scarab of Mummy Defense

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Darago’s turn)
Earth Ossumental: Qualzar cannot make a DEX/Acrobatics 13 check
Acid damage, Safety Bubble: 1d4 - 1d4 ⇒ (1) - (3) = -2
Safety Bubble prevents 1 Acid damage

The sorcerer was flatfooted, but Estra’s quick protective bubble shielded Qualzar.

(Qualzar’s turn)
Blessing 1: Ravenous o’clock
Curse of the Ravenous is displayed

Curse of the Ravenous:
Scourge 1
While displayed, at the end of your turn, roll 1d4 and bury all cards in your discard pile of this type:
1. Blessings
2. Allies
3. Spells and weapons
4. Items

If you already have Curse of the Ravenous displayed, banish this card.

Lightning Storm: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Safety Bubble: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Safety Bubble prevents 1 Electricity Damage
There was a loud rumbling. Not thunder, though, but a noise from inside Estra’s bubble: the gurgling of a hungry gnome’s stomach.

Exploring Oblivion’s Bridge 4: Mace of Ruin

Mace of Ruin:
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Melee 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your check to defeat a bane that has the Obstacle trait.

Qualzar cannot make a STR/Melee 11 check. Mace of Ruin is banished
The gnome decided to hurry things up, and pulled another self-destruct switch. “Sothis is how it will end!”

Discarding Kafar to explore Oblivion’s Bridge 5: Giant Mummified Crocodile

Giant Mummified Crocodile:
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 21
The Giant Mummified Crocodile is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Cold or Electricity trait, add 1d8.
If undefeated, bury your discard pile and shuffle this card into a random open location deck.

Discarding Scarab of Mummy Defense as an Attack Force Magic spell, using Kafar, using displayed Create Mindscape, discarding Blessing of Sivanah
Combat 21: 2d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (9, 2) + 6 + (4) + 4 + (1) + (3) = 29
Oblivion’s Bridge: -3=26. Mummified Crocodile is banished

A huge mummified crocodile attempted to push into the bubble. “One of yours?” Kafar asked Darago. Even before the necromancer began to shake his head no, Qualzar had already begun magically tying the creature’s wraps up 7 intricate knots.

Ending turn. Summoning Random Monster 2: Sard

Monster 6
To Defeat:
Combat 23
The Sard is immune to the Electricity, Mental and Poison traits.
After you act, each character at this location is dealt 1d4+1 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Poison damage.

Banishing Life Leech to recovery, discarding Blessing of Pharasma, using displayed Create Mindscape. Darago reveals Magnetic Tome
Combat 23: 3d10 + 6 + 2d4 + 1d4 + 1d4 ⇒ (2, 9, 8) + 6 + (3, 2) + (3) + (2) = 35
Oblivion’s Bridge: -6=29
Life Leech cure: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Blessing of Sivanah, Kafar, Blessing of Pharasma, Scarab of Mummy Defense are healed
Electricity damage, Safety Bubble: 1d4 + 1 - 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 1 - (3) = 1
Safety Bubble prevents 3 Electricity damage. Discarding Blessing of Abadar for 1 Electricity damage
Poison damage, Safety Bubble: 1d4 + 1 - 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 1 - (4) = -2
Safety Bubble prevents 1 Poison damage
Everyone must take 1d4+1 Electricity damage, then 1d4 Poison damage
Sard is banished.
Banishing Remove Curse to recovery to banish Curse of the Ravenous

There was a deafening crash, as a lightning bolt from struck a giant tree, awakening the plant monster. The sorcerer leeched out the sard’s sap, returning it to dormancy, only to let out a distressed wail. Not because the lifeless tree was now crashing downward toward the rest of the party. No, Qualzar was upset at having to eat vegetables. “Gross.” But at least he wasn’t hungry any longer.

Recovery: Using displayed Create Mindscape
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (9) + 6 + (3) = 18
Life Leech is recharged. Remove Curse is recharged. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza’s turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Blessing of Abadar

The surgeon no longer was shocked that Qualzar was unharmed despite the chaos surrounding him, and just stoically offered a tonic to mitigate the leafy taste.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Dominate, Blizzard (display to add 2d6 and Cold to combat until end of turn; 1 Cold damage to everyone except Qualzar at end of turn), Surgeon, Velociraptor, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast),

Deck: 16 14 Discard: 0 1 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman; Mist Horn; Khai-Utef; Blizzard

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Gaining Hero Point
Upgrading Armor 1 Elven Chain Shirt into Armor 6 Robe of Vision
Upgrading Item 2 Ivory Dice into Item 6 Pearl of Magic
Replacing Loot Spell B Elemental Treaty with Spell 5 Blizzard. Replacing Spell 3 Dimension Leap with Loot Spell B Remove Curse
Replacing Loot Item 5 Pharaoh’s Key with Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma. Replacing Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma with Loot Item 3 Scarab of Mummy Defense
Hadden Hoppert: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 for Spell 5 Icy Prison

With the help of a magical scarab, Qualzar shook off the mummy’s curse, just as Mnesoset made her warning. The gnome clapped his hands. “Ah, escape artistry: how will the div get out of the sky-pyramid? Classic!” But the sorcerer thought it would be even more entertaining if the daring escape just happened to be spoiled by an extra imprisonment spell, courtesy of Hadden.

In the meantime, Qualzar popped out the eyes of the Ahriman statue, pearls of black magic, using one to enchant a robe with true sight. “Don’t want to miss a thing!” Then he settled in to watch, seemingly unconcerned with the plummet.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Remove Curse (banish to recovery to banish curse), Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Blessing of Sivanah (discard to bless/double bless if non-combat INT/CHA), Life Leech, Kafar, Scarab of Mummy Defense (bury to banish all Curses a local character has), Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier),

Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma; Blessing of Sivanah; Blessing of Abadar; Scarab of Mummy Defense
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman; Remove Curse

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 6

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ancients o’clock
Darago buries Game of Afterlife to remove Qualzar’s Curse of Fevered Dreams, and must make a INT 8 check to recharge instead of bury
Displaying Elemental Treaty at Forgery of Ra

Qualzar tried adjusting the elements to control his fever, to no avail. But a quick round of afterlife with Darago did the trick.

Exploring Forgery of Ra 1: Mace of Ruin

Mace of Ruin:
Weapon 4
To Acquire:
Melee 11
For your combat check, reveal this card to roll your Strength or Melee skill + 1d8+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4.
Recharge this card to add your Strength or Melee skill to your check to defeat a bane that has the Obstacle trait.

Qualzar cannot make a STR/Melee 11 check. Mace of Ruin is banished
Closing empty Forgery of Ra
Fire damage: 1d6 ⇒ 1
Elemental Treaty prevents 1 damage. Forgery of Ra is closed. Elemental Treaty is banished to recovery. Estra’s Create Mindscape is banished to recovery

Qualzar found a mace of ruin stuck into the forge wall. “I know a self-destruct switch when I see one!” The gnome didn’t hesitate to pull it.

Ending turn
Scenario damage: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (4) + (4) = 8
Discarding hand for 4 Electricity damage. Curse of the Mummy is displayed.
Arcane 6: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Elemental Treaty is recharged. Resetting hand

The entombed spirits of the sky-pyramid seemed to be getting annoyed by the sorcerer’s path of destruction, and a jolt of electricity interrupted him mid-laugh. Qualzar pouted. “Geez, mummy, you never let me have any fun!”

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Golden Serpent Armband, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Pharaoh's Key, Ahkentepi's Armor, Wall of Fire, Life Leech, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman),

Displayed: Curse of the Mummy,
Deck: 14 Discard: 3 Buried: 2
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek; Mist Horn
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Mist Horn for villain

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 2: Ptah o’clock
Exploring Sky Pharaoh’s Throne 1: Guecubu

Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.

Displaying Wall of Fire
Combat 15: 1d10 + 6 + 2d10 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (10, 5) = 25
Scourge: 1d10 ⇒ 7
Guecubu is banished. Curse of Fevered Dreams is displayed

Seeing Darago, Qualzar momentarily forgot about his preoccupation with his throne. “What a hilarious idea! Self-immolation!” The sorcerer mimicked the wizard, surrounding himself with flames which cleared the throne room of the last remaining undead, but also left Qualzar’s head uncomfortably warm.

Closing empty Sky Pharaoh’s Throne: burying discards.
Sky Pharaoh’s Throne is closed. Drawing Khepresh of Refuge. Estra’s Safety Bubble and Ley Line are banished to recovery.

The flames started to melt the throne, causing the headpiece to slide right off.

Ending turn
(Botting Skizza for Steel Scorpion)
Qualzar discards Blessing of Pharasma
Disable 10: 2d10 + 6 ⇒ (8, 10) + 6 = 24
Steel Scorpion is banished
Estra banishes Sedja moving Qualzar, Estra, Skizza to Forgery of Ra

Skizza clearly did not want to be left out of the fun, demolishing the remains of the throne with a series of blue explosions so majestic that Qualzar couldn’t complain at being dislodged. Before any more damage could be done, Estra whisked them away on Sedja.

Scenario damage: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + (1) = 2
Forgery of Ra converts to Fire damage. Recharging Robe of Energy Resistance to prevent 1 Fire damage.
Recovery: Using Create Mindscape
Arcane 13: 1d10 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + 6 + (4) = 15
Wall of Fire is recharged. Resetting hand.
Fevered Dreams: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Recharging hand. Drawing 5 cards
(At the start of Skizza’s turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Blessing of Pharasma

The surgeon offered a cold compress, but she couldn’t cure the fever.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Elemental Treaty (display locally to prevent 1 local Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Poison damage until closed), Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Surgeon, Tablet of Languages Lost, Velociraptor,

Displayed: Curse of Fevered Dreams,
Deck: 20 18 Discard: 0 1 Buried: 2
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Elemental Treaty

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Estra's turn)
Blessing of Abadar, Ahkentepi's Armor, Dimension Leap are healed

The spiritualist was trying to heal Qualzar from the steel clamps! The sorcerer clung to his seat. "I won't be over-throne!"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Robe of Energy Resistance, Clawhand Shield, Golden Serpent Armband, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Life Leech, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 16 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Notes: I'm hoping to save Mist Horn for the villain, who is at Eternal Arena.
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma; Mist Horn
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(At the start of Darago's last encounter)
Banishing Dimension Leap to recovery to move to Crypt.
Arcane 12: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Dimension Leap is discarded

"Cheer me on, Darago! Ra! Ra! Ra!"

(Qualzar's turn)
Blessing 2: Ancients o'clock
Moving to Sky Pharaoh's Throne
Exploring Sky Pharaoh's Throne 1: Steel Scorpion

Steel Scorpion:
Barrier 4
To Defeat:
Stealth 10
OR Strength 13
If undefeated, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage then display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, you may not move. At the end of your turn, 1 character at your location may succeed at a check to defeat this barrier.

Qualzar cannot make a DEX/Disable/Stealth 10 or STR 13 check
Poison damage, Safety Bubble: 1d4 - 1d4 ⇒ (4) - (4) = 0
Steel Scorpion is displayed

On his way back, the gnome stopped at the throne. "This looks like a perfect place for a Cogsnap Special!" He took out a steel device and forcibly attached himself to the chair. "You'll never dethrone Qualzar the Ever-Reigning!"

Discarding Kafar to explore Sky Pharaoh's Throne 2: Dagger of Doubling

Dagger of Doubling:
Weapon 3
To Acquire:
Ranged 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+1; you may additionally discard this card to add another 1d4 then search your deck for a weapon that has the Knife trait and put it in your hand.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 2d4 to your combat check.

DEX 10: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (5) + (3) = 8
Dagger of Doubling is banished
Kafar went to pick up a magical dagger, but it was just an illusionary copy. "Classic!"

Ending turn.
Scenario damage type: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Scenario damage, Safety Bubble: 1d4 - 1d4 ⇒ (4) - (3) = 1
Revealing Clawhand Shield to prevent 1 Fire damage
Resetting hand

Between Estra's bubble and the clawhand, Qualzar was well protected.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Robe of Energy Resistance, Clawhand Shield, Golden Serpent Armband, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Life Leech, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Steel Scorpion,
Deck: 13 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Notes: I'm hoping to save Mist Horn for the villain, who is at Eternal Arena. Could someone (Skizza?) come to the Sky Pharaoh's Throne to help with the Steel Scorpion on my next turn?
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma; Mist Horn
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ancients o’clock
Moving to Eternal Arena
Exploring Eternal Arena 1: Cleric of Nethys

Cleric of Nethys:
Ally 2
To Acquire:
Knowledge 9
After you roll a check, recharge this card to add or subtract 2 from the check.
Discard this card to examine the top 2 cards of your location deck and put them back in any order; then explore the location.

Knowledge 9: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Cleric of Nethys is acquired
"Fickle undead ghouls! They can't make up their minds because they don't have any!" Qualzar left the throne to return to the arena, with a Nethysian cleric racing to keep up.

Discarding Blessing of Abadar to explore Eternal Arena 2: Vanth

Monster 2
To Defeat:
Combat 13
The Vanth is immune to the Poison trait.
Before you act, suffer a scourge.

Banishing Dominate to recovery to evade Vanth and search Eternal Arena. Drawing Eternal Arena 6: Clawhand Shield
Clawhand Shield:
Armor 3
To Acquire:
Fortitude 6
OR Melee 8
If you played a weapon that has the 2-Handed trait on this check, you may not play this card.
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2. You may play another armor on this check.
When playing a weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4 and the Slashing trait to the check.

Vanth is shuffled back into Eternal Arena.
Recharging Surgeon to heal Blessing of Abadar

A psychopomp was preparing the next challengers. Qualzar booed. "These warm-up matches are boring!" The gnome compelled the vanth into revealing the line up: "Hmhmhmhm, let's see, efreet, gnoll, treefolk... oh, nibblenettles, what have we here, a possessed alchemist? That's fancy and different!" Qualzar took a clawhand and scratched a circle around the name of the last combatant, Ridaiya. "I'll see that! Mindcontrolling the mindcontrolled? That should prove plenty entertaining!" The sorcerer released the vanth, in order to make some preparations with the surgeon.

Ending turn
Scenario damage: 1d6 + 1d4 ⇒ (2) + (3) = 5
Revealing Clawhand Shield to prevent 2 Acid damage, discarding Akhentepi’s Armor for 1 Acid damage. Recovery:
Arcane 14: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Recharging Cleric of Nethys for +2=14. Dominate is recharged. Resetting hand

Qualzar claimed a front row seat in the splash zone, mostly shielding himself with the claw. "I'll be back in a bit," he instructed the cleric. "Don't let anyone take my spot!"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Kafar, Clawhand Shield, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Life Leech, Wall of Fire,

Deck: 16 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Notes: I'm hoping to save Mist Horn for the villain, who is at Eternal Arena. Qualzar will use Dimension Leap on Darago's last encounter (or an earlier moment if convenient).
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar; Mist Horn
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for villain/henchman/closing; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Hero Point: Card Feat: 2 armors (taking Armor 1 Elven Chain Shirt)
Upgrading Blessing 3 of Gozreh into Blessing 5 of Sivanah
Replacing Loot Spell B Remove Curse with Spell 5 Blizzard. Replacing Spell 5 Blizzard with Loot Spell B Elemental Treaty
Replacing Armor 1 Elven Chain Shirt with Loot Armor 1 Ahkentepi's Armor
Replacing Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma with Loot Item 5 Pharaoh's Key
Ghoul Market: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 and burying Blessing 5 of Sivanah for Armor 5 Aegis of Recovery
Starting at Sky Pharaoh's Throne

As champion, Qualzar ghoulishly picked through the remains of the failed combatant. The gnome used his dagger to scratch a shield, revealing an emblem of Sivanah. When Qualzar found some pharaonic armor, he immediately grabbed the key and teleported onto the throne. "Now I look the part!"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Ahkentepi's Armor, Dominate, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Surgeon (recharge to heal 1 local card), Wall of Fire,

Deck: 15 Discard: 0 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Khai-Utef; Surgeon; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Lini’s turn)
Blessing of Bastet, Vision, Robe of Energy Resistance are healed

Qualzar cheekily intercepted Lini's healing spell intended for Estra.

(Qualzar’s turn)
Blessing 2: Ancients o’clock
Knowledge 7: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Moving to Eternal Arena
Exploring Eternal Arena 1: Freed Soul

Freed Soul:
Ally 5
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 13
Display this card. While displayed, at the end of your turn, you may recharge a blessing from your discard pile. When you suffer a scourge, bury this card.

Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
CHA 13: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9
Freed Soul is banished
Displaying Mist Horn at Eternal Arena

Qualzar spun the runic tumblers again, revealing a path back down into the arena. "Finally, the fighting can begin!" An undead attendant tried to explain that the bouts weren't starting quite yet. The sorcerer corrected him with a force spell that splattered the ghost everywhere. "As I said: the fighting can begin!" A billowing cloud of smoke punctuated his proclamation.

Ending turn
Closing Eternal Arena: Summoning Random Monster 1: Rukh

Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 13
THEN Combat 13
If your check to defeat does not have the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 4.
Damage dealt by the Rukh is Acid damage.
If undefeated, move to a random location.

Discarding Dominate as an Attack Mental Magic spell, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Combat 13: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + (4) + 4 + 1 = 17
Discarding Kafar as an Attack Mental Magic spell, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Combat 13: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 6 + (1) + 4 + 1 = 17
Rukh is banished. Summoning Sepid

Villain Monster 4

The Sepid is immune to the Fire and Poison traits.
Before you act, each character at your location must succeed at a Dexterity or Acrobatics 12 check or be dealt 1d6 Combat damage.
If the check to defeat has the Acid, Attack, Electricity, or Ranged trait, subtract 1 from each die.

Qualzar cannot make a DEX/Acrobatics 12 check
Combat damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5
Qualzar prevents 2 damage, Mist Horn prevents 3 damage. Skizza must make a DEX/Acrobatics 12 check or take 1d6 Combat damage
Discarding Remove Curse as an Attack Mental Magic spell, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, recharging Khai-Utef. Skizza discards Blessing of Alkenstar and discards Blasting Pistol +2
Combat 25: 3d10 - 3 + 6 + 1d6 - 1 + 4 + 1 + 1d12 - 1 + 2d4 - 2 ⇒ (7, 3, 9) - 3 + 6 + (3) - 1 + 4 + 1 + (11) - 1 + (3, 4) - 2 = 44
Sepid is banished. Eternal Arena is closed
Eternal Arena cure: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
Kafar is recharged. Resetting hand

The gnome examined the arena as his foe entered. "This outer circle of magical runes will damage any combatant who unsportingly tries to run out of the arena." Qualzar contemplated his opponent, a rukh. "What if someone tries to fly out of the arena?" A mental domination spell allowed him to test out the theory, resulting in avian shrieks of pain.
Kafar clapped. "Two out of three?" Qualzar obliged, manipulating the rukh back and forth over the edge of the arena until it expired.
"This means I advance to the final round!" The sepid emerged, with a powerful strike that forced Qualzar over the boundary- or it would have, if the gnome didn't misty step behind the div. "I watch over all! There is no escaping the gaze of Qualzar the Champion!" Furious at the curse, the sepid whirled around to face the gnome, who merely chuckled at how easily his opponent had left himself exposed to a forceful blast from Skizza.
The laurel of victory was sweet.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Robe of Energy Resistance, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Clockwork Owl, Canopic Wrap, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Life Leech, Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast),

Displayed: Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn),
Deck: 10 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Notes: Mist Horn prevents 3 monster damage at Eternal Arena until start of Qualzar's next turn.
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Blessing of Pharasma; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 2: Ancients o’clock
Exploring Garden of Ossumentals 5: Ecorche

Monster 6
To Defeat:
Combat 20
The Ecorche is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If undefeated, bury an armor, then suffer the scourges Curse of Vulnerability and Curse of Withering.

Discarding Robe of Energy Resistance as an Attack Force Magic spell, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, recharging Golden Serpent Armband
Combat 20: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1 + 1d6 ⇒ (9) + 6 + (5) + 4 + 1 + (6) = 31
Ecorche is banished

"Hello again, Darago!" greeted the gnome. "But hang on a tic." The impeller caused a muscled undead that was stalking nearby to start convulsing in uncontrollable spasms.

Discarding Blessing of Pharasma to explore Garden of Ossumentals 6:
Sigil Combination

Sigil Combination:
Henchman 6
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Knowledge 7
When you examine this card, you may put it back on either the top or bottom of the deck it came from.
If defeated, display this card next to the location it came from.
While displayed, if a character fails to defeat a Sigil Combination, put each displayed Sigil Combination facedown on top of its location deck.

Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Arcane 7: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15
Sigil Combination is displayed

The gnome spun the runic whorls like a slot machine, watching them line up perfectly. "Jackpot!"

Ending turn. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza’s turn)
Banishing Vision to recovery to examine Elemental Trenches 1: Sling Staff +2, Elemental Trenches 2: Sigil Combination, Elemental Trenches 3: Toxic Geyser, Elemental Trenches 4: Frost Staff, Elemental Trenches 5: Killing Box, Elemental Trenches 6: Volcanic Storm, Elemental Trenches 7: Corridor Dart Trap

Sling Staff +2:
Weapon 6
To Acquire:
Ranged 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength or Melee skill.
If proficient with weapons, you may discard this card and banish an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits to a combat check by a character at any location.
If proficient with weapons, you may recharge this card to give an item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait to another character.

Sigil Combination:
Henchman 6
Type: Barrier
To Defeat:
Knowledge 7
When you examine this card, you may put it back on either the top or bottom of the deck it came from.
If defeated, display this card next to the location it came from.
While displayed, if a character fails to defeat a Sigil Combination, put each displayed Sigil Combination facedown on top of its location deck.

Toxic Geyser:
Barrier B
To Defeat:
Survival 5
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, roll a number of d6s equal to the scenario's adventure deck plus 1. For each die:
1-2. You are dealt 2 Fire damage.
3-4. You are dealt 2 Acid damage; discard a weapon or armor.
5-6. You are dealt 2 Poison damage.

Frost Staff:
Item B
To Acquire:
Divine 6
For your combat check, recharge this card and discard a spell to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4; this counts as playing a spell.
Bury this card to evade a non-villain, non-henchman monster you encounter.

Killing Box:
Barrier 5
To Defeat:
Perception 13
OR Disable 15
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d6 Acid damage, then 1d6 Acid damage.

Volcanic Storm:
Spell 3
To Acquire:
Divine 11
For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 3d6. If you fail this check against a monster, you may evade it.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Corridor Dart Trap:
Barrier B
To Defeat:
Perception 6
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 Ranged combat damage. First choose allies to discard as your damage, if you have any.

Recovery: Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 6 + 1 = 14
Vision is discarded

The sorcerer unleashed Hadden's magic on the exposed sigil, revealing a detailed vision of the trenches underneath. "Clever! The brown lever triggers the darts, while the blue lever unleashes the volcanic eruption, trapping explorers on both ends! Meanwhile is right back by the entrance!" Qualzar hummed with appreciation.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Kafar, Vision, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Remove Curse (banish to recovery to banish curse), Dominate,

Deck: 11 Discard: 5 4 Buried: 1
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Mist Horn; Khai-Utef; Remove Curse

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Darago's turn)
Knowledge 7: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Banishing Dimension Leap to recovery to move to Garden of Symmetry
Banishing Remove Curse to recovery to banish Curse of the Ravenous
Recovery: Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Arcane 12: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 6 + 1 = 13
Dimension Leap is recharged.
Remove Curse is recharged

Qualzar had a quick mana-snack to satiate his hunger on his way through.

(Qualzar's turn)
Blessing 2: Ancients o'clock
Knowledge 7: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Garden of Symmetry: Recharging Life Leech. Moving to Garden of Ossumentals
Exploring Garden of Ossumentals 1: Advocate's Armor

Advocate's Armor:
Armor 3
Light Armor
To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
Reveal this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you by 2 or add 2 to your Charisma or Diplomacy non-combat check.
Banish this card to reduce Acid, Combat, Electricity, or Fire damage dealt to you to 0. If proficient with light armors, bury this card instead.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to draw an ally from your discard pile.

Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
CHA 9: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7
Advocate's Armor is banished

The advocate's armor was right where Estra predicted; but it was currently being worn by an advocate. Qualzar excitedly called out to the attorney. "What's the best way to get a lawyer out of a sky-pyramid?" With a magical toss, Qualzar teleported the lawyer- armor and all- through the pyramid's outer wall, sending him hurtling down to the desert far below.

Discarding Blessing of Gozreh to explore Garden of Ossumentals 2: Royal Naga

Royal Naga:
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 16
THEN Combat 16
You may succeed at a Stealth 8 check to evade the Royal Naga.
For each combat check, randomly choose a card that you can play that is a weapon or has the Attack trait and play it.
If the check to defeat has the Cold trait, add 1d8.

Displaying Wall of Fire, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, ossumental. Skizza reloads Enervating Pistol +3
Enervating Pistol +3: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
Combat 16-7=9: 1d10 - 1 + 6 + 2d6 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 + 6 + (1, 4) - 2 + 1 = 17
Displaying Wall of Fire, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, ossumental.
Combat 16: 1d10 - 1 + 6 + 2d6 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 + 6 + (5, 5) - 2 + 1 = 21
Royal Naga is banished

The naga hissed, but Qualzar summoned a flaming wall, trapping the serpentine beast in a corner. The wall inched forward, threatening to squish the naga. The monster attempted to push through the flames, but a ricocheting shot from Skizza kept it from breaking through, all while the wall kept moving forward inexorably. Eventually the hisses were lost amid the scorching flames. "I do realize you expected a no-smoking area... but you don't need to be a nag about it."

Ending turn. Recovery: Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Arcane 13: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 1 = 11
Wall of Fire is discarded. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Wall of Fire

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Golden Serpent Armband, Surgeon, Robe of Energy Resistance, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Dominate,

Deck: 14 12 Discard: 2 3 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 1: Elements o'clock
Exploring Eternal Arena 1: Dancing Scimitar +2

Dancing Scimitar +2:
Weapon 6
To Acquire:
Melee 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally recharge this card to add another 1d6+2. If not proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.
When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d6+2 to your combat check.

Qualzar cannot make a STR/Melee 12 check. Dancing Scimitar +2 is banished
A sword spun around the arena. Qualzar was getting bored. "When does the bloodshed begin?"

Discarding Blessing of Bastet to examine Eternal Arena 2: Sightless Starvation

Sightless Starvation:
Barrier 5
To Defeat:
When you examine this card, encounter it.
Succeed at an Intelligence, Wisdom, Survival, Charisma, or Diplomacy 12 check or suffer the scourge Curse of the Ravenous. Then succeed at an Intelligence, Wisdom, Survival, Charisma, or Diplomacy 12 check, choosing a different skill than the previous check, or suffer the scourge Curse of Blindness. Then banish this card; the barrier is defeated.

Sightless Starvation triggers and is encountered
Recharging Clockwork Owl
INT 12: 1d10 + 3 + 2d8 ⇒ (3) + 3 + (4, 1) = 11
Curse of the Ravenous is displayed

Curse of the Ravenous:
Scourge 1

At the end of your turn, roll 1d4 and bury all cards in your discard pile of this type:
1. Blessings
2. Allies
3. Spells and weapons
4. Items

Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
CHA 12: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 = 13
Sightless Starvation is banished

A mysterious voice echoed through the arena. "The fights will begin in mere moments! But first, check out our concession stands in the lobby. And don't forget to pick up a personalized souvenir at one of our flashy photobooths!"
The gnome tried to resist the blatant commercialism. "I'll acquire my own souvenirs!" But he couldn't stop his stomach from gurgling.

Ending turn.
Curse of the Ravenous: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Velociraptor is buried. Resetting hand

Qualzar flagged down a vendor. "One order of buffalo dinosaur wings, extra spicy!"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Wall of Fire, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Remove Curse (banish to recovery to banish curse), Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Life Leech, Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if to close),

Displayed: Curse of the Ravenous,
Deck: 14 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Gozreh; Remove Curse
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Dimension Leap; Mist Horn; Remove Curse for something worse than my Curse of the Ravenous

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 1: Osiris o'clock
Altar of Riddles: Guessing Blessing
Examining and drawing Altar of Riddles 6: Blessing of Bastet

Blessing of Bastet:
Blessing B
To Acquire:
Divine 6
OR Stealth
Craft 8
Recharge this card to allow a character at your location to reroll 1 die on his check, or bury it to reroll all the dice; that character takes the new result.
Discard this card to examine the top card of your location. If it is a bane, encounter that bane and the bane may not be evaded; otherwise, you may encounter the card.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, you may search your deck for a non-blessing card that has the Gambling trait and draw it.

"What is the strongest power in the world?"
Qualzar strode forward. "The bond between mage and familiar!"
There was a purring sound, but whether it was Little Q or something divine, who could say?

Knowledge 7: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Moving to Eternal Arena
Exploring Eternal Arena 1: Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning:
Spell 3
To Acquire:
Arcane 10
For your combat check, display this card next to your deck to use your Arcane skill + 3d6. While displayed, you may use the result of this check for any combat check you attempt at this location. At the end of the turn, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish this card; otherwise, discard it, or you may succeed at an Arcane 12 check to recharge it instead.

Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma
Arcane 10: 1d10 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 6 + 1 = 9
Chain Lightning is banished

Qualzar returned to the arena, but by the time he arrived, the pyrotechnics of the opening ceremonies had ended.

Discarding Velociraptor to explore Eternal Arena 2: Canopic Wrap

Canopic Wrap:
Armor 2
Light Armor
To Acquire:
Wisdom 8
Reveal this card to reduce damage dealt by a bane that has the Undead trait to you by 3. You may play another armor that has the Light Armor trait on this check.
Bury this card to reduce all damage dealt to you by a bane that has the Undead trait to 0.
If proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.

Knowledge 8: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Canopic Wrap is acquired
That didn't stop the gnome from making an entrance. Riding in on his dinosaur, the sorcerer began beatboxing.
"Yo I'm here to spar / I've come from afar
I'm a sorcerer / My name's Qualzar
Hear my raptor roar / Like a superstar
And clap / As I snap / This canopic rap
Then I'll slap your zap back into an undead jar!"

Ending turn. Resetting hand: recharging Canopic Wrap

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Wall of Fire, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Blessing of Bastet, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Life Leech, Clockwork Owl,

Deck: 15 Discard: 1 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Bastet
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Dimension Leap; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Darago’s turn)
Eternal Captives: Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma

CHA 8: 1d10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 4 + 1 = 14
“Hearing whispers? Classic!”

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Hero Point: Skill Feat: INT +3
Upgrading Ally 4 Bear into Ally 6 Velociraptor
Upgrading Ally B Sage into Ally 6 Clockwork Owl
Replacing Loot Item 5 Pharaoh’s Key with Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma
Replacing Ally 3 Cat with Loot Ally 5 Khai-Utef
Replacing Ally 2 Apprentice with Loot Ally B Kafar
Hadden Hoppert: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 for Spell 5 Vision
Starting at Altar of Riddles

While following the party back to the altar of wishes, Qualzar put the finishing touches on a pair of mechanical owls. “If you can’t beat them, manipulate them into doing your bidding, eh?” he said, monologuing to know one in particular. The sorcerer had undertaken a quick study of animatronic crafting, although he had had to temporarily dismiss his familiar; Little Q’s instincts influenced by his master’s disdain of constructs had caused the feline to savagely destroy the first few creations Qualzar had attempted. “But this is the best part,” he continued. With an arcane flourish, the gnome inserted a key and stepped back, as one of the clockwork birds transformed into a very much alive and snarling velociraptor. The sorcerer burst out laughing. “Get it? An owl is a bird of prey. A raptor!”

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Wall of Fire, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Velociraptor, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Life Leech, Clockwork Owl,

Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Dimension Leap; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 2: Elements o'clock
STR 6: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Moving to Ruined Temple, discarding Sling Staff +2
Exploring Ruined Temple 2: Elemental Brass Mail

Elemental Brass Mail:
Armor 6
Light Armor
Magic To Acquire:
Fortitude 12
OR Intelligence
Divine 14
Reveal this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 3.
Recharge this card to reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison damage dealt to you to 0.
If proficient with light armors, recharge this card to add a die to your check that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.

Burying Blessing of Pharasma
Arcane 14: 2d10 + 6 ⇒ (4, 7) + 6 = 17
Elemental Brass Mail is acquired

Vaulting up into the temple on the staff, Qualzar investigated the destroyed golem. With a swirl of blue energy, the gnome popped inside the brass plating and started walking around clumsily. "Durrr, look at me, I'm a dumb construct duh duh duh," he said, mock robotically.

Ending turn. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Elemental Brass Mail, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Robe of Energy Resistance, Dominate, Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if to close), Golden Serpent Armband, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Curse of the Mummy,
Deck: 11 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Gozreh
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Elements o'clock
Moving to Hall of the Crocodile Kings, discarding Apprentice
Banishing Vision to recovery to examine Hall of the Crocodile Kings 1: Ambush, Hall of the Crocodile Kings 2: Scarab Swarm, Hall of the Crocodile Kings 3: Thundercloud of Set

Barrier 2
To Defeat:
Perception 9
The dif?culty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may immediately explore again. If undefeated, examine the location deck until you find a monster; encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it. Banish this card and shuffle the remaining cards into the location deck.

Scarab Swarm:
Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 6
When you examine this card, you are dealt 1 Poison damage. Then encounter this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated by less than 4, and the check to defeat does not have the Fire trait, shuffle the Scarab Swarm into the deck it came from.

Thundercloud of Set:
Henchman 6
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 21
The Thundercloud of Set is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits. All damage dealt by the Thundercloud of Set is Electricity damage.
If your check to defeat does not have the Bludgeoning, Dexterity, or Ranged trait, after you act, recharge your hand.
If undefeated, each character is dealt 1d4 damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Scarab Swarm triggers. Revealing Pharaoh's Key to prevent 1 Poison damage. Encountering Scarab Swarm.
Discarding Cat as an Attack Mental Magic spell, using Hall of the Crocodile Kings. Estra reveals Binder's Tome
Combat 6+12=18(22): 2d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (8, 3) + 6 + (2) + 4 + (4) = 27
Scarab Swarm is banished

As soon as Darago gave the all-clear, Qualzar bounced up to the crocodile hall, which was overrun with scarabs. "Little Q can make a ro-dent in this population." Protected by the pharaonic amulet, the impeller clumped the beetles together into clusters that looked like mice, which the feline familiar feasted on.

Exploring Hall of the Crocodile Kings 1: Ambush
Qualzar cannot make a DEX/Acrobatics/WIS/Perception 9+6=15 check.
Examining and encountering Hall of the Crocodile Kings 3: Thundercloud of Set
Banishing Life Leech to recovery, recharging Pharaoh's Key to add Acid, using Hall of the Crocodile Kings, ambushed. Skizza reloads Enervating Pistol +3. Darago discards Blessing of the Seventh Veil
Enervating Pistol +3: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5
Combat 21-5=16: 3d10 - 3 + 6 + 2d4 - 2 ⇒ (1, 3, 7) - 3 + 6 + (3, 1) - 2 = 16
Life Leech: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Pharasma, Cat are healed. No cards left in hand to recharge. Thundercloud of Set is banished. Ambush is banished

Another thundercloud was lying in wait. But while Qualzar was caught unaware, Skizza wasn't. After the ratfolk blasted the thundercloud, the gnome drained its energy.

Closing Hall of the Crocodile Kings: Summoning Acid Pool

Acid Pool:
Henchman Barrier B



The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, the Acid Pool deals an amount of Acid damage to you equal to the difference between its difficulty to defeat and your result.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Using Hall of the Crocodile Kings. Skizza discards Blessing of Sivanah
INT 9+6=15: 4d10 + 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 4) + 2 = 17
Acid Pool is banished. Hall of the Crocodile Kings is closed. Drawing Random Magic Weapon 1: Sling Staff +2

Sling Staff +2:
Weapon 6
Magic To Acquire:
Ranged 12
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d6+2; you may additionally discard this card to add your Strength or Melee skill.
If proficient with weapons, you may discard this card and banish an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 2d6 and that item's traits to a combat check by a character at any location.
If proficient with weapons, you may recharge this card to give an item that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait to another character.

Qualzar's chaos threatened to spill a vast pool of acid precariously positioned in the center of the hall, but the gnome found a switch that drained the liquid into a crocodile statue. At the bottom of the pool was a magic staff.

Ending turn. Recovery: Estra reveals Binder's Tome
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (7) + 6 + (3) = 16
Vision is recharged. Estra reveals Binder's Tome
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (1) + 6 + (3) = 10
Life Leech is discarded. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Sling Staff +2, Blessing of Achaekek (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat villain or henchman), Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Dominate, Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Golden Serpent Armband, Wall of Fire,

Displayed: Curse of the Mummy,
Deck: 13 Discard: 2 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Achaekek; Blessing of Pharasma; Blessing of Abadar
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Elements o'clock
Ending turn. Resetting hand

Qualzar was about to ascend when he heard a loud scream above. "Ah, the unmistakable sound of a necromancer being painfully thrashed!" The gnome sighed nostalgically. "It was a simpler time, back when undead and constructs were equally loathsome."

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Vision, Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if to close), Cat, Pharaoh's Key, Life Leech, Apprentice, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast),

Displayed: Curse of the Mummy,
Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Will use Vision at the start of Darago's turn, to try to keep both Qualzar and Darago away from the construct henchmen.
Ask before using: Blessing of Gozreh; Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ptah o'clock
Exploring Sulfur Pits 1: Thundercloud of Set

Thundercloud of Set:
Henchman 6
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 21
The Thundercloud of Set is immune to the Electricity and Poison traits. All damage dealt by the Thundercloud of Set is Electricity damage.
If your check to defeat does not have the Bludgeoning, Dexterity, or Ranged trait, after you act, recharge your hand.
If undefeated, each character is dealt 1d4 damage.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Displaying Wall of Fire. Skizza shuffles Enervation Pistol +3 into his deck
Enervation Pistol +3: 2d4 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
Combat 21-5=16: 1d10 + 6 + 2d6 ⇒ (4) + 6 + (2, 1) = 13
Blessing of the Lady of Graves: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Estra buries Blessing of the Lady of Graves for +4=17.
Recharging hand. Thundercloud of Set is banished
Closing Sulfur Pits: Taking 1 Acid damage.
No cards in hand for damage. Displaying Curse of the Mummy. No cards in discard to bury. Sulfur Pits are closed.

The sorcerer wasted no time, immediately challenging an thunder elemental. Even weakened by Skizza's shots, the elemental rushed through Qualzar's walls of fire, and the gnome was lost amid the cloud. And then both disappeared into the sulfurous pits. For a moment, it was as still as the grave.
But only a moment. From above came Qualzar's unmistakeable giggling. The elemental's recoil had sent the gnome flying safely upward, away from the treacherous pit. "*Set*tle down, now."

Ending turn. Recovery:
Arcane 13: 1d10 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Wall of Fire is recharged. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Vision, Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if to close), Cat, Pharaoh's Key, Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Apprentice, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast),

Displayed: Curse of the Mummy,
Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Might use Vision at the start of Darago's turn, to try to keep both Qualzar and Darago away from the construct henchmen.
Ask before using: Blessing of Gozreh; Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Khai-Utef

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Hero Point: Gaining Power Feat: Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2.
Upgrading Spell 3 Swipe into Spell 6 Dominate
Upgrading Blessing B of the Gods into Blessing 5 of Achaekek
Replacing Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma with Loot Item 5 Pharaoh's Key
Hadden Hoppert: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 for Spell 5 Vision

"How dare they usurp the sky pyramid of Qualzar the Dominant!" The gnome's megalomania was out in full force. Also out in force was a permanent shield spell, which Qualzar devised by cannibalizing the aegis of recovery.
Hadden rummaged through some scrolls, looking for something helpful. "Perhaps you can have predictions of the your enemies' demise come true?" He held out a divination spell.
Qualzar nodded and accepted the scroll. "Yes, yes! I can create visions of their ruin by demonstrating on their henchmen."

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Wall of Fire, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if to defeat barrier), Dominate, Remove Curse (banish to recovery to banish curse), Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Kafar,

Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 6; Blessing for henchman/closing; Mist Horn; Dimension Leap; Remove Curse

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[X] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(On Skizza's turn, when Darago encounters the pairaka)
Banish Dimension Leap to recovery to move to Five-Pointed Sun
(After the encounter)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Darago 1 card
Recovery: Revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, being Withered
Arcane 12: 1d8 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 6 + 1 = 15
Dimension Leap is recharged

Hearing Darago's voice through the mist, Qualzar decided to pop up to pay the necromancer a visit, bringing the surgeon with him. "We're making house calls now! Do your bones need realigning?"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Headband of Alluring Charisma,

Displayed: Curse of Withering, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn),
Deck: 11 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Notes: Mist Horn prevents 3 monster damage at Five-Pointed Sun until start of Qualzar's next turn.
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Blessing of Pharasma

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 1: Isis o'clock
Exploring Siege Deck 4: Shaitan Ghul

Shaitan Ghul:
Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 20
The Shaitan Ghul is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Fire trait, the difficulty is increased by 3.
Before you act, discard a weapon or an armor.

Discarding Robe of Energy Resistance.
Discarding Cat as an Attack Force Magic spell, revealing Headband of Alluring Charisma, being Withered. Estra discards Blessing of Qi Zhong
Attack 20: 2d8 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 + (2) + 4 + 1 = 18
Revealing Tablet of Languages Lost for +2=20. Shaitan Ghul is banished

"For the next bout, we have a special combatant to take on Shaitan "The Ghoul" Ghul: Little Q!" The sorcerer's familiar nonchalantly pounced into the arena. The ghoul tried to jump out of the arena at Qualzar, but it could only catch the hem of the impeller's robe. And the undead's second life could not measure up to the cat's proverbial nine.

Displaying Mist Horn at Five-Pointed Sun
Ending turn. Revealing Aegis of Recovery to recharge Blessing of Abadar. Resetting hand

Sensing he wasn't going back to the five-pointed apex any time soon, the gnome unleashed some mist upon whatever was there in his absence.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Surgeon (recharge to heal 1 local card), Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location),

Displayed: Curse of Withering, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn),
Deck: 8 Discard: 4 Buried: 1
Notes: Will Dimension Leap to Hall of Winged Chaos at first opportunity. Mist Horn prevents 3 monster damage at Five-Pointed Sun until start of Qualzar's next turn.
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Blessing of Pharasma; Khai-Utef; Surgeon

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ra o'clock
Exploring Siege Deck 1: Usij Cultist

Usij Cultist:
Henchman 5
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 20
When you encounter the Usij Cultist, roll 1d6. All damage dealt by the Usij Cultist has this type:
1–2. Acid 3–4. Electricity 5–6. Fire
Before you act, succeed at an Intelligence, Knowledge, Wisdom, or Divine 8 check or recharge 1d4 cards.
If undefeated or if the result of the check to defeat is greater than 27, each character at your location is dealt 1d4 damage, then discard a card from the blessings deck.

Usij Cultist element: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Acid. Being Withered
Knowledge 8: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Displaying Wall of Fire, recharging Golden Serpent Armband, being Withered.
Combat 20: 1d8 + 6 + 2d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 6 + (1, 3) + (5) = 21
Usij Cultist is banished

"Now Usij Cultist..." After announcing the next combatant, the sorcerer raised thick curtains of fire around the black-robed human. When the fires dropped, all that remained was a pile of ash. "...And now you don't!"

Ending turn. Revealing Aegis of Recovery to recharge Kafar
Recovery: Being Withered
Arcane 13: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Revealing Tablet of Languages Lost for +2=14. Wall of Fire is recharged. Resetting hand.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Cat, Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman), Robe of Energy Resistance,

Displayed: Curse of Withering,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Mist Horn; Khai-Utef

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ancients o'clock
Exploring Siege Deck 1: Kalnaka

Monster 5
To Defeat:
Combat 22
The Kalnaka is immune to the Cold, Mental, and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Electricity trait, add 1d8.
If undefeated, bury your discard pile.

Banishing Life Leech to recovery, using Curse of Withering. Estra discards Blessing of the Lady of Graves
Combat 22: 3d8 + 6 + 2d4 ⇒ (3, 2, 8) + 6 + (2, 1) = 22
Life Leech cure: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Dimension Leap, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Blessing of the Gods are healed. Kalnaka is banished

Qualzar returned to the arena sooner than expected, and took advantage of it. "In this corner, we have... Kalnaka! This large bestial mummy crushes his opponents... but can he survive the hatred of the Lady of Graves?" The sorcerer fed off the crowd's attention.

Discarding Kafar to explore Siege Deck 2: The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye:
Barrier C
To Defeat:
Diplomacy 6
When you examine this card, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge then banish this card.

Discarding Blessing of Abadar, using Curse of Withering
Arcane 6+12=18: 3d8 + 6 + 1d4 ⇒ (3, 8, 4) + 6 + (1) = 22
Evil Eye is banished

Kafar took over emceeing. "And in this corner, The Evil Eye! This beholder has curses so foul, we need a special censor just for it!" Every time Qualzar held up a mystic rune with the logo of Abadar, the beholder was silenced.

Ending turn. Recovery: Using Curse of Withering
Arcane 15: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Life Leech is discarded. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Wall of Fire, Blessing of the Gods, Golden Serpent Armband, Robe of Energy Resistance,

Displayed: Curse of Withering,
Deck: 10 Discard: 3 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of the Gods
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Abadar o'clock
Mist Horn: Using Curse of Withering
Arcane 10: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Mist Horn is recharged

The swirling sands dissipated Qualzar's mists.

Exploring "Siege Deck 0"/Cards Not In the Box 1: Geniekin

Monster B
To Defeat:
Combat 8
When you examine this card, summon and encounter a random monster that has the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait.
The difficulty of checks against the Geniekin is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.

Discarding Dimension Leap as an Attack Mental Magic spell, discarding Blessing of Pharasma, using Curse of Withering.
Combat 8+12=20: 3d8 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (4, 3, 5) + 6 + (6) + 4 = 28
Geniekin is banished

"It's a bit too bright in here. Would you turn down the light?" The geniekin was magically transported into the lamp, and magically shut within, subject to the sorcerer's geas.

Ending turn. Revealing Aegis of Recovery to recharge Blessing of Pharasma.
Cold damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Five-Pointed Sun: Recharging Aegis of Recovery to prevent 4 Cold damage. Resetting hand

Qualzar hung up the shield in his new throne room, protecting him from the cold energy while also improving the chamber's aesthetic.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Kafar, Tablet of Languages Lost, Life Leech, Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if defeat barrier), Blessing of the Gods, Golden Serpent Armband, Robe of Energy Resistance,

Displayed: Curse of Withering,
Deck: 11 Discard: 2 Buried: 1
Notes: Robe of Energy Resistance + Golden Serpent Armband should let me guard Five-Pointed Sun another round.
Ask before using: Blessing of the Gods; Blessing of Abadar
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Nethys o'clock
Exploring Siege Deck 1: Aghash

Henchman B
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 11
OR Divine 8
When you examine this card, discard a card from the blessings deck, then shuffle the villain Sandstorm into the blessings deck.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge.
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Banishing Swipe to recovery, revealing Headband of Charisma, discarding Blessing of Pharasma
Combat 11+12-3=20: 3d10 + 6 + 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3, 5, 6) + 6 + (3) + 1 = 24
Aghash is banished
Recharging Surgeon to heal Blessing of Pharasma

A div and an undead were dueling in the arena. Qualzar ran to the front row and started cheering loudly. "Smash that undead! I want to see bones splintering!" But the div could not overcome its opponent, and the gnome grew impatient. "Qualzar's Phantasmal Hook!" The div was yoinked away in a flash of blue light. The gnome munched on some popcorn of cure wounds while waiting for the next challenger.

Discarding Apprentice to explore Siege Deck 2: Guecubu

Monster 3
To Defeat:
Combat 15
The Guecubu is immune to the Electricity, Mental, and Poison traits.
After you act, suffer a scourge.

Discarding Headband of Alluring Charisma as an Attack Force Magic spell
Combat 15: 1d10 + 6 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 6 + (1) + 4 = 16
Scourge: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Curse of Withering is displayed. Guecubu is banished

Qualzar was getting impatient as no other challenger appears. "Looks like Gooey the Guecubu is the winner for today. Gooey, meet your fans!" The sorcerer cast a spell and the undead exploded into a burst of ichor, showering the first 3 rows with the withering fluid.

Ending turn. Revealing Aegis of Recovery to recharge Apprentice
Arcane 10: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Swipe is recharged. Resetting hand

Nemsky had managed to shield himself from the ichor, but Qualzar was caught full in the splash zone.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Life Leech, Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location), Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Robe of Energy Resistance,

Displayed: Curse of Withering,
Deck: 12 Discard: 1 Buried: 1
Notes: Will use Dimension Leap to move to someone who can help with curse removal if possible. Or else will Dimension Leap to Darago.
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Mist Horn; Dimension Leap

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Gaining Hero Point
Gaining Skill Feat: CHA +4
Upgrading Item B Codex into Item 2 Ivory Dice
Replacing Item 2 Ivory Dice with Loot Item 4 Golden Serpent Armband
Replacing Spell 5 Blizzard with Loot Spell B Remove Curse
Ghoul Market: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 and burying Blessing 3 of Gozreh for Armor 5 Aegis of Recovery
Starting at Eternal Arena

“This is a suitably shiny shield for Qualzar the Regal!” The gnome had recovered from his dethronement surprisingly quickly, and pried open a ghoulish coffin with his dagger, finding elaborate armor within. A shout of warning interrupted his musings. “Attackers violating *my* sky-kingdom?” Qualzar grabbed a pair of ivory cubes from the hoard, then ran off to defend the arena. “Let’s roll.”

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Aegis of Recovery, Tablet of Languages Lost, Blessing of Pharasma 1 (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Swipe (banish to recovery for -3 to combat difficulty), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Apprentice, Surgeon (recharge to heal 1 local card),

Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 1
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma; Swipe
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Surgeon

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [X] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Arcane, Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 5

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Blessing 2: Ra o'clock
Moving to Five-Pointed Sun
Exploring Random Monster 2: Bonecrusher Chieftain

Bonecrusher Chieftain:
Monster 2
To Defeat:
Combat 12
When you examine this card, encounter it; the difficulty to defeat is increased by 3.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
When you play a weapon on your check to defeat, discard it.

Evading as an Arcane Mental spell. Bonecrusher Chieftain is shuffled back into Five-Pointed Sun
Qualzar adapted a glamor as he ascended to the apex of the pyramid. The Bonecrusher Chieftain, seeing "Skizza", fled in terror from the gnoll-slaying ratfolk, leaving the sorcerer temporarily in command of the pyramid.

Ending turn
Cold damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Five-Pointed Sun: Discarding Cat, Blessing of Pharasma, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Apprentice for 4 Cold damage. Resetting hand

The pyramid's defenses, however, were not as easily fooled by Qualzar's sorcery, and tried to expel the intruder into the void.

(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Banishing Vision to recovery to examine Scorched Obelisk 1: Eternal Captives, Scorched Obelisk 2: Fate Blade, Scorched Obelisk 3: Girtablilu Ranger, Scorched Obelisk 4: Ghoul, Scorched Obelisk 5: Blessing of Ra, Scorched Obelisk 6: Ossumental Swarm, Scorched Obelisk 7: Toxic Geyser, Scorched Obelisk 8: Idorii, Scorched Obelisk 9: Dark Stalker, Scorched Obelisk 10: Canopic Wrap, Scorched Obelisk 11: Sky Pharaoh's Curse
Girtablilu Ranger triggers. Sky Pharaoh's Curse triggers.

Girtablilu Ranger:
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 17
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 7 check or encounter it and increase its difficulty to defeat by 3.
Before you act, you are dealt 1d4 Poison damage.

Sky Pharaoh's Curse:
Barrier 5
To Defeat:
Arcane 15
OR Divine 14
When you examine this card, display it next to your deck.
If undefeated, display this card next to your deck.
While displayed, damage dealt to you is dealt to each character at your location. When you suffer a scourge, each character at your location suffers that scourge.

Qualzar cannot make a Stealth 7 check. Encountering Girtablilu Ranger
Poison damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Displaying Mist Horn to prevent 2 Poison damage
Banish Life Leech to recovery, recharging Golden Serpent Armband to add STR, discarding Blessing of Pharasma
Combat 17+3=20: 3d10 + 5 + 2d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 10) + 5 + (1, 3) + (2) = 31
Life Leech heal: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Headband of Alluring Charisma, Cat, Apprentice are healed. Girtablilu Ranger is banished
Sky Pharaoh's Curse is displayed
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Vision is recharged
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Life Leech is discarded

Qualzar was not wasting any time, immediately harnessing the awesome power at his fingertips. The obelisk below began firing up. Neither the klaxon's going off nor the girtablilu guard that was summoned could interrupt him. If anything, the audience only made him more excited. With some dramatic mist for mood, Qualzar ascended onto the sky pharaoh's throne.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Mist Horn, Vision, Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if closing), Golden Serpent Armband, Galvanic Kopis +2, Blessing of Pharasma 1, Life Leech,

Displayed: Curse of Daybane, Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Sky Pharaoh's Curse,
Deck: 14 9 Discard: 5 6 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 5

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

(During Darago's turn)
Displaying Mist Horn to prevent remaining 3 damage from Elemental Arachnid

Darago was channeling the spirits now? "Bait and switch? Classic!" The sorcerer conjured forth some mist for some special effects.

(Qualzar's turn)
Blessing 1: Maat o’clock
Arcane 10: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Mist Horn is recharged
Exploring Guardian Vault 1: Blessing of Isis

Blessing of Isis:
Blessing 3
Acid To Acquire:
Divine 7
OR Intelligence
Craft 11
Discard this card to add 1 die and the Acid trait to any check.
Discard this card to add 2 dice to any Intelligence check or check that invokes the Acid or Construct traits.
Discard this card to explore your location.
After you play this card, if it matches the top card of the blessings discard pile, recharge a random card that has the Magic trait from your discard pile.

INT 11: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Blessing of Isis is banished
Qualzar's voice echoed in the vault. "I don't know what this holy symbol is... is..."

Discarding Blessing of Abadar to explore Guardian Tomb 2: Galvanic Kopis +2

Galvanic Kopis +2:
Weapon 5
Magic To Acquire:
Ranged 10
For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Dexterity or Ranged skill + 1d4+2; you may additionally recharge this card to add 2 for each die you roll.
On your combat check, if you played another weapon, recharge this card to add 1d4+2 and the Electricity trait.

Banishing Swipe to recovery. Galvanic Kopis +2 is acquired
A side chamber contained a glowing blue knife. The sorcerer wasted no time snatching up the magic weapon.

Discarding Apprentice to explore Guardian Vault 3: Ambush

Barrier 2
To Defeat:
Perception 9
The dif?culty to defeat is increased by the scenario's adventure deck number.
If defeated, you may immediately explore again. If undefeated, examine the location deck until you find a monster; encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it. Banish this card and shuffle the remaining cards into the location deck.

Qualzar cannot make a DEX/Acrobatics/WIS/Perception 9+5=14 check. Examining Guardian Vault 4: Scarab Sand, Guardian Vault 5: Marianix Karn, Guardian Vault 6: Evil Eye, Guardian Vault 7: Elemental Mastery, Guardian Vault 8: Ubashki Swarm
Scarab Sand:
Item 3
Mummy To Acquire:
Arcane 9
Banish this card and bury a card to add 1d12 to a check against a monster by a character at your location. Add an additional 1d6 if the monster has the Undead trait, or 2d6 if the monster has the Mummy trait. If you would not defeat it, evade it instead; otherwise, the monster is defeated.

Marianix Karn:
Ally B
Sage To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
Reveal this card to add 1 to your checks to acquire boons.
Recharge this card to add 1d6 to your checks to defeat barriers.
Discard this card to explore your location.

The Evil Eye:
Barrier C
To Defeat:
Diplomacy 6
When you examine this card, suffer a scourge then banish this card.
The difficulty to defeat is increased by twice the scenario's adventure deck number.
If undefeated, suffer a scourge then banish this card.

Elemental Mastery:
Spell 3
Divine To Acquire:
Divine 11
Discard to add 1d10 to a check by a character at your location to defeat a monster that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Elemental, Fire, or Poison trait.
Discard this card to add 3 dice to a check that invokes the Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Poison trait by a character at your location to acquire an ally.
After playing this card, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane or Divine 13 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Ubashki Swarm:
Monster 1
To Defeat:
Combat 8
THEN Combat 8
When you examine this card, succeed at a Stealth 6 check or each character at your location summons and encounters an Ubashki Swarm.
The Ubashki Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the Ubashki Swarm is not defeated by at least 2 on both checks, succeed at a Constitution or Fortitude 7 check or bury 1 card.

Evil Eye triggers. Ubashki Swarm triggers
Scourge: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Curse of Daybane is displayed
Curse of Daybane:

Scourge B

At the start of your turn, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Basic trait, you do not get a free exploration this turn.
You may only have 1 copy of this card displayed.

Evil Eye is banished
"Qualzar, why did you do that?" moaned Nemsky. "That was obviously a trap!"
The sorcerer laughed at his apprentice. "You have so much to learn. That was obviously a trap!"
The apprentice gave the gnome an evil stare.

Qualzar cannot make a Stealth 6 check. Summoning Ubashki Swarm
Revealing and recharging Galvanic Kopis +2
Combat 8(10): 1d6 + 2 + 1d4 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + (2) + 2 + 2 = 10
Discarding Robe of Energy Resistance as an Attack Force Magic spell
Combat 8(10): 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 5 + (2) + 4 = 20
Ubashki Swarm is banished
Ambush: Encountering Ubashki Swarm
Discarding Tablet of Languages Lost as an Attack Force Magic spell
Combat 8(10): 1d10 - 1 + 5 + 1d6 - 1 + 4 ⇒ (9) - 1 + 5 + (2) - 1 + 4 = 18
Banishing Life Leech to recovery
Combat 8(10): 1d10 - 1 + 5 + 2d4 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 5 + (2, 4) - 2 = 9
Life Leech heal: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Robe of Energy Resistance, Blessing of Abadar, Apprentice are healed.
Qualzar cannot make a CON/Fortitude 7 check. No cards left in hand to bury.
Ubashki Swarm is banished. Ambush is banished. Scarab Sand, Marianix Karn, Elemental Mastery are shuffled back into Guardian Tomb

A horde of mummified cats emerged. The gnome tossed the kopis at the first one, cascading the room with a shower of sparks. Then holding out his robe like a matador, the impeller decoyed another beast into running smack into a wall. "Cat as cat can!" crowed Qualzar, surveying the chaos unfolding around him. He only seemed to thrive on it.

Ending turn
Random location: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Guardian Vault: Moving to Sculptors' Lair
Arcane 10: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Swipe is recharged
Arcane 15: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Life Leech is discarded. Resetting hand

(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Life Leech

The vault had had enough of Qualzar's hijinks, and spat the sorcerer out. "Let's have a little snack, and then back for more, eh?"

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Blessing of the Gods, Cat, Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if defeat barrier), Surgeon, Blessing of Pharasma B (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast), Headband of Alluring Charisma, Apprentice,

Displayed: Curse of Daybane,
Deck: 15 13 Discard: 1 2 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of the Gods; Blessing of Abadar; Blessing of Pharasma
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 5

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Gaining Card feat: 5 allies (taking Basic Ally B Sage)
Upgrading Spell 4 Poison Blast into Spell 5 Blizzard
Replacing Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost with Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma. Replacing Item 1 Crown of Charisma with Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost
Replacing Loot Spell B Elemental Treaty with Spell 3 Swipe
Replacing Loot Ally B Kafar with Ally 2 Apprentice. Replacing Ally B Sage with Loot Ally B Kafar
Hadden Hoppert: Trading Weapon 4 Giantbane Dagger +1 for Spell 5 Vision
Starting at Guardian Vault

"Good news!" declared Qualzar, in a tone that Estra would likely interpret as anything but. "With Hadden's assistance, I have successfully developed a contingency plan in case Estra should be possessed again. Gnomish Spiritualism!" Without waiting for a reply, the sorcerer explained further. "I can use my sorcery to imagine a vision of some dear departed dead relative, to deceive a vulnerable family member!"
Nemsky popped up. The sorcerer's apprentice had learned some sage wisdom while away. "But Qualzar, Estra has had years of practice perfecting her craft. Surely you can't emulate our spiritual counselor that perfectly. The family member will surely think your vision is part of some scam."
Qualzar clapped his hands. "Precisely, Gnomish Spiritualism! The victim knows they are being snowed."

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Life Leech, Tablet of Languages Lost, Robe of Energy Resistance, Swipe (banish to recovery for -3 to combat difficulty), Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn), Apprentice, Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if defeat barrier),

Deck: 14 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar; Swipe
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 5; Mist Horn

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: Mental
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Hero points: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Ra o'clock
Moving to Quarry
Exploring Quarry 1: The Viper

The Viper:
Ally 3
Aspis To Acquire:
Diplomacy 9
Recharge this card to exchange a card in your hand with a card of the same type in your discard pile.
Discard this card to explore your location.

Darago reveals Binder's Tome
CHA 9: 1d10 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (6) + 3 + (3) = 12
The Viper is acquired.
Recharging Viper to exchange Dimension Leap and Safety Bubble
Displaying Safety Bubble at Quarry

An associate of Kafar's was likewise looking for revenge. "Don't worry," promised the sorcerer, as he set up a bevy of magical disruptions. "They won't know what hit them."

Ending turn. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Displaying Elemental Treaty at Quarry

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Tablet of Languages Lost, Golden Serpent Armband, Life Leech, Wall of Fire, Khai-Utef, Crown of Charisma, Elemental Treaty,

Displayed: Safety Bubble, Elemental Treaty
Deck: 3 Discard: 7 Buried: 4
Notes: Can only affect Group 2. Safety Bubble prevents 1d4 damage at Quarry until closed. Elemental Treaty prevents 1 Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Poison damage at Quarry until closed
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman)

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Die bumps: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Anubis o’clock
Moving to Elemental Trenches

As Qualzar ran past Darago into the Elemental Trenches, he gave the necromancer an update. “Great news! Cogsnap perfected a Potion of Silent Incorporeal Invisibility.”

Exploring Elemental Trenches 1: Ossumental Swarm

Ossumental Swarm:
Henchman 5
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 20
The Ossumental Swarm is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
If the check to defeat has the Acid or Bludgeoning trait, add 1d8.
If the result of the check to defeat the Ossumental Swarm is greater than 30, draw a blessing from the box.
If you do not defeat the Ossumental Swarm by at least 4, you are dealt 2 Cold damage.

Discarding Poison Blast as an Attack Force Magic spell, discarding Blessing of Abadar
Combat 20 (24) (31): 2d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (9, 9) + 5 + (1) + 4 = 28
Ossumental Swarm is banished
Elemental Trenches are closed
Buried cards: 1d4 ⇒ 4
Burying Robe of Energy Resistance, Cat, Blessing of Gozreh, Mist Horn

10 ossumentals patrolled the trenches. Qualzar impelled them all to one end of a trench, then hurled a giant ball of poison down at them. The gnome was so delighted at how the ossumentals went flying that he barely noticed the wild ricochets of the scattered bones. "Strike!"

Ending turn. Resetting hand
(At the start of Skizza's turn)
Recharging Surgeon to heal Blessing of Abadar

The surgeon frowned. Qualzar's injuries were more serious than he letting on.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Tablet of Languages Lost, Dimension Leap, Life Leech, Wall of Fire, Khai-Utef, Crown of Charisma, Surgeon,

Deck: 4 2 Discard: 7 8 Buried: 4
Notes: Can only affect Group 2. Will be heading to Group 1 now that I have Crown of Charisma.
Ask before using:
Can use without asking: Khai-Utef (recharge to bless monster combat/double bless if villain or henchman); Dimension Leap (banish to recovery at start of encounter to move me to/from encounter location)

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Die bumps: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Abadar o’clock
Exploring Sulfur Pits 1: Fire Gecko

Fire Gecko:
Ally C
Fire To Acquire:
Survival 4
Reveal this card to add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your Combat check. If you do not defeat the bane, discard this card before taking damage.
Discard this card to explore your location. Add 1d4 and the Fire trait to your combat checks during this exploration.

WIS 4: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Fire Gecko is banished
A talking gecko approached Qualzar. “Would you like to buy some fire insurance?” The sorcerer gestured to where Cogsnap and the enchanter were attacking each other, unaware that their attacks were being transmuted into ineffective bubbles. “No thanks. I’ve got my own safety methods.”

Discarding Kafar to explore Sulfur Pits 2: Elder Elfreeti

Elder Ifreeti:
Monster 4
To Defeat:
Combat 19
The Elder Ifreeti is immune to the Fire trait. All damage dealt by the Elder Ifreeti is Fire damage.
If the check to defeat the Elder Ifreeti has the Cold trait, add 1d8.
If defeated, choose a non-loot type of boon and draw a random card of that type from the box.

Discarding Blessing of Pharasma as an Attack Mental Magic spell
Combat 19: 1d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 4 + 1d4 ⇒ (3) + 5 + (6) + 4 + (4) = 22
Drawing Random Spell 1: Knock

Spell 1
Arcane To Acquire:
Arcane 7
For your check to defeat a barrier that has the Lock or Obstacle trait, you may discard this card to use your Arcane skill + 1d10.
After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 9 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it.

Elder Efreeti is banished
Kafar returned to Qualzar, having found a magic bottle, with an efreeti inside. “I can offer you vast kingdoms, or immense riches, or power overwhelming, or...”
The impeller cut him off. “I would like a funny knock-knock joke.”
The bemused fire spirit opened and closed his mouth three times, then finally pulled out a scroll. “...Granted.”

Discarding Blessing of the Gods to explore Sulfur Pits 3: Sky Pharaoh Guardian

Sky Pharaoh Guardian:
Henchman 5
Type: Monster
To Defeat:
Combat 21
The Sky Pharaoh Guardian is immune to the Mental and Poison traits.
When you encounter the Sky Pharaoh Guardian, roll 1d6. During this encounter, characters may not play cards of the corresponding type:
1. Weapons
2. Spells
3. Armors
4. Items
5. Allies
6. Blessings
If defeated, you may immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from.

Sky Pharaoh Guardian: 1d6 ⇒ 2
Discarding Knock as an Attack Force Magic spell, discarding Blessing of Pharasma
Combat 21: 3d10 + 5 + 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 4, 5) + 5 + (6) + 4 = 27
Sky Pharaoh Guardian is banished
Closing Sulfur Pits
Safety Bubble: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Safety Bubble prevents 1 Acid damage. Sulfur Pits are closed.
Arcane 13: 1d10 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Safety Bubble is discarded

An adamantine golem moved towards Qualzar. “Perfect!” The sorcerer conjured a door between himself and the construct, and rapped on it twice. “Knock knock!”
Behind the door, the construct slowed and stopped. “Who is there?”
Qualzar replied, “It is I, Ron!”
“I Ron who?” responded the golem.
“Ironic that a monster immune to magic gets destroyed by my impelling sorcery!” The door fell onto the golem, flattening it. Qualzar encased himself and Cogsnap in bubbles and they floated up out of the pits.

Ending turn. Resetting hand

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Tablet of Languages Lost, Robe of Energy Resistance, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Abadar, Poison Blast, Mist Horn, Cat,

Deck: 8 Discard: 6 Buried: 0
Notes: Can only affect Group 2
Ask before using: Blessing of Abadar (discard to bless/double bless if defeat barrier); Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if closing)
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 5; Blessing for henchman/closing; Mist Horn (display at any location to prevent 3 monster damage until start of my turn)

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits.  This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from).  This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Die bumps: 4

Male Gnome Sorcerer/Impeller Deck Handler

Forfeiting upgrade
Replacing Loot Spell B Remove Curse with Loot Spell B Elemental Treaty
Replacing Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost with Item 1 Crown of Charisma. Replacing Item 3 Headband of Alluring Charisma with Loot Item 1 Tablet of Languages Lost.
Hadden Hoppert: Trading Weapon 4 Giantsbane Dagger +1 for Spell 4 Safety Bubble
Starting at Sulfur Pits

The sorcerer had received a package from Hadden Hoppert. Qualzar opened it tentatively, worried his financial backer's patience was slipping at yet another meager haul of treasure. Inside was... "A box of bubble wrap?" His worry quickly turned to joy. "It's just what I wanted!" The sorcerer went to the sulfur pits and used acid to etch "Happy Zimzanzubmas" onto his dagger, then magically flung the blade back to Hadden Hoppert.

Qualzar wrote:

Hand: Tablet of Languages Lost, Blessing of Pharasma 1, Blessing of Gozreh, Kafar, Blessing of the Gods, Safety Bubble, Blessing of Pharasma B,

Deck: 13 Discard: 0 Buried: 0
Notes: Can only affect Group 2
Ask before using: Blessing of the Gods; 2 Blessings of Pharasma (discard to bless/double bless if spell is cast); Blessing of Gozreh (discard to bless/double bless if closing)
Can use without asking: Blessing if would recharge; Blessing for Boon 5; Blessing for henchman/closing; Safety Bubble (display at my location to prevent 1d4 local damage until closed)

Skills and Powers:

Strength d6 [ooc][] +1 [] +2
Dexterity d6 [] +1 [] +2
Constitution d4 [] +1
Intelligence d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [] +3
-- Knowledge: Intelligence +2
Wisdom d6 [] +1 [] +2 [] +3
-- Perception: Wisdom +2
Charisma d10 [X] +1 [X] +2 [X] +3 [] +4
-- Arcane: Charisma +2

Favored Card: Spell
Hand Size 6 [X] 7 [] 8
Proficient with: None
For your combat check, you may discard a card to use your Arcane skill + 1d6 ([X] +1) ([X] +2) ([X] +3) ([X] +4) and add the Attack, Mental ([X] or Force), and Magic traits. This counts as playing a spell.
When you encounter a monster, you may evade it ([] and put it on the top of the location deck it came from). This counts as playing a spell that has the Arcane and Mental traits.
[] When you would shuffle a monster into a location deck on your turn, you may shuffle it into a random open location deck instead.
[] Reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2 ([] 3).
[] When you succeed at a check to recharge a spell, you may instead recharge a spell from your discard pile.

Die bumps: 4

Full Name

Morganna Allegretti




Bard (archaeologist) 1





Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Morgan Allegretti

About Morgan:

Morgan loves seeing new sights and meeting new people. More than that though, she loves finding treasure, whether it's from delving into a catacomb to find ancient secrets and long lost artifacts, or appropriating wealth from those who don't deserve it and putting it to better use... and honestly, who better to use it than herself?

At the start of this campaign, Morgan had never seriously considered being a pirate, hoping instead to be an explorer of ancient tombs and ruins. Don't worry though, she'll soon realize that the same thrill can be had when plundering ship to ship, with the added bonus of being at sea!

Morganna Allegretti
Morganna "Morgan" Allegretti was born to a pair of adventurers. They were members of the famed Pathfinder society, and they travelled the world together, seeking fame, treasure, and adventure. They took their young daughter with them on their travels, of course leaving her behind in town when exploring ancient tombs and the like. It was on one such journey into the Sargavan wilderness that they disappeared, never to be heard from again. Morganna was left to the care of a friend of theirs, an elderly wizard who considered himself something of a scholar and had been with them on several adventures in the past. He moved several times to keep up with his research, but always stayed by coastal towns since he noticed that Morganna had a love for the sea and ships.

She spent much of her teenage years on the docks, listening to stories and picking up skills from the passing sailors. She always hoped to hear news of her parents, perhaps of their return, or anything of their ill-fated expedition. In the coming years, she worked on honing her skills so that one day she could go out and uncover lost treasures herself. For a time she fell in a with a gang of thieves, working as a lookout. She learned a little magic from her caretaker and swordplay from sailors. As a younger teen, it annoyed her that some sailors wouldn't take her seriously because she was a girl, so she adopted a more androgynous look and started going by "Morgan." As she got older, she dropped the disguise but kept the nickname.

Morganna set out to sea three months ago, hired onto a small merchant vessel as a mercenary and ship hand. She caught on quickly to the trade. The ship took damage in a storm though, and took to the nearest harbor of Port Peril. Although she enjoyed the break, Morganna yearned to be back at sea soon. It seems she got what she wished for. The second night, as she visited the docks to watch the sun set over the waves, she felt a ringing blow to her head and everything suddenly went black.

Stat Block:
Female Human Bard(archaeologist) 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +6
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 shield, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8+0)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +3 (1d6+3/18-20) or
Ranged Sling +2 (1d4+3, 50 ft.)
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Lingering Performance, Skill Focus(Perception)
Skills (not including -2 ACP) Acrobatics +6, Bluff +7, Disable Device +7, Knowledge(Local) +6, Knowledge(other) +2, Perception +8, Perform(Oratory) +7, Profession(Sailor) +5, Spellcraft +5, Swim +8
Languages Common, Giant
Combat Gear Rapier, Sling, Sling Bullets (20), Buckler, Studded Leather, Alchemist's Fire x2
Other Gear Backpack, Explorer's Outfit, Whetstone, Signal Whistle, Spell Component Pouch, Waterskin, 5.08 gp (4 gp, 10 sp, 9 cp)
Encumbrance 58 (Light load at 76)
Traits Criminal (Disable Device), Touched by the Sea, Seeker, Power Hungry(drawback)
Class Abilities Bardic knowledge, archaeologist's luck +1, cantrips
Spells Known (DC 12+Spell Level)
Concentration +4
0th Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st (2/day) Animate Rope, Cure Light Wounds