F +9 (11) R +8 (10) W +12 (14) | Resist Cold 1 | Perc +10 | Stealth +8 |
(35) 25 ft | Hero 1/3 | Font 1/4 | Spells 1: 2/3, 2: 2/3 | ◆ | ◇ | ↺ | Active Conditions: feather step, tailwiind (8 hr)
Exploration: Defending | Human (Erutaki) Cleric (warpriest) 4 | HP 31/44 | AC 21 (23) |
About Qigiq "White Hawk"
PFS Information:
PFS Number: 230524
Experience: 40
Total Gold Earned: 308.5 gp (not including downtime)
Training: Scrolls/Spells/Swords/Generalist/Field Agent
Major Faction Reputation Envoy’s Alliance: 40(liked)
Grand Archive: Horizon Hunters: Vigilant Seal: Minor Factions Radiant Oath: Verdant Wheel: All Faction Reputation Total (Sum of the Above) Reputation: 40 (liked)
Reputation Tiers 0-19: Ignored
20-59: Liked
60-119: Admired
120 (maximum): Revered
Ethnicity: Erutaki
Nationality: Crown of the World (Saga Lands)
Birthplace: Aaminiut
Age: 21
Gender & Pronouns: Male (he/him)
Stature: Average Height
Build: Stocky
Human (versatile)
Once Bitten Cleric (warpriest); Level: 4
Mediumhumanoid (human) Faith: Barhzak the Passage (holy)
Languages: Taldane, Erutaki,***, ***
STR +2, DEX +2, CON +1
INT +1, WIS +4, CHA +0
[dice=Perception (T)]1d20+10[/dice]
Special Senses: - -
ARMOR CLASS AC: 21 (10 + (2 DEX) + (6 T) + (3 item))
Shield: +2 Hardness 7 (9 bludgeoning) Max HP 64 / BT 32 Current HP 64
Class Feats and Abilities
Feature 1st: Deity
Feature 1st: Cleric Spellcasting
Feature 1st: Divine Font
Feature 1st: First Doctrine (warpriest)
2nd: Emblazon Armament (+1 status to shield hardness; +1 status to weapon damage)
Feature 3rd: Second Doctrine (warpriest)
4th: Raise Symbol (+2 circumstance to saving throws until next turn)