Dragonslayer Dwarf

Bugan Bullbrawn's page

8 posts. Organized Play character for Bugan.


Silver Crusade

Does the rules rewrite (the new Player Core and GM Core) work with Age of Ashes? Would I need to make changes to the campaign or can I run it un altered?

Silver Crusade

Howie23 wrote:
northbrb wrote:
could some one please explain how spell resistance works?

Basically, some creatures have Spell Resistance (SR) and some don't. If a creature has SR, anyone attacking that creature with a spell that is subject to SR must make and SR check (CL plus 1d20) in order to have a spell effect that creature. It a spell is cast on that creature for which SR doesn't apply...it automatically affects that creature.

SR is more like fighting blind for spell casters... the creatures already have AC to speak of such as there actual AC for spells that need to hit and Saves for spells and in some cases both. SR just gives the spell caster a % chance to miss.

Could you imagine that a fighter attacked a creature with a 50% chance to miss and then had to hit the creatures AC but the creature gets to save to negate that damage.... SR is a little OP

Silver Crusade

Ok, I can sign on to that. When ever an attack roll is made and it beats my AC (touch or otherwise) I may take an Immediate Action to use my ability granted my shield. No ifs, ands, buts or exclusions. Correct?

Silver Crusade

Blockng with the shield negates the ability and that is just flavor text. The ability doesnt say I MUST take damage, simply the attack must effect me (thereby constituting a hit) to allow me to take an immediate action.

Silver Crusade

What if i roll a relfex to avoid a fireball and i am hit. does it work then?

I guess what I want to know is what the definition of attack is?

I wanted to cast the clangorous on a square that the ghost was in but effect the casting cleric behind it.

Invisibilit reads:
Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear.

Attack is defined as causing harm directly, Is there another Piazo definition for attack?

Silver Crusade

A friend of mine was GM for me and I was attacked with a (SU) touch attack. He said that because the attack was by a ghost and not actually physically hit me the ability doesn't work. First off is that even correct because the ability says "when hit by an attack"? Also it doesnt say have to take a certian type of damage so,are there any cercimstances when this ability doesn't work... IE when hit by an AoE, magic missle, Arrow/bolt, Ray, Channel?

As far as I am concerned if it beat my AC OR I take damage of any kind, OR if I am hit by a debuff spell I am able to use this ability. In other words, if its an action that would take a character out of invisibility and affects my character then clangorous works? Because any kind of attack removes invisibility. Is that correct?

Silver Crusade

Because it is PFS and PFS is RAW rules this is how the spell works: The spell does not say that you can not sit on it, so you are allowed to sit on it. It carry's loads for you (The load you don't want to carry is self). It has a maximum capacity of 100 lbs/level or 2 gallons of liquid. The Disc can move under its own power to maintain a distance as directed.

Here is my Conclusion:
So long as your total weight is 100 lbs./level or less, you are able to sit on your floating disc while it attempts to move away from you as directed.

Silver Crusade

Coriat wrote:

For a paladin, don't use two weapons ever (or a heavy shield). It's a trap.

You need a hand free to use your swift action Lay On Hands on yourself. You can do this by taking a hand off your bow or two-handed weapon as a free action, then putting it back on; you can't do this with both hands full of individual weapons.

The swift action healing is made of sex and win and not worth giving up.

In the Heavy Shield description, it says you can't use that hand for anything else because of the weight of the shield. This is clearly meant for anything that adds weight such as a weapon, after all, you are still allowed to wear a spiked gauntlet in that hand. In addition, A shield is strapped to your arm. This is why your shield is not dropped when you are feared, stunned or otherwise forced to drop your items. Since you can "Let Go" of your shield without dropping it, you can use that hand to use Lay on Hands. ALSO, and this is a HUGE "ALSO", The shield has a 15% Arcane Spell Failure Chance!!!!! That means you are allowed to cast a spell with a Heavy Shield and if you cast an arcane spell its a 15% fail chance. Since LoH is a Divine spell it does not suffer the 15% chance penalty.

Recap: 3 valid points from the core rule book that allows you to cast spells while using a heavy shield. 1: Shield is strapped to your arm. 2: Cant carry anything in that hand (hand is free). 3 Stats that arcane spells have a 15% fail chance (Arcane caster can cast spells holding this shield then divine casters will have no problem).