Dawn Piper

Pyreous's page

30 posts. Alias of spinningdice.

Full Name

Haezelle Pyreous

About Pyreous

CG Female Ifrit (Medium Native Outsider) Skald

STR: 14
DEX: 16
CON: 14
INT: 10
WIS: 8
CHA: 18

HP: 10
Attack: +2 Melee; +3 Ranged
Saves: F +5; R +3; W +1
Move: 30ft

Resistances: Fire 5; Cold 2
Perception: Darkvision 60ft.

Languages: Common; Ignan;

Proficiencies: Simple & Martial Weapons, Light & Medium Armour, plus Shields (excl. Tower Shields). May cast Skald spells in Light/Medium armour.

Spell-Like - Burning hands 1/day CL=Level
Fire-Insight - Summon Spells count as +2CL when summoning Fire-Type Creatures.
Northern Ancestry: +1 Fort; Cold Resistance 2
Acrobatic: +1 Acrobatics

Bardic Knowledge - +1/2 level (min 1) to Knowledge checks, and may make such checks untrained.
Raging Song - (7rds/day)
Inspired Rage: +2 morale bonus to STR & CON; +1 Morale bonus to Will Saves; -1AC Limited Skills. If affected character has own rage power can use their own bonuses instead, but does not gain rage powers/bloodcasting/bloodrager bloodline benefits while using Skald rage rounds.

SKILLS (4+1Favored Class)
Acrobatics: +8 (1Rank + 3Class +3 Dex +1Trait)
Bluff: +8 (1Rank +3Class +4Cha)
Diplomacy: +8 (1Rank +3Class +4Cha)
Escape Artist: +7 (1Rank +3Class +3Dex)
Perform:Sing: +8 (1Rank + 3Class +4Cha)

Scribe Scroll (Bonus-Skald)
Scorching Weapons: +2 Saves vs Fire attacks/spells with Fire or Light descriptor. Swift Action to make up to 2 held metallic weapons become red-hot for 1 round, dealing +1 fire damage on a successful hit.
Two-Weapon Fighting: -4/-4 with 2 weapons, -2/-2 if off-hand weapon is light.

Known: 4x Cantrips; 2x 1st Level
Cast/Day: ∞x0; 2x1st
Cure Light Wounds

Haezelle's family came to Heldren from the North speaking little of the past, they kept to themselves working as hunters and wood-guides. One day they simply didn't return, leaving their young daughter alone in their cabin.

After some weeks the town sent someone to investigate, finding the young girl half-starved and transformed, eyes and hair flickering with flame.

The local blacksmith took her in, nurturing her to health and later adopting her, though she does not follow in his profession, instead turning to her own study of song and haphazard magic, that comes to her by instinct.

Haezelle is moderately pretty - though somewhat waifish, her figure never having filled out from her teenage years. Her hair and eyes glow slightly, getting more intense with strong emotions, appearing as wild flaming hair when she is enraged. She has learned to control this with some difficulty, though enjoys the effect when she's in full swing.
Her skin appears somewhat tanned, though her parents were both pale skinned northerners and while calm her eyes are a deep burnt orange colour, with red hair.

Haezelle is somewhat erratic, with conflicting personality traits. She has a great fear of abandonment, which causes her to push people away, but when she does form a friendship she clings to it like a lifeline. She has no idea where her Ifrit heritage came from, her appearance is divergent from her parents and being foreigners there is no record of her birth. She doesn't know if she's adopted, a half-breed or even just a throwback to an ancestors heritage.