PutAShrimpOnTheBarbarian's page

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Does Spurhorn need to be so absurdly large? It's breaking my player's games when they try to load it.

What are the rest of Nazhena's spells known? I can't find them anywhere and there's no way she only knows the prepped ones. At the least she has Mirror Sight since her tower is built around using it. I need to change her prepped spells a bit, since if she acts/casts as she is described my party will body her very quickly. Normally I am hesitant to mess with tactics, Paizo knows their game better than me, but a high int, experienced witch should not just stand there with a losing strategy. Especially since she has spied on them in combat multiple times and has a day to prep as they've bunkered down before dropping the last dawn piper.

So normally I am a pretty by the book guy, assume if something seems off to me the devs know what they're doing better than I do. But I have my group about to enter the goblin section of the armory and I gotta say, it seems really unfair. Level 3s already worn down by the whole roadkeeper gang suddenly finding a bunch of minions, 2 CR 4 blasters and a CR 5 witch? Who all have no reason to not instantly help each other the second the cleric casts fireball on an unsuspecting party. Am I missing something here? Are they never all there at the same time or is the level up to 4 meant to come before here or what?

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What is the point of the constant money or money equivalent loot? The PCs can't leave Caracosa to go buy stuff and I see no mention of any stores there, surely if they are to keep their progression it should be items instead? WBL is useless if there is nothing to spend it on.

So my party got the ganji doll tied to lowls from Hoshbagh, and they quickly realized they could use this to kill him and have attempted to calcific touch him to death and plane shift him into the sun. should i let them do it and invalidate his section in book 6? I can't imagine that was it's intention, seems a pretty anticlimactic way to kill the guy they've been focused on for so long.

Apologies if this isn't the right place, but the bestiary entry seems to contradict itself with their size. it says "Amarok are typically 12 feet long with midnight-black fur" but also "An amarok is 29 feet from nose to the tip of its tail" And the art shows them with normal tails, relative to their body, so it's not all from that.

So why exactly have all these rogues made such weird choices? Every single one has taken the utterly useless Finesse Rogue talent. since, y'know, rogues get that for free. This AP came out after unchained so they aren't chained rogues right? And if they are, WHY?!

I don't want to rebuild characters since I'm sure the Paizo staff know what they're doing far better than I do, but could someone explain their reasoning here?

So my players spared Genny Two-Tails, and have actually been pretty nice to her and went out of their way to save her in several fights. Should I let her stick with the party? Seems a little much to essentially give them the benefits of a level 7 feat for free, but the AP doesn't say anything about her leaving. She just swears service to them basically.