
Pumyra's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Silver Crusade

I am presently playing as a level 7 summoner in Pathfinder Society organized play, my character now being more than a year old. However, when I made said character, I simply chose a trait that sounded appropriate for her backstory instead of choosing one that suited my intentions for her abilities. I have recently come across a much more suitable trait for her than what I chose at the time of her creation, and so my question is this: Can I, at this point in my character's "life", change or substitute her original trait, which was poorly chosen, for a different trait (that is, entirely get rid of the original trait and replace it with a different one)? I would also like to add that my summoner was, for all intents and purposes, my first character in Pathfinder, so the mistake was entirely unintentional and stemmed from a lack of experience.