
PullusSanguis's page

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I'm not sure if this topic has been posted before but I didnt see it if it was. I would like to see a bag of unpainted, solid color minis for Pathfinder of similar quality and make as the ones in the old Dragonstrike box or the Descent: Journeys in the Dark board game. I think it would be a more cost effective way to produce and purchase miniatures and better than tokens or cardboard pieces. Pre-painted and do it yourself minis are just too expensive and you never can have all of the monsters you need. Descent: Journeys in the Dark is about $90 and comes with 80 minis so Id imagine if you were to just have a bag of 80 minis without a board and rulebook it would be much cheaper. Bags of NPCs and PCs can be released eventually as well like Bag-O-Elves for example. I would be interested on other thoughts and opinions.