Psychea's page

3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Hi guys,
I'm about to start running a new AP and I'm considering this one as I find the general theme pretty interesting and original, but I would like to have your opinions.

Is the "Winter Theme" too redundant by the time you finish this AP?

What are the good points and bad points of this AP?

Is it worth running? How would you rate it out of 10?

Thank you all.

ok, cool, I thought that when you took a level in another class, you would have to spend 2 points of skills to increase 1 rank in a skill that is not a class skill of the class you are taking a level in... that was not pretty clear...

Let's say a Rogue takes a Fighter level, and he wants to increase its Stealth (already has 1 rank in it and the +3), he only has to sprend 1 skill point to increase Stealth by 1 rank even if it is not a Class skill for Fighters?

Why was I under that impression? Is it an old rule that was left out in the Pathfinder system and I never noticed?

Anyway, thanks guys, you made one of my players happy!!! ^^

Hi, this is maybe pretty obvious to a lot of people, but I can't find the answer anywhere...

Can someone tell me why all Core Classes have all the Craft skills as Class skills, but all the Prestige Classes don't?

Some Craft skills seem to me essential for some classes, for example Craft (Alchemy) for the Master Chemist or the Daggermark Poisoner.

Is there a logical reason why Prestige Classes don't have them as Class skills? As far as I know, Class skills from your previous classes don't stack with your Prestige Class Class skills, right?
