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The game I am currently running has very little valuable loot in from wondering encounters.
There arr serveral different groups of antagonists led by various intelligent beings.
There have been many recent encounters where the PC's have not received any loot at all as swamp creatues, hyrdas and wildlife dont tend to carry items...I try to make all gear they do find relivant and not on demand.
Last time they were in a city to trade they sold and aquired a few items but had not finished, when they were interrupted by a city seige.
They coukd have easily stolen items at that point but chose to run and get items later on. I think earning loot in a different manner is sometimes fun...they have just found a very nice conposite bow that has a high strengh bonus. So they at some point plan to get this altered so they can use it.

I am currently running a sandbox environment pathfinder game for my group of friends (we have all been roleplaying various versions, D&D, Dark Heresy,GUrps...and so on for a long time)

So pathfinder came along and I decided to give DM'ing ago..I sat down with the books and spole to my friends about wht I wanted to acheive using the pathfinder rules as a base rule set, but with tweaks.

Basically the PC's and the NPC's all have the same options and limits...
The setting is basically devils being used to gain control over the world starting in a smaller part of the world and the choices the PC's make and time it takes them to do things directly impacts my real timeline...

Anyway lastnight the fought some leeches and a giant flytrap...the leeches once injured and bleeding started feasting on eachother while the flytrap picked up the party inquisitor and started dissolving him. The party ranger decided grinding through hit points would take too long so asked if he could make a knowledge nature check to see if he could force the plant to open up, this seemed fair so I said the plant srems for each trap had tendon like he used his bow to aim (at a higher AC) and shot the tendon to release said friend...

I do all kinds of stuff like this...running up walls and backflipping with a downwards sword strike...collecting. Excreasions in bottles to use as stink bombs...
Basically stuff that is not directly in the rules..but can be made usong the rulesst effectivley.