Psf3077's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Andrew White wrote:
In general, we always aim to make the Foundry modules go live at 11am Pacific on the same day the PDF releases. In practice, we're occasionally a few hours late due to some unforeseen minor issue, so if 11am rolls around tomorrow and the page ( -That-Never-Was-BUNDLE) isn't live yet, just give us another hour or two.

1) Thank you to all the amazing Paizo staff, writers, artists, and more. Keep up the amazing work.

2) I just asked if it was going to be up today and no sooner than posting is working. Thanks again y'all.

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I would like to see Studied Combat thing turn into:

--Get Int bonus to hit and damage for Int bonus rounds (Insight)
--Start as move action
--No 24hr limit, but only can study 3+Int Mod number of times a day
--Free action take a number of rounds off when you hit. Do a extra d6 with reach round ended early (precision like sneak attack);
Example: A 18 int character could use it, after you hit, you decide to drop 2 turns (leaving 2 turns left) and get +2d6.

Have talents to make
it swift
let you use inspiration to study
do at 30ft range

keeps combat join for them, limits it some, and keeps in spirit of class.