Sargava Vignette

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RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 101 posts (121 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

I have a slightly-more-than-passing interest in fighter-mages, and have been increasingly annoyed with the lack of support they seem to have in the card game. Flenta's close, but she's not quite what I'm looking for, and the Magus class deck isn't due out until August, so here's my take on the stereotypical rapier-wielding Magus.

Unless my math is very off, this character hits all the targets denoted in the blog post about homebrew. Anything in brackets denotes a checkbox:

Strength d6 (+1) (+2)
Dexterity d8 (+1) (+2) (+3)
Constitution d6 (+1) (+2)
Intelligence d10 (+1) (+2) (+3) (+4)
- Arcane +2
- Knowledge +2
Wisdom d4 (+1)
Charisma d8 (+1) (+2) (+3)
- Diplomacy +2

Hand Size: 5 (+6)
Proficient With: Light Armors, Weapons

For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +1
If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (4) and you may add the Magic trait (and/or Cold trait) (and/or Fire trait)

Favored Cards: Weapon or Spell
Card List
Weapon: 3 (4) (5)
Spell: 4 (5) (6) (7)
Armor: 1 (2)
Item: 2 (3)
Ally: 3 (4) (5)
Blessing: 2 (3)

I'm still working on Roles; probably going to go with one that's weapon focused (maybe call it the Kensei) and the other being more magically focused (Eldritch Knight, maybe? There aren't a lot of spell-focused archetypes for Magus to crib off of).

It looks pretty balanced to me (seeing as how I cribbed most of the powers off of existing characters), but I've never made any homebrew for this game before, so I'd like a neutral eye to take a look at it for me. I'm welcome to any suggestions or critique!

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So, I'm running a Pathfinder campaign for my kid (amongst other people), and he's essentially playing Link, from the Legend of Zelda. Recently he's expressed a desire to find a Sheikah Slate, just like the one from the most recent game. So I was wondering how you would stat out the various functions of the slate. I've got a few ideas, but some brainstorming never hurts.

Runes: I plan to use this function as a sort of 'spellbook' for his Ranger spells. I know technically he should have access to everything, but limiting him to the spells he knows in his Slate feels like a good way to keep him from suffering from paralysis of choice, since he's still pretty new to this game.

Binoculars/Camera: Seems pretty self-explanatory. It's a spyglass that can take pictures.

Map: A world map, maybe a +2 to survival checks to keep from getting lost? Also various plot related things I can do with this, I'm sure.

Scanner: I have no idea how I'd work this mechanically. The way this works in the game is that you take a picture of something, and then you can set it on your radar to tell whether or not you're heading towards something of the same kind. Any suggestions/help?

I really want to like the Mystic Theurge. It's a great concept; someone who's devoted themselves to magic in all its forms. But the execution just leaves a little something to be desired, and that something is twofold; the slow start, and the almost unmanageably huge spell lists. I've always wanted something with a more graceful progression, and something that, while still versatile, didn't have the sheer number of different options the mystic theurge has on any given turn.

I've taken a stab at it with the following Oracle archetype, and I'd appreciate any commentary on balance anyone would like to give me.


Thaumaturge (Oracle Archetype)
A thaumaturge is someone who has devoted themselves to magic in all of its forms. Their studies of the divine mysteries of the universe has granted them insights into arcane magic as well as divine.

Hit Dice & Base Attack Bonus
A thaumaturge has a d6 hit dice, and their base attack bonus is equal to ½ of their oracle level. This replaces the oracle’s normal hit dice and base attack bonus.

Armor Proficiencies
A thaumaturge is not proficient with medium armor or shields. This alters the oracle’s armor proficiencies.

A thaumaturge casts divine spells from the Cleric list and arcane spells from the Sorcerer list. When selecting spells at first level or at each new oracle level, they may choose to select a spell of the same level from the Sorcerer list, so long as they know more divine spells than arcane spells at each spell level. These spells are treated as arcane spells for the purposes of arcane spell failure when wearing armor or using shields, qualifying for feats and prestige classes, and other effects, but are otherwise cast normally by the oracle using their spell slots and according to their Charisma.

Any spells gained by other class features (Cure/Inflict spells, an oracle’s mystery, and some curses, for example) are treated as divine spells, but are not counted when determining if a thaumaturge has at least half divine spells at a given spell level. Any spell that appears on both the Oracle and the Sorcerer spell list may be chosen as either an arcane or a divine spell. This choice is permanent and may not be changed, unless the spell is exchanged at an even numbered Oracle level.

This ability alters the spells feature.

Thaumaturgic Revelations
All thaumaturge oracles have access to the following revelations, regardless of what mystery they choose.

Armored Caster: You can now cast arcane spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. You still incur the normal arcane spell failure chance wearing medium armor, heavy armor, or a shield, and for arcane spells received from other classes if the spell in question has a somatic component. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Spell Synthesis: You gain Spell Synthesis, as the Mystic Theurge class feature. Instead of using spells from different spellcasting classes, you must cast one arcane and one divine spell with this ability. You must be at least 15th level to select this revelation.

Theurgy: You gain Theurgy as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisites. Instead of sacrificing spell slots, you may use the abilities granted by the feat a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

So I like the idea of the Magus as a mixture of martial and magical might, but it's awfully combat focused for my particular tastes, and I often find it difficult to justify giving up all of those juicy utility spells on the Sorcerer/Wizard list.

That got me to wondering; what would be a fair trade-off in terms of abilities if we give the Magus access to the whole Sorcerer/Wizard list (up to 6th level, of course)? Here's my tentative list on what to give up:

  • Spell Recall (possibly restricting it to the Magus list, possibly axing it all together)
  • Knowledge Pool (way too good with the Wiz/Sorc list)
  • Heavy Armor Proficiency (possibly medium as well)
  • Counterstrike
  • Greater Spell Access (obviously)

    Too restrictive? Not restrictive enough?

  • So, items made out of special materials are always available; so I can buy a Mithral Chain Shirt regardless of fame.

    So are +1 weapons and armors; so I can buy a +1 Chain Shirt regardless of fame.

    Does that mean that a +1 Mithral Chain Shirt is always available?

    Sovereign Court

    So, I'm working on planning out my build for my soon-to-be level 2 Eldritch Knight. My basic plan is to wear light armor and use Crane Style for added defense in melee, and there are a couple of empty spots in my build that I could use some advice on filling. Here's what I'm looking at right now:

    Fighter (Cad) 1 / Wizard 5 / EK 6

    STR: 14, DEX: 14, CON: 12, INT: 16, WIS 8, CHA 14

    H Improved Unarmed Strike
    1 Power Attack
    F1 Dodge
    W1 Spell Focus (Something)
    3 Crane Style
    5 Arcane Armor Training
    W5 ?
    7 Improved Familiar
    EK1 Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
    9 Crane Wing
    11 ?
    EK5 Crane Riposte

    So I'm trying to fill a 5th level wizard feat, an 11th level wizard feat, and pick my spell focus for Wizard 1. Any suggestions?

    So! My home group just started running through Reign of Winter a few weeks ago (very exciting, we're almost through book 1), and I just recently realized that you don't have to play it with your PFS character in order to claim credit. I do, however, have a few questions about that process.

    1) My GM doesn't actually play PFS at all. Would she have to sign up for a PFS number in order to report the scenario, or would I be able to report the scenario to save her the trouble?

    2) I'm actually the only person in my home group who plays PFS. Would I still be able to claim credit for completing the module, or does everyone playing have to claim the chronicle in order for that to be kosher?

    This is a real quick one.

    So, a level 1 magus with a +1 weapon spends an arcane pool point; her weapon effectively becomes +2 - she gets a +1 to attack and damage from the pool point.

    What happens when that same magus spends an arcane pool point with a masterwork weapon? Does her weapon go from masterwork to +1, essentially giving her just a +1 damage, or does she just get an additional +1 to attack and damage on top of the masterwork bonus?

    Sovereign Court

    I'm working on a few builds, and my rules-fu seems to be failing me today.

    Are there any ways for a Bard to add spells from other lists to his or her list of Spells Known? Specifically, I'm looking for the Jump spell.

    See the class progression here.

    I've put together a 'new' class for Pathfinder, something of a loosely-inspired-by conversion of the Warlock from 3.5's Complete Arcane (I know, I know). I'm looking for some feedback, preferably constructive criticism from a crunchy standpoint - if you think this thing is too powerful or too weak, I'd like to hear about it.

    The full class progression for the Invoker is posted at the link above, but if you want the quick rundown of the important points, here it is:

    • d8 Hit Die, 3/4 BAB Progression
    • Good Reflex and Will saves, Poor Fortitude Saves
    • 4 skill points per level
    • Charisma-based spontaneous spellcasting, with spells/day & spells known as the bard, from the Witch's spell list (including a patron)
    • Mystic Blast: A standard action ranged attack (not against touch AC) with 100' range and damage progression like a rogue's sneak attack.
    • Mystic Pool: Spend pool points to gain bonuses to hit and damage on your Mystic Blast, and also spend them on...
    • Invocations: Abilities gained every third level; some modify the Mystic Blast, others grant new abilities, most require the use of pool points. Of a rough power level with Oracle Mysteries or Magus Arcana (actually, most of them were cribbed from those lists).

    On a lesser note, if you have any neat ideas for new invocations, I'd like to hear those as well!

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    Pretty self-explanatory, this one.

    What's the easiest way for a sage-blooded sorcerer to get their familiar back? Preferably without losing any caster levels.

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    I'm currently running a Kingmaker-style game in a custom world, and have been for about two years now, with a session every two or three weeks. Admittedly, this was a lot of up-front work, but I've done pretty much all of that for the forseeable future.

    Lately, though, it seems like I'm becoming less and less enamored of actually running the game. Specifically it's just running combats and interacting with NPCs that seem to drag, but that's like 90% of the game.

    Does anyone else have any tips on how to get enthusiastic about DMing again?

    Sovereign Court

    So, after crunching some math and realizing my planned PFS Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight should really just be a Magus, I'm setting about re-building him, since he's still first level.

    I'm planning on using a rapier as a weapon, and Crane Style by level 5 to bolster my defenses, but I'm not sure where I want to go offensively.

    Should I:

    A) Go 12 Strength, 16 Dexterity, take Weapon Finesse at 1st level and pick up Arcane Strike at 5th,


    B) Go 14 Str, 14 Dex, take Arcane Strike at 1st, and pick up Power Attack at 5th


    C) Something I haven't considered yet? Dervish Dance looks neat, but I don't care for scimitars from a conceptual standpoint, and we all know how PFS is about reskinning.

    Sovereign Court

    Just looking for some opinions on the matter.

    Improved Unarmed Strike lets you consider yourself armed even when not holding a weapon. And anyone normal and unarmed provokes an attack of opportunity when trying to punch someone who's armed.

    So the way I'm reading this, if I have Improved Unarmed Strike, and someone who doesn't tries to hit me unarmed, I get an attack of opportunity.

    Anyone else read it differently? If so, why?

    And I do mean EVERYTHING.

    I'm working on a spell point system, very similar to the one used in the Psionics rules and the one mentioned in 3.5 Unearthed Arcana. For reference, the number of spell points a spell costs is equal to the minimum caster level that a wizard would have to be to cast spells of that level; so, 1 SP for first level spells, 3 SP for second, 5 SP for third, etc. Unlike those systems, however, in this any spell cast automatically uses the spellcaster's caster level to determine the effect of the spell, just like standard Pathfinder.

    One thing I'd like to do, however, is extend the spell point system to other classes and features. Basically, if a class has a class feature that's limited to some amount of uses per day, I want to convert that to a spell point cost, and give the class a spell point progression (or bonus SP, for classes that already cast spells).

    Since in this system, SP gained from different classes are going to stack into a single pool, I want to make sure that everything's priced appropriately, and balanced with everything else. I'd like some feedback on the following proposed costs:


    Barbarian Rage: 1 SP per round. The third level spell Rage lasts for a minute per level (I think), so I have trouble justifying this at anything higher.

    Bardic Music: Again, I have trouble justifying anything higher than 1 SP per round for these abilities.

    Domain Powers with 3+Wis Modifier Uses: These are all low power; 1 SP per use.

    Channel Energy: This is where it starts to get tricky. On the one hand, Mass Cure Light Wounds is a 5th level spell. On the other hand, Mass Cure Light Wounds is a bad 5th level spell. On the third hand, I don't want to completely overshadow actual healing magic. I kind of want to use a scaling mechanic for this; 2 SP per d6 of damage healed/inflicted, has to be used at maximum level?

    Domain Powers: I'd like to keep similar powers consistent, so, see Clerics for my reasoning here.

    Wild Shape: This should cost at least 5 SP per use, and since it's better than just plain Beast Shape I, I'm debating more.

    Feats: The only thing a fighter's going to have with uses per day are some feats, and I'm having a little trouble coming up with a fighter bonus feat that's far and away better than a first level spell, so likely just 1 SP per use of a limited feat, with exceptions made on a case by case basis.

    Stunning Fist: I can't see this costing more than 1 SP a use.

    Ki Pool: It's probably safe to equate Ki Points to Spell Points directly, on a 1:1 ratio.

    Smite Evil: I'm having trouble deciding whether I'd make this a 2nd or 3rd level spell, so I might just split the difference and call it 4 SP.

    Lay On Hands: This is fairly decent, and it's one of those powers I think ought to scale as well, so perhaps 1 SP per die of damage healed. This corresponds quite nicely to...

    Channel Energy: This ability ordinarily would be 2 uses of Lay on Hands, so 2 SP per d6 damage healed, which coincidentally is the same cost for the cleric ability.

    Divine Bond: I'm torn on this one. With the weapon bond, I'm leaning towards a scaling cost, but the mount bond should definitely have a flat cost I'd also like them to have the same cost. Ugh. Maybe 5 SP per use?

    Aura of Justice: Two Smite Evils is 8 SP. That doesn't sound inappropriate.

    Surprisingly only have spells as daily limited resources.

    Rogue Talents: A few of these are limited to once a day, but none of them are really game changing. 1 SP at best.

    Advanced Talents: Nothing exceptionally better than regular rogue talents that are limited per day. 2 SP at absolute most.

    Bloodline Powers Limited to 3+Cha Modifier Uses: 1 SP at highest. One or two of them are actually 1st level spells in disguise.

    Other Bloodline Powers: These are going to need to be taken on a case by case basis as well.

    School Powers Limited to 3+Int Modifier Uses: Again, 1 SP at highest.

    Bonded Item: The spell cast out of the wizard's book should cost as many SP as normal.


    I would definitely appreciate feedback, either on the individual costs for abilities, or on the system as a whole. As a bit of a disclaimer, I'm not especially concerned with balancing costs out to avoid power creep, I'd just like to keep things internally consistent.

    I'm well aware that this kind of a system is going to be a bit of a hot mess in terms of character power, but it's an idea for a Disgaea themed game. If it were considered and balanced, it'd lose a bit of the flavour.