Ghosts have a +8 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth skill checks. A ghost always treats Climb, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (religion), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, and Stealth as class skills. Otherwise, skills are the same as the base creature.
Skill Points: (2-sorcerer, 4 int, 1 favored class), 6 total
+8 Knowledge: arcana (1 rank, +4 int, +3 class)
+8 Knowledge: religion (1 rank, +4 int, +3 class)
+8 Knowledge: history (1 rank, +4 int, +3 class)
+8 Spellcraft (1 rank, +4 int, +3 class)
+13 Perception (1 rank, +1 wis, +3 class, +8 racial)
+12 Stealth (1 rank, +0 dex, +3 class, +8 racial)
+8 Use Magic Device (1 rank, +3 cha, +3 class, +1 trait)