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![]() I dont like that at the end of Broken Moon the PCs leave the Lodge and travel a few hundred miles to Feldgru.I was thinking about melding some of the village with some of the buildings on the grounds of the Lodge.I like the feel of having the PCs return from the stairs to find the Lodge has been over run with the Werewolves and the Whispering Way.Has anyone else done anything like this? ![]()
![]() There seems to be a set of spells that must be taken to be able to avoid most of the monster special abilities.Freedom of movement,Death ward,protection from evil,and a few others.A Pc can become all but immune to most effects.Maybe having the spell caster lvl effect vs the creatures HD.Some times I just cant see pro vs evil a 2nd lvl spell stopping the Vampire lord who has lived for 1000 years from dominating someone.Or a 4th lvl spell FoM stopping the Kracken from grabbing you.Mostly I like these spells and rules but sometimes they seem to just nerf the encounter. ![]()
![]() This power should be adjusted. 100% immuneity is a little much for the price.I think it should be 25% light armor,50% medium armor,75%heavy armor.I dont think padded armor should be allowed to have heavy fortification if you see my point of this thread.,but adding light fortification would be fine to padded armor. ![]()
![]() Well this is it. My pc's are ready to fight Demogorgon in Wat Dagon over the Shadow Pearl.They will face a weakend Demon Prince ,but not fully weakend. They were unable to kill Arendagrost ,who fled back to Absym to hide after one of the Pc's who was under Malcanthet's influence at the time betrayed them (they of course do not know about this)and warned him ahead of time on how powerful the Pc's had become,unable to kill them himself he fled awaiting his mother's signal to capture the crown and make her proud. In my game they also were suppossed to betray Bagromar after he killed Teradarian during there battle at Camp Gromsfed.,and kill him too.Betray'ns all a part o' piracey,if ya don't know that then your not even close to becomeing a pirate,pron o' my loins my foot. your mother's a bloody liar that's what I liked about her ,no woman ever slept with me and lived.(Yellowbeard 1983) ![]()
![]() Well it's 2008 and my players will be fighting a miniature battle as the seige of Lemoriax 1000pts for the demons vs 3 , 200 pt armies for the eladrin and demonic armies gathered to battle demogorgon.time limit 90 minutes.25pt victory areas with the Pc 's haveing 100 bonus points for releaseing Obox Ob.After that they will attack Wat Dagon from ethier land or by the Sea Wyvern. They haven't told me the plan yet.I think we will end the Game by the end of this month. ![]()
![]() In the spirit of the Obituaries. Has anyone had near deth experiances .Here are a few that has happend to my players. Skank Rat the beguiler turned to stone by basilisk near Tamoachan.Darious sent to another plane by Redfangs prismatic spray near lightining oak grove.August Simons turned to stone by Gorgant the two faced in feedgut camp . Or something like Trap the soul????or other strange near disasters for the Pc 's. ![]()
![]() Just wondering how much the Crimson Fleet has to spend to adapt to the tactics of the party.The Party has hit the base 2x useing Astral Projection. The Fleet has now used Forbiddence spells to stop the party for now.The Pc 's are also hiding in a Mordenkainens Mansion 5 days out at Sea from Scuttelcove.Not sure what else they are doing to hide from the Fleet.Should they start useing wishes and stuff to find them??? What do you think is fair.....?????????? ![]()
![]() My players want to use Astral projection. They want to project to the Astral plane and then reform new physical bodies on the prime material. Can they do this or will there spirits return to there bodies that are in stasis. Can you cast the spell say in Sigil ,project to the Astral and then reform on the material? ????? ![]()
![]() Some of my Pcs want to use Astral projection. Here is my question. When you cast the spell you project to the Astral plane, then they want to reform on the prime material plane with there new physical body. after they do this is the astral cord still visible on the astral plane or is it just invisble on the prime???? Does this question make sense????? ![]()
![]() My party just finished City of Broken Idols. The end fight I hit them with Khala ,his 6 skulvens, a summoned retreiver,2 Kopru behmoths,2 skinwalker acolytes, the waistrilith,and 6 skinwalkers.Out of 5 party members only one Pc death,all bad guys dead and Khala gets away with 3 hp.Also the final room had unhallowed and dimensonal anchor on it,not all of the room just the first area the pcs came in to. 2 of my Pcs said it was to much?????? Confused??? THey won!!!! only one Pc death. and Khala gets away with 3 hp??? the battle took 3.5 hours. Looks to me like I ran an excellent end encounter. What do you think > To much ???? ![]()
![]() can you use a ranged attack to hit a weapon held by a Pc?say a Pc has a pole arm ,can you hit it with a ranged attack that a monster has and try to destroy it .like attempting a sunder? A Pc has a very dangerous demon slaying weapon in our game ,the demons know he has it, they have been hit by it and have barely got away,they want to destroy it, can it be done this way? ![]()
![]() I do not have my mag with me but one of my Pcs in jest suggested letting Zotzillah get mad enough to erupt the volcanoes and blow up the Isle of Dread and Demogorgons savage tide plot over end of problem.Zotzilla was one of the best encounters we had. he put the smack down on our group.I as the Dm even said send this guy after ol two head he s pissed......... Zotzilla Zotzilla your gonna know is name when he burns you with his flame ... Zotzilla Zotzilla Half flame half hate he s goona wipe you off his plate ...Zotzilla Zotzilla... Sorry the goup is still chanting this even as the head for Golismorga thanks for the most awesome BBEG DUNGEON STAFF.... ![]()
![]() Warduke just killed Kyuss in our game and ran off with his Cowl.just for fun who should get it.1 Give it to Venger to get rid of those darn meddling kids.2 Give it to Kelek,so he can get rid of those darn meddling kids. 3 Malcanthet (I think this would be like giving her flowers)and tie in a little more AoW in STAP.4 Keep it.... Vote anyone and I 'll total them at 100 posts.... who will win ???????????????????????? ![]()
![]() WarDuke after making a retreat to buy a few potions before attacking the top of the spire ,has returned fought his way through several Kyuss Knights a layed the final blow that toppeled Kyuss.When the smoke cleared WarDuke grabbed Kyuss s cowl or cloak and told a few of the Heroes ( namely the Cleric Castle and the Ranger Eleborn (who happens to have a lighting shooting bow) They were next and used his Helmet to word of recall away..... and so ends the AGE OF WORMS.......WITH THE BADEST OF THE BAD ON TOP>>>>>>>>> WARDUKE RULES>>>>>>> ![]()
![]() So I have introduced an npc to the party known as Davey Jones. He is an aquadic mindflayer(reaper makes a great mindflayer pirate mini) with these possible lvls Swashbuckler/scourge of the seas/ledgendary captain and a villian lvl i am makeing up called a soulbroker.Davey will broker a deal with dark powers for a pc, in exchange for being brought back to life lets say or something else.the pc will have to serve on the flying dutchman and to the dark power davey brokers the deal with after a set amount of time. Davey will have a gambleing weakness (dice).The pc will put a portion of his soul in the locker (a chest)one of many Davey has. which are really leomunds secret chests (guarded by a kracken).I have also told the party he is the son of the Mohter of All. (Not really possible ,step mom I guess)I have not got him all worked out yet and was looking for some ideas and was wondering what everyone thinks of this idea.or do you have a better version of what Davey might be in the savage tide. ![]()
![]() Just wondering if anyone is useing this ship in the STAP.My group picked it up at (it still floats in shadowshore for, (only 4800)and they have 3 shipe going to the isle.they are currently stuck in the sargasso and scared to death that davey jones is after them.I wanted a 3rd ship to test how easy or hard it would be to sink a ship with out loseing the Wyvern and ending this Ap. |