Goblin with Beehive

Procyon66's page

6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Please cancel my subscription to the Adventure Path line
I too may re-up later.
The service has been wonderful. Thanks

I thought I read that they will be available in a couple of months.
I picked them up at Gen Con for the charactor add on set, but I too would like them the base charactors as well. Patience-patience. LOL

My lady and I are both in the older crowd 40+ as well. We both played the first scenario the other night in under an hour and a half. It was a "nail biter" and we had a blast.

I think RPG's don't work two player. This game does a great job with Monster whacking and Charactor development. And I love the art.

Thanks Mike, Vic and all the others. And all the folks on the message boards who help with odd questions that come up.

In don't care what the experts say:
This is a "gateway" drug! It is not safe or harmless.
This weekend I introduce my lady to the game. "Another junkie is made."

You are more than welcome Bill. Anything for a fellow gamer. LOL

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
I didn't get Con Crud, but I did get Konkrud (2 of 'em)!

My girl and I both acquired "con crud" It's real and terrible. LOL