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Organized Play Member. 7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


Awesome. Thanks!

I'm concerned that, at 1st level, if you have, say, a bear animal companion as a ranger, you can issue 3 commands as your 3 actions, each of which is for that bear to make two attacks (since as your animal companion each of your commands gives your companion 2 actions which they can perform immediately). Am I reading this right, or is there some crucial piece of info I'm missing somewhere that says that you don't get to have 6 attacks in a round at level 1?

Ooh, okay! If there are still spots open for this, I'd be interested in running a Gnome Fey Trickster Mesmerist (which mostly is a mesmerist but with Hunter spellcasting).

lol so this is kind of a significant thing that needs to be addressed also in the context of most superhero comics (in that case, the question is usually phrased, "If there's a world-ending threat, why isn't literally every superhero there is in on the action?) In order to maintain any kind of suspension of disbelief, yeah, there has to be some kind of reason that it falls to the heroes in question.

A few ways this gets explained away are:

1. Turf. A given hero/group operates in a certain geographical area or area of concern, and tend to handle things along those lines

2. Other commitments. This is less a problem (or should be) in most fantasy settings, but the majority of heroes can't deal with every world-ending threat, because there are usually half a dozen or so taking place at any given time, and a character can't be in multiple places at once (okay, Wolverine apparently can, but other than that). This is, of course, a really terrible way to handle things, though, as there's no reasonable way that a world that's constantly under threat to this degree can last for any length of time.

3. Knowledge/acceptance. If, say, Black Widow uncovers a plot by the ruler of some nation to use a sci-fi superweapon on some other nation, she can't necessarily get anybody else to help her out because they don't have the necessary information, and there's some chance that the people she's trying to get to assist her might either not believe her, or might not believe that the evidence is strong enough to justify the invasion of a foreign territory.

4. Time constraints. If some high-powered baddie is nearing the completion of their grand design, heroes simply don't have the time to wait around for other heroes to show up to help and have to deal with the issue now.

Other than 2, most of these are generally pretty easily applicable to your standard issue fantasy setting. That said, the easiest way to get around this is to avoid as often as possible the threats that are so big that this question becomes a major issue in the first place (at least until the party hits, like, 15th level and the new answer is "Because they're the only ones who can handle this sh*t").

I'm interested - Gonna get a wizard going, with plans to work toward Arcane Trickster (I'm gonna do a thing to get somewhat earlier access to the class, and if you have an issue with that, I'll probably just rework some of his skills).

I feel like that's kind of an arbitrary ruling, and suggests that you could just as easily take a full move action after a 5-foot step. The rules read that you can't take one in the same round, not that you can't take one if you've moved prior.

My expectation is that either the rules for the trance weren't written out in such a way to mention that this ability should've been an exception to the 5-foot step's rule about other forms of movement, there's another possible use I'm not thinking of, or I'm correct in my reading of this and it's borderline worthless.

Working on making a Tengu Swordmaster Rogue. Right now I'm a little confused as to what actual use their Monkey Trance is supposed to have. The rules text reads: wrote:
Monkey Trance (Ex): As the monkey springs, the swordmaster leaps from the reach of her enemies. While in this trance, a swordmaster can make an Acrobatics check opposed by an opponent’s CMD. If she succeeds, she may move 5 feet as a swift action within the opponent’s threatened area; this movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity and does not count as a 5-foot step.

Meanwhile, the rules text for a 5-foot step read: wrote:
You can move 5 feet in any round when you don’t perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can’t take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round that you move any distance.

This appears to indicate that you can't take a 5-foot step and use Monkey Trance together in the same round, since Monkey Trance is movement (even if it doesn't count as your 5-foot step), so as far as I can tell, other than, say, taking a move which puts you in an opponent's threatened square, attacking (or taking some other standard action) then moving slightly to the right, there's no situation that this could be used and end up being more useful than just taking a 5-foot step.

Has anybody encountered this ability at all? If so, what's your interpretation of it?