Lamashtu (symbol)

Priestess of Lamashtu's page

16 posts. Alias of Liz Courts (Contributor).

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Is there an estimate on when this list will be updated?




1 person marked this as a favorite.

Squee! It's shiny and here! <3


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the shoutout! <3 I'm looking forward to making this So Damn Pretty. <3

Oooooo, shiny! Will there be hardcopies of the Aethera Campaign Setting to drool over? Asking for a friend. >.>


3 people marked this as a favorite.

That's right, this event is back again! Along with my illustrious cohorts Ashley Kaprielian and Owen K.C. Stephens, we will be discussing the ins & outs of publishing with the Pathfinder (and now Starfinder!) Compatibility License. Don't be afraid: arm yourself with the practical business experience that the three of us are doling out, whether it's regarding working with intellectual property, common pitfalls you'll want to avoid, or tax implications (dun-dun-dunnnnnnn)!

If you can't make this event, never fear: I will be around all weekend if you want a one-on-one Q&A regarding third-party publishing.

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

47 people marked this as a favorite.

B'aww. I'mma go cry now. :')

And in case people are curious...


I still have the dolphin puppet.

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

...Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks like a fun read!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available—and ooh, it's FREE!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available!

Community Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Now available—and courtesy of Flaming Crab Games, the first ten posters in this thread will receive a free copy!

Community Manager

Now available!

Community Manager

Now available—and FREE!

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