
Pregen Yoon The fire master's page

8 posts. Alias of Daveak Bringer of Destruction.


87/87HP, AC:21, T: 16, FF: 17, CMD: 17, F: +11 , R: +10, W: +5,


Init +4, Perception +11, CG Female Human Lvl 7 Kineticist, Fire blast+8 (4d6+2,x2), Blue Flame Blast +10 (8d6+2)

Strength 8
Dexterity 18
Constitution 20
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 13
Charisma 10

About Pregen Yoon The fire master

Basic Stats:

Human Kineticist 7
CG Small

Init +6; , Speed: 30ft, Senses Low-Light Vision. Perception: +8


AC: 18, T: 14, FF:14 CMD: 15
(+4 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 deflection, +1 natural, +1 size)

HP: 87

Fort: +11, Ref: +10, Will: +5


Speed 20 ft.

club +10 (1d4–1)

light crossbow +10 (1d6/19-20)


Str 8, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10

BaB: +5, CMB: +3, CMD: +17


1.) Extra Wild Talent
2.) Greater Spell Penetration
3.) Spell Penetration
4.) Toughtness
5.) Weapon Finesse


Special abilities

Yoon can choose to accept 1 point of burn to use her infusion wild talents, which carn modify her fire blast or blue flame blast. She can accept only 2 points of burn per round and a maximum of 8 points of burn total. For each point of burn she accepts, Yoon takes 7 points of nonlethal damage. This damage can be healed only by a full night’s rest, and it can’t be reduced or redirected.

Yoon has the following defense wild talent. Searing Flesh: A creature that strikes Yoon with a natural attack or unarmed strike takes 1 point of fire damage. A creature grappling Yoon takes 2 points of fire damage. Seven times per day, Yoon can accept 1 point of burn to increase the damage by 1 point (2 points for grappling creatures) until the next time she heals her nonlethal damage from burn. When Yoon accepts burn while using a fire wild talent, her searing flesh talent deals double the normal damage for 1 round (or a total of four times the normal damage to creatures grappling Yoon). Searing flesh can be dismissed or restored as an immediate action.

Elemental Overflow:
When Yoon accepts burn, she glows with a fiery nimbus. She receives a bonus on attack rolls equal to the amount of burn she has accepted (maximum +2). She also receives double that bonus on her fire blast’s damage rolls. Whenever Yoon has at least 3 points of burn, she gains a +2 size bonus to two physical ability scores of her choice. She also gains a chance to ignore the effects of a critical hit or sneak attack equal to 5% × her current number of points of burn.

Gather Power:
If she has both hands free, Yoon can gather power as a move action. This creates a loud, visible display in a 20-foot radius centered on Yoon, and it allows her to reduce the burn cost of her infusion wild talents by 1 point (as long as she uses the talent in the same round). If she gathers power for a full round, she can reduce the cost by 2 points (minimum 0). If she does this, she can also gather power as a move action during her next turn to reduce the cost by 3. If Yoon takes damage during or after gathering power but before she releases her infused fire blasts, she must succeed at a concentration check (1d20+12) or lose the gathered energy. The DC is equal to 11 + the amount of damage Yoon took. If she fails this check, Yoon must accept 1 point of burn.

Greater Spell Penetration:
Yoon gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks (1d20+11 total) to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. Yoon’s kinetic blasts are subject to spell resistance.

Infusion Specialization:
Whenever Yoon uses one or more infusions with her fire blast, she reduces their combined burn cost by 1.

Internal Buffer:
As a full-round action, Yoon can accept 1 point of burn to add 1 point to her buffer. When she would otherwise accept burn, she can spend this point to avoid accepting 1 point of burn. Points spent from Yoon’s buffer do not activate or augment her elemental overflow.

Kinetic Blast:
As a ranged touch attack, Yoon can unleash a fire blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. If she accepts 2 points of burn, she can unleash a blue flame blast. She must have one hand free to aim the blast. The blast is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

By accepting 1 point of burn, Yoon can increase the damage her fire blast deals by half (as per the Empower Spell metamagic feat).

(-0 ACP)
Acrobatics +13
Diplomacy +8
Intimidate +4
Knowledge (nature) +8
Linguistics +4
Perception +11
Stealth +16
Use Magic Device +10
Racial Modifiers:

Languages: Common, Hwan, Ignan, Minkaian, Senzar, Tien


Burning Infusion:
(substance): If Yoon accepts 1 point of burn, her fire blast can cause creatures to catch fire (Reflex DC 18 negates). Foes on fire take 1d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Yoon receives a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to the DCs of her abilities, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance against creatures that are on fire from this infusion.

(form): If Yoon accepts 2 points of burn, her fire blast or blue flame blast erupts from the ground in a pillar centered anywhere within 120 feet of her, affecting all creatures and objects in a 10-foot-radius cylinder that extends 40 feet above the ground (Reflex DC 17 half).

Extended Range:
(form): If Yoon accepts 1 point of burn, her fire blast can strike any target within 120 feet.

Fan of Flames:
(form): If Yoon accepts 1 point of burn, her fire blast or blue flame blast damages all creatures in a 15-foot cone (Reflex DC 17 half). This does not require an attack roll.

Kinetic Blade:
(form): As part of an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action, Yoon can accept 1 point of burn to form a nonreach, light or one-handed weapon of pure fire. The blade deals the same amount of fire damage as her fire blast or blue flame blast. Holding a kinetic blade does not prevent Yoon from gathering power. The blade disappears at the end of Yoon’s turn. Yoon does not add her elemental overflow to damage rolls with her kinetic blade.

Utility Yoon has the following utility wild talents.

Basic Pyrokinesis::
Yoon can reproduce the effects of the flare, light, and spark cantrips (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 284 and 304, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 246); light creates heat like a normal flame.

Fire’s Fury::
Yoon adds her elemental overflow bonus to her fire blast’s damage.

Flame Jet::
As a standard action, Yoon can shoot a flame burst behind her that propels her 60 feet in a straight line, including into the air. Upward movement costs double. If she ends her turn in midair, Yoon falls on her next turn unless she uses flame jet again.

Heat Adaptation::
Yoon is constantly protected by endure elements against hot temperatures only (Core Rulebook 277). She has an amount of fire resistance equal to twice her current amount of burn.

Searing Flame::
When a creature is on fire because of Yoon’s burning infusion, its fire resistance decreases for 3 rounds. The decrease is equal to the unmodified amount of fire damage Yoon initially rolled when the creature caught fire.

Combat Gear::

oil of daylight
potions of cure light wounds (2)
potion of cure serious wounds
potion of lesser restoration (Str)
scroll of see invisibility
wand of haste (2 charges)
wand of magic missile (CL 5th, 5 charges)

Other Gear:

+1 studded leather armor
light crossbow with 10 bolts
amulet of natural armor +1
belt of physical might +2 (Dex and Con)
cloak of resistance +2
ring of protection +1
universal solvent
Gom-Gom (owlbear doll)
ink (2 vials)
sheet paper
trail rations (2)


Trustworthy Yoon gains a +1 bonus on Bluff checks to fool someone.
CourageousYou gain a +2 trait bonus on saving throws against fear effects.