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Organized Play Member. 342 posts (792 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge

Kavren Stark is BANNED for pointing

Liberty's Edge

Spikey Britches

Liberty's Edge

May I just say "I love you guys" for having a serious balanced adult conversation on this topic (pardon the multiple adjectives).

Liberty's Edge

Navarion wrote:
Would that be an evil act? Most definitely. Would it shift my alignment? I hope not, in case it does I would seek out a priest of a good deity to atone. What does that make me? Someone who should not play a paladin or take exalted feats for the shiny benefits.

Well said Navarion. I think that sums it up. It comes down to character concept.

I occasionally play a Paladin or good aligned character. I also have some in games that I run. I've not come across a game yet that wouldn't allow for me to have a chance of saving the day due to my alignment/character choice but that's for the PCs and GMs to work out.

It's not in the OP but I wonder if that was the ONLY way to get the information or if it was a character choice. If it was a question of torture or do nothing put to good aligned characters then it was a poor game. If it was a choice made by Good aligned characters then the abuse (and deceit to a lesser extent) as described in the OP (which is pretty extreme read again) would seem to indicate a change in alignment away from good.

That being said I have run a game with an evil PC who did bring torture to the table and I posed these questions to the Players as to what they thought and what they were going to do. The Good cleric said they'd leave the room at which point I asked if someone wanted to GM as I wasn't interested in running that. It was all happy families though as we are all great and respectful mates

Liberty's Edge

And just as many Batman alignments
Welcome to Neutrality :D

Liberty's Edge

If you find your name as the Subject in a sentence where torture is the verb - you are doing evil. The object is immaterial.
If you are arguing Ends justifying means then welcome to Neutrality.

I argue that Ends don't justify Means, as by doing the torture for the benefit of society you are fundamentally corrupting the society by doing the torture.

Oh and BTW ... just my POV (but you knew that) :)

Alternatively you could just ask "what would Batman do?"

Liberty's Edge

Wentworth Miller
was in
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Joss Whedon

Liberty's Edge

Porphyrogenitus wrote:
They also managed to arouse a large number of giants in the Steading of the Hill Giant Chief one time, but managed to survive that.

Winces with pain - I'm going to have nightmares now.

Were they armed with cold iron spoons?

Liberty's Edge

Stuttering Lorraine

Liberty's Edge

Mater Slaad is banned for eating my Master Salad mmmmm...master salad...

Liberty's Edge

From what I read the differences in party survival come (in part) from DM approach to the final event.

Our Avalexi went; Death attack - teleported away - failed her summon - then from a distance went to town on the Dominate/Suggestion/Charm, and with her DCs of 22-24 we were less than likely to save, effectively removing characters from the game. Her at will's are totally amazing as well. Sure she's legal but ....

Given how our encounter went I marvel that parties actually got a chance to go toe to toe with her.

A very fun adventure though and a great time to be had.

Liberty's Edge

Abciximab wrote:

The end boss for us was a long drawn out fight that they survived only because they had 2 healers keeping the heavy hitters on their feet and used good combat (flanking & Buffing) tactics. I think the level of experience at the table helped a lot.

In the end fight how did you get around ...

the dc 23/24 Will saves on Dominate and Suggestion? I hear more than 1 party has gone splat that way.

Our fighter was Dominated to fight the party, Our Pally (me) was Suggested to go get the guards, Our Rogue was Charmed to "Save me from the bad Wizard - he keeps attacking me!". Our Wiz did pretty well putting fear into our fighter but after that we were pretty much out of options"

The DC to dispel the Dominate was too high for our Wiz. As a consequence it was a little like a save or die fight.
And the teleport!!!

Be glad to hear how some others went

All in all it was a great time and we all had fun having our butts handed to us. Good game

Liberty's Edge

I agree with Mike. Given the defenses of the BBEG and the DCs involved and the skills associated we had a snowballs chance in Osirion. Really great characters with loads of potential.

Would love to have them as recurring villians/NPCs in a campaign (perfect). For an fight to the death OMG!!! It's a save or die fight. Fun though. Felt like I was playing Cthulhu.

Liberty's Edge

In the red box Kobolds were "Small evil dog like men. They have scaley rust brown skin and no hair" and a "dog-like voice." I always thought of them as doggy until the AD&D MM pic.

Liberty's Edge

If you need another for 1st steps I've a Barb who's just done Master of the Fallen Fortress @ EYECON and is ready to go :D

Liberty's Edge

WhipShire wrote:
To all my fellow DM's... TPK and DM saves is it something you allow and if so how often and under what circumstances so as to not break the "suspension of reality"? Just curious how other DM's handle theses situations.

I adhear to the 1st rule of Gaming - "Have Fun"

As a DM we have a chat before a campaign or with new players to get the lay of the land on this.
Some peeps are really into the gameing side of it and love a good dice game - "Let the dice fall where they may".
Some peeps are more into the long term life of their characters (Maybe they read too many comics), and we have a lot of professional actors in our group and that tends to be their pref.

As a DM I'm big on the ambiguous death where the body is lost etc just in case I need to bring them back as undead (which can be fun) or they want to pick up the character again at a later date.

Also before killing a PC I'll say to most players "How do you want to handle this?" and they'll usually say wether they are ready to retire the character.

Note that I don't fudge dice rolls as a rule but I do mess around with the intentions of the foes. My baddies love running away, capturing and taunting/torturing PCs and some smarter ones are not above kidnap and ransom as a way of getting more gold (that's what being a bad guy's all about aint it?). It's ALWAYS about the story and the fun.
The odd death and TPK is a part of that.

Liberty's Edge

It took me a while but Yes I found it at the 60minutes nine australia site. What a bunch of inflamatory idiots! Of course it's a training "what if" excercise, but the Australian public don't need that. Then again it's the same program that ran a "D&D is evil and will turn your kids to the devil" piece in the 80s.

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
ghettowedge wrote:
Thanks, Mark. And if things change any time soon, you guys have priority on anything I run.

Same here ... loved this game and always looking forward to it.

All the best with everything.
heathwilder at hotmail dot com
(that's for you guys that havn't facebook added me yet :)

Liberty's Edge

Well it's a win for the Druids in the party
(and the budgie smuggling rogues ;)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Noooo! More letters in the initiative order!?! Why Bahamut WHY!

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

I went inside the crane which is immense
here's some shots

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

and the town was Morranbah ... about 2 hours west of Mackay. We were on a drag line at the BHP Goonyella mine :)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

sorry gang .... just got back from the coal mine (pics on FB later for all of y'all to look at soon). Just running off to a casting for some presenter work. I'll post as soon as I get back from that tonight

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Hey there, sorry about the infrequent posting.I've had jobs out the wahzoo!
I'll be flying up Bacchreus's way next week. I'm shooting out at a giant coal mine in central Queensland.

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

I'm going to wait for Canas and Rulf to assist or go before a post :)
Let me know if you just want me to go again

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Aye ... it'd be a bit of a cake walk if a 2 suceeded :^)
Thanks for the assist update. That makes a bit more sence of the rules.
Have a good weekend guys

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

stupid plate armour!
an assist is still ok though? :^)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
Canas Evermeet wrote:
Why do you think I risked running far enough to trigger Shadow Walk?

Usual daft human reasons. Who knows what goes through a humans head? ;)

Actually I meant it as a segway to a discussion on team tactics IN GENERAL. 'nuff said :)
Rulf's kilt is starting to scare me LOL.

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Smart Goblin Boss - he would have taken sanction damage AS WELL. Canas we should talk about using my divine sanction and your curses to pull OAs and double damage enemies as a tactic.

Ghetto DM wrote:
Aside, I got a job opportunity that mght turn permanent, so my posting is going to slow way down over the next few weeks.

that's awesome! (... although we'll miss you).

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
A'loran Longstride wrote:
kava did you mean D2 since D1 is dead?

oh yeah him too :D

If the the levetating corpse attacks anyone else but me ... well we'll just deal with that when it happens
all baddies were in the sanction (in case anyone is thinking of switching sides)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
A'loran Longstride wrote:
That would be a dwarf encounter power. flash the berries ...


Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

I think I just took 2 crits in 1 round! Ouch!!

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
Ghetto DM wrote:
Kava hit with Battle Awareness ... Let me know if you wouldn't use it.

damn you telepaths, that was EXACTLY the way I'd use it!! ;)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Rulf probably won't move as he's a dwarf with the Ach! Yu Nawh Pushin' Thus Wee Dwahrvz'es Aroond Jimmeh feat

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Chris (CG7) hasn't posted in over a week ... he's OK Josh? or just have more of a life than me ;D

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

sure ... I'll be low on time for the next couple days with auditions and gigs. :) I'll do my best

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

the horror, the horror

Liberty's Edge

Zombies ick me out (I'm about to be in a zombie feature and even in front of the camera it's icky)

But the things that really frighten me are real (and boring) stuff like my mom's cancer etc (which she's kicked to the curb I might add!)

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

Woh! that's wierd

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

I thought Sorik left with the other dwarves. Lets get out of here then and visit Faringray 1st when we get back to town :) See if he knows anything about the evil skull or if we should take it to the town sage

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

took draconic challenge as my feat and retrained Invigorating Smite with Righteos Smite :)

Liberty's Edge

ghettowedge wrote:
You're the first alternate no matter what, Heath. Sorry you didn't get in on the ground floor.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

"A'loran, do you feel that? The skull feels ... well evil"

I Kava laughs at Latro's antics. Her ribs hurt a little but it feels good to laugh again. With the platemail secured over her shoulder she prepares to schlep it out of the tomb.
"I am in agreement. Best we leave as quick as we can"

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

LOL ... 1st time in 2 years I get more 20s than 1s :D

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5

:) 50d20 ⇒ (4, 12, 19, 2, 8, 2, 20, 11, 16, 13, 12, 15, 5, 15, 3, 13, 10, 6, 15, 10, 11, 15, 14, 4, 18, 3, 17, 13, 7, 19, 17, 9, 10, 18, 20, 10, 13, 15, 17, 4, 15, 13, 2, 16, 9, 6, 8, 11, 16, 7) = 568

Liberty's Edge

Darn! I think I missed the boat!

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
Ghetto DM wrote:
You're right. I have failed you all.

You are AWESOME! Just edu-mi-cating myself :)

been 3.5ing a bit latley and I get's me wee brain confused

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
Rulf wrote:
twice mine, how about that. Anyone got a potion of healing in case we need it

We have 3 on the parties inventory. No one has claimed them so I assume that they are on Kava :)

Just sing out in the next rest and get one. all treasure in Kava's "Party" section is up for the taking

Liberty's Edge

male half fiend half dragon half orc half elf and TWICE the man for it! bard 6 scientist 5
Ghetto DM wrote:
Canas Evermeet wrote:
Sorry, missed the last few posts on the last page. Down to 4 HP, if anyone's interested.
Kava healed you 6 on her last hit.

'Am taking thanks in the form of Gold coin ;D

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