PowerOverwhelming's page

15 posts. Alias of willhob.


Grand Lodge

It's a server problem, horizontal scaling isn't working out so hot at the moment.

Grand Lodge

IMO this is why the FAQ is needed. Is the second sentence meant as a separate statement or a clarification of the first?

Grand Lodge

If you mean death by massive damage that's an optional rule. If you mean death blows while helpless, I've both killed and had characters lost to that rule.

Grand Lodge

I'd think the moment you heal from the effect instead of dealing damage from it, channeling scourge stops stacking. Because it's no longer dealing damage, it's healing it.

Grand Lodge

Frankly I feel the same way. If it's dealing damage to living it isnt healing undead. It's pretty clear the way the ability is meant to function. But I know a few people in PFS that are pretty badly misunderstanding this rules hole, so...

Their side of all this is that he targets himself as a living target to deal damage (including himself in his own effect), and then death's embrace converts it to healing. He says he's targetted as living. My reading is he's targeted as undead, and that seems the clear RAI here given the title of the ability.

Maybe this should be FAQ'd? It all seems dependent on whether you read the first and 2nd sentences separately or as one block.

Grand Lodge

He is arguing that this sentences lets him include himself in the effect, even if the channel targets living.

Channel Energy wrote:
"A cleric can choose whether or not to include herself in this effect."

Otherwise all you need is 1 level of Cleric and you get a few domains, an inquisition and the ability to channel to deal damage and heal yourself. Then you get the full inquisitor suite of toys as well.

Frankly that seems absurdly OP to me. I think this may have a FAQ somewhere that I am just not seeing?

Grand Lodge

There's a player in one of my games that takes 1 level of inquisitor, takes the channeling scourge feat and then targets living with his channel negative energy to deal damage.

He is arguing that the death's domain ability Death's Embrace gives him the ability to include himself in the effect, targeted as a living creature, and then heal from it. He also argues the effect stacks with all his damage die because of channeling scourge.

Is this rules as written?

Grand Lodge


Thanks guise

Grand Lodge

Shark shaman. Wild Shape feat for Celestial Template. Skyswim spell to fly. Issue is I can't breathe. Also, I want to get pounce. Will Life Bubble, Sea Steed or any other spell help with this?

Is there a way to get pounce with this? Any item to breathe, if not a spell?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would defer to 3.5 SRD... "A character immune to fear can’t be intimidated, nor can nonintelligent creatures"

Stuff like this is why I don't run society games. Too many kids running around with mechanically overpowered builds that pout when their gimmicky one-shot characters don't auto-win. All my hate, etc.

Grand Lodge

I wouldn't trust HL on this one. For one thing they got power attack wrong. It's +3 increments for two-hand weapons. Another thing is that you might want to give the fighter more than one weapon. If he fights a flying opponent or gets disarmed, he's done.

Might give him some traits and take Perception as well. His STR seems a bit low for level 12. Maybe give him some PC level wealth (if he's an adventurer... it makes sense). I'd throw a few Fighter friendly items on him. Maybe a +4 STR belt for starters, cloak of resistance, some AC boosting items like Ring of Deflection and Natural Armor.

Look into the feats Iron Will and its successors. His low will save means a party wizard can CC him and easily mess him up if he's alone.

Grand Lodge

Long and short of it, he's a human that has 6 levels in Monk and 4 in Shadowdancer. Since he's able to use Shadow Jump I gave him the Dimensional Dervish line. In addition he has Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple and Rapid Grapple and a +1 CR template of Devil-bound from Hellcat. He took QQ/4 Winds Monk for the Elemental Fist, Gaseous Form and Barkskin. He has some glammered monk's robes and appears as a simple thug or traveler.

Long and short of it all of his AC comes from Wisdom, Dex and non-armor sources. For spying on the party he'll jump shadows and use invisibility as the rogue trick. Or sometimes just send his summoned shadow to spy on them.

My plan is to sort of keep it a mystery from the group whether he's a Vampire or not. Since he's creating undead spawn, teleporting, gaseous form and using magics. He has the soul of a Lawful Evil duke in a soul gem that he keeps with him. On himself is a permancy'd misdirection spell to conceal his alignment. His true alignment is Chaotic Evil.

The purpose of misdirecting to Lawful Evil is that he's trying to gain the trust of a group of lower level PCs. They're in an evil campaign. He's manipulating them with promises of gold, influence and vampirism.

Any other ideas? (Don't expect many people to read that long-winded post... but thanks to anyone that does)

Grand Lodge

Partizanski wrote:

Skinwalker draconic bloodrager and Mother's Teeth trait. With extra features for ragebred to get Gore/claw/claw/Bite/hoof/hoof and rage. With 18+4=22 raging strength, power attack and all hits, that is +27 static damage.

DM has banned advanced class guide and all play test classes, claims they aren't done being tested yet. Grudgingly, I sort of agree...

Grand Lodge

Master of the Dark Triad wrote:
Slumber witch.

This has potential. Any way to pump the DC of this? Drow Noble is allowed.

Grand Lodge

25 point buy. All Paizo SRD stuff is legal. No Psionics or 3PP stuff. Starting gold is 600gp. OK to start with crafted items at 1/3 price, but need a rolled 10 to succeed with the Craft.