Potbelly's page

Organized Play Member. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


The Exchange

So, for what is a probably a painfully obvious question - Mithral nunchuka would cost 1002 gp, correct?

The Exchange

Thanks all! And its good to know that there was some grey area to at least one other person....... /grins

The Exchange

Okay, you get either 1 hp, or 1 skill point per level you take in your "favored" class. I was thinking that this was each level past first. However, today, finishing up at Con Nooga, I was told that you get this for first level as well. (Assuming that its your favored class).


The Exchange

Okay, since PFS play is all over the place, and a LOT of stuff that would be dealt with in a typical campaign is handwaved, does Knowledge Local really mean "Knowledge of the basic political/factional of the present area"? With present being defined as "wherever the hell you are at the moment?"

The Exchange

Potbelly wrote:

Greetings all,

A) I'm new to Pathfinder - the game. I played some old 3.5. I just started PFS play, and I'm hitting level 2. I do have a couple of questions, that so far, I haven't figured out.

I am a Monk. I wish to purchase a Wand of Mage Armor (1rst caster level). This should cost me 750 GP. Do I have to wait until its an option from a scenario, or since its a consumable, may I purchase it just once I have 750 gold? Or, does it have to wait until I have 9 Faction Points?

Second, for 2nd level, I am going to multiclass to take a single level of Sorcerer. How is wand use handled in Pathfinder? If i get the wand, can I activate it at will, since I will also have sorcerer skills? Or will it require a check on the Activate Magic Item skill?


Well, some additional research (see http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/rules/purchasingWands&page=1&source=search#0) for instance, and looking at the Pathfinder Society play PDF page 25, I think I can get said wand for 2 PF faction points. Or buy the scroll. And the wand question would be a general pathfinder rules question. It means I'll be pretty gimp for however long pathfinder society holds my interest, because I kinda despise the whole faction thing (and several parts of the Pathfinder Society play I find pretty darn annoying (principally the faction part, and the quality of the scenarios) so I'm not sure how long I'll play. BUT, for now, I'm enjoying it). To purchase the wand for 2 PF, I would just tell the GM at my next event, then note it on my sheet?

BUT - could I buy a couple of Mage Armor scrolls at 50 gold, and then have one cast on me, and one cast on another player character? Or is that in violation of the no trading between characters rules?

The Exchange

Greetings all,

A) I'm new to Pathfinder - the game. I played some old 3.5. I just started PFS play, and I'm hitting level 2. I do have a couple of questions, that so far, I haven't figured out.

I am a Monk. I wish to purchase a Wand of Mage Armor (1rst caster level). This should cost me 750 GP. Do I have to wait until its an option from a scenario, or since its a consumable, may I purchase it just once I have 750 gold? Or, does it have to wait until I have 9 Faction Points?

Second, for 2nd level, I am going to multiclass to take a single level of Sorcerer. How is wand use handled in Pathfinder? If i get the wand, can I activate it at will, since I will also have sorcerer skills? Or will it require a check on the Activate Magic Item skill?


The Exchange

Some very simple questions that I haven't been able to find the answer for.

1) Can a 1rst level Sorcerer get a familiar? If so, how?

2) How many feats would said 1rst level sorcerer have?

3) I've seen references to three first level spells per day, and two. Which is it? Or is it three spells known, but only two slots to cast per day?


The Exchange

When you use more than the core books, you have to beef up the opposition with the same splat books. So - you are doing the right thing, for your game.

The Exchange

someone above wrote:

When you're the DM, you have be able to tell the players that their plan has no chance of succeeding. When they whine about die rolls, you just have to stand firm and tell them no.

The PCs should NEVER be able to defeat multiple encounters with one d20 check followed by a few "rolls" from the DM to see if the PCs get obscenely lucky. As others have pointed out, it makes no sense in this context because of the conditions around the fort.

Not so - this smacks of railroading. I.E, I wrote it, and by gawd, they are going to go through it. If player's come up with something that you didn't foresee, and bypass a big chunk of your adventure, then go with it. Its not you against the pc's, its you and the pc's together. Figure out a way for the adventure to continue in a fun fashion.

In this case, a huge chunk of Thistletop burned. Whether he made a good call or not is no longer material. It happened. So how can he salvage whats left, to let the player's have fun AND enjoy some benefits of their plan?

I doubt seriously if they got many of the goblins. The goblins mostly retreated underground. So now they have a bunch of pissed off goblins roaming the area. Other critters will randomly show up to check out the smoke. Depending on mobility, they might be able to hide and see what they face by what comes roaming around. Perhaps they get jumped by the Yeth hounds, and have to flee with a *ton* of nasty goblins and hounds at their heels. Etc. Or perhaps they can kill Nualia or various henchman from ambush, without having to fight through all the goblins.

I would give them most of the xp for the first bit of Thistletop myself. Just be a bit harsher in the future about what you allow.

I'm sure you'll come up with something.