Karzoug the Claimer

Possessed Jon's page

3 posts. Alias of Dramatis Personae.


"You dog fnckers haven't seen the last of me. This ain't gonna stop me."

A struggle, apparently with himself ensues as Vass seems to be attempting to pull out Jon's sword, but he can't seem to get back control of Jon's body and the struggling finally ceases.

Jon (Ian):

Vass is gone, you are laying in a pool of grease and your friends are standing around you looking down at you. You recall everything Vass said and did, although you don't understand the language of the book that he chose from the library and threw into the prison chamber.

"Damn oaf!"

"Fools. Capering clowns with a few moments on the stage and you think you could stop me? Go in. Get the book, Cordoba."

"Do you want to know what it's called?"

"The Soul Riders."