Portholus's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.

Have a question for everyone. Is there a chart anywhere on how many UPBs (Universal Polymer Base) it takes to make a product? According to the description of UPBs they can be used to make pretty much anything. Has anyone considered a conversion table somewhere that shows how many UPBs that it will take to make individual pieces of equipment?

Have a friend about to run this and we are looking at running it as a Society game. Problem is that in looking at it, you get 3XP for the first book of the Adventure path. I can understand this but then it makes it not really playable for Society unless you run additional modules to catch the characters up in-between the individual adventure path books (which is possible). If you start out playing the first book (Absalom Station), you would take a society character from 1 to 2 but in the book itself the characters go from 1 to 3. For Society characters, this will be difficult since the fights are geared for 2nd level characters in the latter parts of the Adventure Path book but if you are playing this as society, you can not level them up. Also, each book gives you 1 level (understandable) but then it means you have to play some society events in-between each path book since you would not be level specific enough to play them. This means there is no continuity in playing the adventure paths since you would have to play the path book and 3 society modules to keep up (whether you play the society modules before or after the path book determines if you have fairly easy fights early on or difficult fights in the latter portions of the path book.

There may need to be a way to play some of the society modules in the middle of the path book(s) to allow society characters to be able to catch up. Example if there is a gap between sections of the path book (like between sections 1 and 2 in the path book where your characters are supposed to jump from 1 to 2) and have society characters be able to play some modules to catch up.